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Thomas Fitzsimmons - The Extraordinary Life of an Ordinary Man
Thomas Fitzsimmons
This dishy memoir finds Fitzsimmons (author of Confessions of a Celebrity Bodyguard) digging into his days as a police officer in a brutal Bronx neighborhood, then his transition into modeling and acting, and finally—and most prominently—his life on the edge of New York City's rich and famous. The prologue plops the reader right in the middle of the story, as Fitzsimmons details a screaming 1991 fight between his sometime friend Donald Trump and Fitzsimmons’ own for-appearances-only ex-fiancé, Marla Maples, who would later go on to marry the future president. The fight’s subject: the possibility that Maples was interested in Bill O’Reilly, then an Inside Edition host.

That sets the scene for Fitzsimmons’s survey of New York’s glitterati in the 1980s and ‘90s, a time of excess alongside urban grit. After a harrowing career as a cop, Fitzsimmons hosts a television show, appears in commercials and bit parts, and does a number of modeling photoshoots. Along the way, he meets and befriends the famous, occasionally living close to tragedy. Fitzsimmons reports that his friendship was treasured by many because he knew how to keep his mouth shut. Now, Fitzsimmons goes into some detail, including the many ways in which he reports serving as a middleman to the elite.

The memoir is more about places and people Fitzsimmons has met as a sort of Zelig-like figure than a deep reflection on his life. There are shady mob figures, Hollywood friends like Larry Hagman, and tense stories about stalkers and life on the edge. Above all, Fitzsimmons is a keen observer and listener whose exploits doing private security balance the book’s tabloid elements. The heart of the story, though, is his seemingly futile attempt at finding lasting love, until he married Wendy, the great love of his life. That ends in tragedy, and the memoir represents a way of honoring her memory while dishing out yarn after yarn.

Takeaway: Page-turning memoir of a cop-turned-model’s adventures among New York’s elite.

Comparable Titles: Nelson Aspen’s Dancing Between the Raindrops, Peter Gatien’s The Club King.

Production grades
Cover: A
Design and typography: A
Illustrations: N/A
Editing: A-
Marketing copy: A

Who's There?: A Collection of Stories (Where Nightmares Dwell)
Dimas Rio
Menace oozes off the pages of this collection of gripping short stories from Rio, a treat for readers who appreciate the surprising beauty of sheer horror. The tales delve into both the shadows of our world and “the hidden cavities of [the] soul” as Rio’s protagonists face both terrors rooted in Asian folk traditions as well as their own true selves: “drunk, paranoid and drenched, like someone just took a leak on him,” a man searches desperately for his fiancee on the eve of their wedding, only to discover nauseating death. Rio, who was born in Indonesian and uses that nation as a setting, keeps readers on their toes with ambitions not limited to a single genre. One story builds, bloodily, to a spike tearing flesh; the ghostly “The Voice Canal,” meanwhile, in which a student believes he hears the voice of his late father, pierces the heart instead.

Poetry and philosophy pepper and bookend the unsettling tales, without slowing down or undercutting narrative momentum, a testament to Rio’s artistry. Tension builds ominously as the nightmare realities of the scenarios dawn on characters and readers both—reading, it’s hard not to inch one’s nose closer to the page in shivering anticipation at “something old and mouldy” in the storeroom, or at a business man giving his “peasant” lover his mother’s necklace, a perverse sort of “coronation,” when the lover knows the mother would consider her “a dishonorable woman” who “fornicates” with the son. Afterwards, the couple “maul[s] each other as if they lusted for blood”—as in, they make love—and when the trap snaps, the entranced reader is as surprised as the prey.

This Indonesia is haunted by ghosts and devils and dispatches from the dead, but also guilt, class concerns, and more. Repeating figures like overbearing mothers and disloyal lovers feels universal, even if the myths and legends breathing life into these stories are fresh to readers.

Takeaway: Gripping, unsettling horror stories of a haunted Indonesia.

Comparable Titles: Intan Paramaditha’s Apple and Knife, Adam Nevill’s Some Will Not Sleep.

Production grades
Cover: A-
Design and typography: A
Illustrations: N/A
Editing: A
Marketing copy: A-

Rethinking Money and Finance: Economics, Morality and Common Sense
Richard G Patterson
Making the case that economics is less a science than a branch of moral philosophy, this clear-eyed treatise from Patterson (author of Understanding Thomas Sowell) dissects economic orthodoxies and truisms at both theoretical and practical levels, taking aim at societal abuses that come at the hands of capitalism—namely a lopsided wealth distribution that puts most of the power and the benefits that come with it, into the hands of a lucky few. “Exploring the way we conceive of money,” he writes, “is one way to free our minds from the prison cell of dogma.” Rethinking Money and Finance urges readers to not accept as “inevitable” or ““divinely mandated” market outcomes like an increasingly greater number of people forced to choose between life in abject poverty or working ever harder simply to “keep their head above water,” without opportunity to accumulate real wealth.

Patterson, like many of the philosophers, economists, and other heavyweight thinkers he cites, is a long-term thinker facing a world of finance dominated by short-term interests. As he notes in his clarifying discussion of the broad-based mortgage collapse now known as The Big Short, economies are subject to the will of many whose relatively quick grab for profits and/or power tend to help a few get rich at the expense of the many. Rethinking Money and Finance calls for recognizing this as a human choice rather than a natural law of markets.

In his sharp-elbowed, well-researched considerations of Modern Monetary Theory, “the fetish of liquidity,” the messages peddled by “financial ‘news,’” globalization trends, and more, he argues, with persuasive power, that substantive reform can only come after establishing a vision, a clear and shared sense of what economies themselves should do. That’s the vital societal step to change, Patterson argues, and his thorough examination of economic terms, policy, crises, and above all else assumptions proves both pained and heartening.

Takeaway: Sharply argued case for economics not being a science at all.

Comparable Titles: Nicky Pouw’s Wellbeing Economics, Robert Skidelsky’s What’s Wrong with Economics?.

Production grades
Cover: A-
Design and typography: A
Illustrations: N/A
Editing: A
Marketing copy: A

Click here for more about Rethinking Money and Finance
A Southern Enchantress
Deborah Trahan
With a keen eye for atmospheric detail and a clear passion for history, Trahan’s debut novel deftly explores the resilience of women faced with decades of generational trauma and a legacy as enchantresses. With a backdrop spanning Louisiana and Mississippi, the plot traces threads through the lives of two women in time spanning from the 1940s to 2010s. Suzanne, the divorced mother of twins, is blessed and cursed by clairsentience. Her romance with too-smooth sociopathic real estate developer, Max, however, catapults her onto a journey of self-discovery, beginning with his unstable temperament and lies about his dead wife, Farrah. Addy, meanwhile, is a bright young aspiring clothing designer, who finds herself burdened with the extrasensory abilities that plague her family line. She, too, finds herself in a bad romance, one stained by violence and betrayal—this time with a young pilot at the tail end of World War II.

Ghosts take top billing in this perceptive and thoughtful fantasy tinged with horror. While Suzanne never much believed in her mother’s hoodoo teachings, a legacy of her Choctaw ancestry, she’s dealt with the spirits all of her life as a conduit and guide. Her journey parallels beautifully with Addy’s in that Addy wasn’t allowed much of an education in the hoodoo practiced by her grandmother, Mimi Jeanne. She, like Suzanne, had one foot in the spirit world and the other on Earth. Elegant details are painted with broad strokes, transporting readers to timelessly beautiful locations.

While the time jumps are, at first, jarring, their rhythm soon becomes clear, offering delicate layers of perspective. Chapters with Suzanne’s narration and contemporary perspectives are largely told using third person and present tense, while those in the 1940s favor past tense, which creates strikingly different moods. Sexual assault, violence against women, gaslighting and emotional abuse all make an appearance, but are sensitively handled.

Takeaway: Time-crossed novel of spirits, generational trauma, and two remarkable women.

Comparable Titles: Joyce Maynard’s The Bird Hotel, Jessica Dodge’s Misplaced Magic.

Production grades
Cover: A
Design and typography: A
Illustrations: N/A
Editing: A-
Marketing copy: A

Click here for more about A Southern Enchantress
Tales of the Ravensdaughter - Collection One
Erin Hunt Rado
Rado (author of Gray Warrior) collects six brisk, surprising epic fantasy novellas centered on compelling hero, Alerice, who, after an act of righteous vengeance leads to her murder, becomes a “Realme Walker” endowed with the weapons of the Raven Queen, a not-of-our-world power who shares her court with her husband, the scheming King of Shadows. Returned to Mortalia, the realm of mortals, Alerice is charged with acting on the Raven Queen’s will, which naturally leads to danger—she faces fierce beasts, uncertain alliances, and even a ring of pedophiles. At her side, to her surprise, is Kreston, who bears the mark of the King of Shadows, and at times seems to be working against the Raven Queen’s goals. When not facing off against demon toads or kelpies, Alerice wonders whether she and Kreston can trust each other, as each’s master seems capable of charging one to kill the other.

Complicating matters in these swift, engaging stories is Alerice’s strong sense of justice, inherited from her father, which puts her at odds with the orders of the Raven Queen, who insists that Alerice’s weapons—a dagger and two bladed, extendable “pixie poles”—should only be deployed for the queen’s purposes, not merely to save the lives of innocent mortals. Each entry offers a mostly standalone adventure, taking readers to exciting locations like a fauns’ glen and an abbey beset by wyverns, but the serialized elements are tense and compelling, especially once Kreston has developed urgent feelings for Alerice, and the King of Shadows instructs him to steal a mighty bauble from Alerice’s patron.

Action is lively and inventive, and Rado’s worldbuilding is strong, full of surprises, mythic mysteries, all-too-human gods, and a memorable sense of place, whether the caverns, underworlds, or inviting taverns. The prose tends toward the matter-of-fact, at times not measuring up to the magic of the world, but the dialogue, characterization, and the spirit of adventure are all vigorous. Here’s sword-and-sorcery with real heart.

Takeaway: Rousing epic fantasy novellas of a realms-crossing heroine.

Comparable Titles: Michelle Sagara, Tamora Pierce.

Production grades
Cover: B+
Design and typography: A-
Illustrations: N/A
Editing: A-
Marketing copy: A-

Isle of Stars: The Second Book of Moon Mountain
Jess Porto
The surprising second entry in Porto’s 1990s-set supernatural Moon Mountain trilogy continues to chronicle the increasingly complicated life of Morgan Thomas, now facing a true nightmare in her charming North Carolina hometown: a mysterious entity has occupied her body as a “vessel” while her mind languishes “deep inside” a subconscious prison. Stranger still, adversary-turned-ally Vera Gallagher, the mother of a friend, actually shares Morgan’s body, and must explain this situation, through Morgan’s own mouth, to those Morgan trusts most. Soon, Morgan embarks on a perilous, twisty quest for survival against elusive foes who possess humans and wreak havoc. She unearths new mysteries, forges surprise alliances, and carries g the burden of those who have given all in the fight against an elusive invasion that, she learns, is led by a “cold and calculating” entity “with no qualms about torturing and punishing its enemies and using those around it for its own pleasure or gain.”

The saga unfolds at a swift pace with ever-rising stakes as Morgan faces the “slithering fingers” of a blankness she could fade into, and possessions continue in the outside world, which powers a strong sense of uncertain anxiety. Pages devoted to Vera explaining things about these “foreign essence”s and “the Beyond” to Morgan—and to readers—find Porto taking full advantage of this imaginative setup, as Vera conjures visions of her own life and Morgan’s efforts to control her own memories kicks up literal storms. Porto skillfully defies conventional good vs. evil tropes by imbuing the invaders with shades of gray, and the subconscious realm and surrealist liminal spaces through which Morgan journeys are, as the title suggests, inventive and evocative.

At its core, this inward-looking thriller is a journey of hope and self-discovery, psyche and sacrifice, a story concerned with what it’s worth risking everything to save. (A character declares, “One word: humanity.”) The characters make clever use of Porto’s worldbuilding, and the ending satisfies, while pointing to revelations to come. New readers should start with the first book.

Takeaway: Tense, effective thriller of body takeovers and what’s beyond consciousness.

Comparable Titles: Sara Gran’s Come Closer, Blake Crouch’s Dark Matter.

Production grades
Cover: A
Design and typography: A
Illustrations: N/A
Editing: A
Marketing copy: A

Click here for more about Isle of Stars
Hypatia: In Her Own Words
Lukman Clark
Clark’s captivating historical journey into the life of Hypatia, a woman of many talents, delves into a pivotal period when Christianity and power were making significant inroads into the world in the early A.D. years. Clark, author of The Alexandrian Scrolls, demonstrates meticulous research into the clash between different Christian sects and pagan beliefs and how one woman left an immense legacy. The novel opens with an intriguing note from a translator, Brandon Blake, who reports having discovered five ancient papyrus scrolls in a North African cave during “a harrowing session of past life regression.” In that lifetime, as an Arab hydrologist in the 10th century, Blake did not live long enough to retrieve the scrolls. Through international intrigue and spiritual reckoning, he found them now and translated Hypatia’s own handwritten story in which she shares her tumultuous life from her girlhood as Tuya and Catherine to her middle age as Hypatia.

Structured like the five scrolls, Hypatia shares her insurmountable losses and details the struggles of her time. A woman ahead of her time, Hypatia experiences olive picking and papyrus manufacturing, while arriving at realizations like “There is no security in life. There is no one and no thing to rely upon.” Yet she still believes that “Life is so utterly beautiful.” Her goal is to “counter-balance the crowd mentality” as she navigates history, philosophy, astronomy, and geometry. She faces formidable opponents and dangers, and benefits from mysterious assistance, not always choosing the easy or popular way.

Clark skillfully highlights name changes, reflecting the transformations in the characters’ lives. Jason, the camel driver, transitions into Theophilus, whose ambition and Christian piety reflect the uncertainty Alexandrians faced in a time of external threats and internal corruption. Clark disparages the “literary legend” of Hypatia, offering a thought-provoking and engaging narrative that brings to life the complexities of a fascinating period that, in Clark’s handling, connects to the present with some urgency.

Takeaway: Vivid historical novel of Hypatia, pagan beliefs, and the tumult of Late antiquity.

Comparable Titles: Ki Longfellow’s Flow Down Like Silver, Hypatia of Alexandria, Faith L. Justice’s Selene of Alexandria.

Production grades
Cover: B
Design and typography: A
Illustrations: N/A
Editing: A
Marketing copy: A

Click here for more about Hypatia
What Lies Buried
Leslie Kain
In this emotional family saga and thriller, Kain (author of Secrets In The Mirror) explores PTSD and childhood trauma in a narrative blending psychological suspense with hard-won emotional breakthroughs. Gavin DiMasi is trying to move on with his life after the heartbreaking discovery of the death by suicide of his twin brother, Devon. Living in the peaceful paradise of Kauai with his wife, Katie and his toddler, Maggie, Gavin struggles daily with this loss as well as the trauma of his abusive childhood. When Gavin receives news that he needs to settle his late father's estate back in Boston, both Gavin and Katie have reservations about his return to his childhood home, understanding that this visit could set into motion emotional triggers that can send Gavin over the edge.

Kain handles the heavy topics of abuse, grief, and facing old wounds with sensitivity that doesn’t dilute the story’s impact. Gavin will resonate with readers interested in healing, even as he spirals further into his mental anguish. Exploring the effects of mental illness on not only the individual suffering from it, but those closest to him, What Lies Buried is a humane and engaging story that’s frank about the challenges of recovery. Gavin not only has to deal with his PTSD and grief but also the nagging possibility that someone is watching him as he deals with his family's estate. After discovering his family's surprise connection to the local mob syndicate, he enlists the help of his high school best friend, Trayvon, who works with the FBI.

Adding to the tension, everyone around notices Gavin's descent—his grandparents, his wife, his best friend, and his psychiatrist—but by the time they realize he might be a danger to himself, their efforts to help may come too late. Kain has crafted a fast-paced contemporary thriller that delves with insight into themes of mental health. Readers who enjoy unreliable narrators and jolting plot twists will enjoy this.

Takeaway: Psychological thriller digging into PTSD, family secrets, and generational abuse.

Comparable Titles: Erin Kelly’s Stone Mothers, Liane Moriarty’s The Husband’s Secret.

Production grades
Cover: A-
Design and typography: A
Illustrations: N/A
Editing: A
Marketing copy: A

Click here for more about What Lies Buried
Blackmailer's Delight: A Georgian Era Romp
David Lawrence
This passionate, uproarious gay romance from Lawrence (author of Hugh) unfolds in the Georgian era, when marital unions carried immense societal weight and the pursuit of forbidden love proved a nearly insurmountable challenge. Daniel Thornton diverts his woes from his philandering ex-lover Clarence Hopper to care for his ailing uncle in the bustling town of Grantham, England. Amidst the societal expectations of securing a suitable bride as a promising bachelor who is about to earn his uncle's inheritance, Bridget Morley, daughter of a tradesman, emerges as a potential candidate. However, Daniel's attention is unexpectedly diverted to Bridget's brother, Luke, who has harbored a profound infatuation with him for the past five months.

The affair is made more complicated by the arrival of Clarence, desperate to win Daniel back, and the anonymous blackmail notes that threaten to expose both Daniel and Luke's sexuality. In a series of secret rendezvous, heated arguments and affairs, and repeated reminders of familial obligations, Lawrence deftly navigates the excruciating shame and guilt in concealing one's sexuality from an all-too-often judgemental society. "There is no place for me, or you, in a town like this. Perhaps in a city, where we could be anonymous. But that isn't truly being accepted, is it?" Luke says, an urgent and still all-too-timely reminder of the importance of accepting one’s self first and foremost.

Indeed, beyond the struggle for acceptance, Lawrence crafts a romance that rouses, with twists, surprises, and a randy wit. Blackmailer’s Delight does not extensively dwell on the falling-in-love phase, introducing complications early on, and lingering with playful precision on erotic romps. The bittersweet love triangle unfolds as a tale of being seen and understood, accepting queerness, taking no love for granted, and allowing oneself to indulge in the youthful pleasure of loving and being loved. Perfect for readers fond of LGBTQ+ romances with an erotic edge.

Takeaway: Randy, heartfelt winner of a gay Georgian romance.

Comparable Titles: Cat Sebastian’s The Queer Principles of Kit Webb, K.J. Charles’s The Secret Lives of Country Gentlemen.

Production grades
Cover: A-
Design and typography: A-
Illustrations: N/A
Editing: A-
Marketing copy: A

Click here for more about Blackmailer's Delight
And Always One More Time: A Memoir
Margaret Mandell
Mandell stuns with a riveting debut memoir chronicling her grief at the death of her husband, Herb—and her eventual rebirth into “a whole tree again inside and out, standing tall, for now.” Through heartfelt letters to her deceased husband, Mandell recounts their deep love affair and years of intimate time together swimming, taking yoga classes, and traveling, remembering Herb’s determination to stay fit and strong into his later years. That determination came crashing down around them on the heels of Herb’s pulmonary fibrosis diagnosis—a disease, that, according to him, was “worse than cancer” and led to his death shortly after.

Mandell writes of Herb’s rapid deterioration in intimate, hushed tones, recalling his pneumonia (“the end of the road for anyone with pulmonary fibrosis”) and her looming “sixty-something” birthday, reflecting on Herb’s unconditional love and, to the very end, concern for her: when he declares “this is not what you signed up for,” Mandell replies “This is our love story… “there is no place else I’d rather be.” That love forms the backbone of the memoir, even after Herb’s death, as Mandell grapples with her new life amid bone-crushing grief. An emergency hospital stay of her own leads her back into yoga, and, as she questions her identity without Herb, she eventually experiences the kindling of a new love, with John, a college professor.

Throughout, Mandell traces the threads of life that continue to interlace, long after Herb is gone—the presence of their two adult children, her eventual marriage to John, the COVID lockdown, and her most challenging job yet: letting Herb go. Her relationship with John is sweet to watch, as the couple navigates the future while remembering the past, and her growth from lost to regenerated is an arresting reminder to be “open to all that comes [your] way.”

Takeaway: Heart-wrenching, life-affirming memoir of love, grief, and regeneration.

Comparable Titles: Laura June’s Now My Heart Is Full, Joan Didion’s The Year of Magical Thinking.

Production grades
Cover: A
Design and typography: A
Illustrations: A
Editing: A
Marketing copy: A

Click here for more about And Always One More Time: A Memoir
The Esmeralda Goodbye
Corey Lynn Fayman
Murders, mobsters, intelligence agency intrigue, and a touch of old-Hollywood glamor power this accomplished crime noir novel from Fayman (author of the Rolly Waters mystery series). In the 1950s, San Diego police officer Jake Stirling’s career is off to a successful start after he prevents the suicide of harboiled author Raymond Chandler, whose titles are echoed by this novel’s. The next year, Jake, assigned to La Jolla, is called to investigate the theft of Zsa Zsa Gabor’s diamond necklace and the train case it was stored in from the Del Charro Hotel room she shares with her latest paramour, Artie Corcoran. Working the case, Jake meets FBI director J. Edgar Hoover, who seeks Jake’s loyalty, asking him to update Hoover about the investigation rather than Jake’s boss, Captain Wade Lennox. Jake recovers the missing necklace, but not the train case, but the body count rises, with gangsters like Meyer Lansky seemingly involved.

Uncertain who to trust, Jake—a good cop who joined the force “to serve and protect”—endeavors to find the truth before anyone else winds up dead, including him. Fayman adds authenticity to this brisk, twisty mystery with a richly evoked milieu, from beach mansions to sea caves to a Hollywood premiere, and historical figures with a real La Jolla connection. Their fictionalized dialogue and motivations feel fitting to the genre—Chandler even tips Jake off to classic noir elements like the possible corruption of the police department and the captain he works for.

The story finds Jake’s faith in institutions tested as he learns that even Hoover is not upstanding in either how he treats others or in his blatant racist remarks. Bursts of action and romance are effective, but it is Fayman’s stunning conclusion, with Jake faced with the reality of not trusting anyone in his professional life, and the hint of future installments, that will resonate most with readers.

Takeaway: A young cop can trust no one in this superior 1950s California noir.

Comparable Titles: Steph Cha’s Follow Her Home, Jordan Harper’s Everybody Knows.

Production grades
Cover: A
Design and typography: A
Illustrations: N/A
Editing: A-
Marketing copy: A

Click here for more about The Esmeralda Goodbye
CONSOLIDATED WISDOM: The Ultimate Book of Quotations For Success, Happiness and Health
Gene S. Jones
This compendium of inspiring quotations offers a guided tour through ideals of wisdom, humanity, love, creativity, and other urgent subjects explored in depth through the words of philosophers, athletes, presidents, and more. In Consolidated Wisdom, Jones (author of Younger and Wiser) considers the evolution of thought and wisdom across the ages of human civilization from biblical times to current day. With an eclectic mix of selections, from sources ranging from King Solomon to Bruce Lee, Jones has gathered often surprising musings, each “an insight drawn from someone’s lifetime of experience,” to provide insight into taking ownership of one's life with the goal, as he notes in an introduction, of offering “diverse blueprints for people of all ages, ethnicities and nationalities to pursue maximum success and happiness."

Each chapter features an engaging introduction from Jones and a section of quotes that fit the chapter's category, which include "Nature & Native American Wisdom,” "Humor & the Immortal Yogi Berra,” and more. Jones's quotations are sourced from books, magazine interviews/articles, cultural proverbs, the Bible, and even Twitter posts. In recurring section "Great Minds Think Alike,” quotes that share the same sentiment or message are grouped together, showing different perspectives over the ages on shared convictions and enriching understanding–Consolidated Wisdom quotes Lincoln, Yeats, Copernicus, Mandela, Donna Brazile, and the Indian mystic Kabir on the same page.

The chapter "Wisdom Meditations" finds Jones, a creativity consultant, introducing the art of autobrainstorming, a method of meditation intended to help readers “tap” into “inner wisdom.” Jones offers original, flexible guidance and examples, coaching readers through, and studding the inviting instructions with more quotes. Each chapter ends with tools leading readers to related material. Consolidated Wisdom is an inspiring, well-organized resource guide that finds common cause with thinkers across millenia. It’s suited for readers wanting to explore wisdom through multiple frames of reference running the gamut of the human experience.

Takeaway: Inspiring exploration of wisdom through quotations and meditative practices.

Comparable Titles: Julie Fournier's Daily Wisdom, D.W. Brown's 2500 Years of Wisdom.

Production grades
Cover: A-
Design and typography: A-
Illustrations: N/A
Editing: A
Marketing copy: A

Click here for more about CONSOLIDATED WISDOM
Shitamachi Scam
Michael Pronko
In this sixth outing in the Detective Hiroshi series, the Tokyo accountant/police officer and his team navigate multiple levels of fraud: low-level hoodlum Takuya, whose gang swindles the elderly; a daring scooter-riding thief; and a secretive criminal named Kurono with his own agenda. The various threads come together in a major plan to redevelop Tokyo. Meanwhile, Hiroshi's girlfriend Ayana is pregnant, and he wonders if he can be both a detective and family man. Takuya finds that even criminals can face a midlife crisis, as he mulls over his romance with restaurateur Misaki.

A wonderfully twisty plot holds readers' attention, but the greatest joy comes from the characters as police and criminals move toward personal and professional reckonings. Pronko deftly moves Hiroshi from crime solving to coping with the hormonal Ayana and her mother. Hiroshi also must work with his fellow detectives, such as the old-fashioned detective Takamatsu with a penchant for European clothes and Ishii, a female detective who is both progressive and traditional. Pronko likewise crafts criminals who prove just as well-limned, stirring reader sympathy for the criminal Takuya, and hope for his redemption rather than his capture. The subtly effective character development elevates the story far beyond the usual police procedural.

The best character may be Tokyo itself, which Pronko neatly introduces to Western readers, from old-fashioned ramen restaurants with their dingy charm to the skyscrapers homogenizing the city. Pronko does as good a job of taking us on a trip through Tokyo—and a sweet and mournful journey it is—as Simenon does through Inspector Maigret's Paris. He also suffuses the story with Japanese ritual and tradition. The overall effect is a book that operates on multiple levels—and is successful with each of them. The clever plot, engaging characters and haunting themes will stay with readers long after they read the last page.

Takeaway: Clever, haunting procedural with a resonant cast and a vivid Tokyo milieu.

Comparable Titles: Keigo Higashino; Georges Simenon.

Production grades
Cover: A-
Design and typography: A
Illustrations: N/A
Editing: A
Marketing copy: A-

Click here for more about Shitamachi Scam
Becoming Modigliani
Henri Colt M.D.
This illuminating biography of Amedeo Modigliani, the Italian painter and sculptor who died at age 35 with a reputation as a Cassanova-esque bad boy of fin-de-siècle art, urges a reconsideration of the artist’s life by emphasizing the reality of tuberculosis and what it’s like to live with a deadly diagnosis and a wrenching, tell-tale cough certain to prompt one’s ostracization in society. “To hide his cough, he invented for himself an almost hysterical laugh,” the sculptor Ossip Zadkine wrote. Colt, Emeritus Professor of Pulmonary Medicine at the University of California, bolsters such testimony with thorough examinations of tuberculosis, gonorrhea, and other diseases, over history and in Modigliani’s moment in Paris’s Montmartre district in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, making a compelling case that the artist’s consumption of alcohol and opioids was, at heart, a way to control his symptoms.

Modigliani contracted the disease in his youth—as his sister put it, “the doctor’s diagnosis held no hope”—and entered the world of Belle Epoque Paris at a time when, as Colt writes, “even kissing was to be avoided” due to contagion. Colt takes on the romanticized legend of Modigliani’s hedonism and substance abuse (“there is no hard evidence Modigliani spent his days in a drunken and drugged stupor”) without downplaying contemporary accounts of the artist’s “rowdy behavior.” The Modigliani that emerges in this telling is a relentlessly productive genius, given to muses and lovers, all too aware of his own mortality, an awareness heightened as war ravages Europe.

Colt balances extensive considerations of the history, treatment, and effects of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and other illnesses with considerations of Modigliani’s work that draw smartly from a host of sources, critics, and contemporaries. A chapter on nudes is incisive, as are exploration of the artist’s relationships with his lovers and friends. Also strong: his rich evocation of bohemian life and the Montmartre, the storytelling tinged with romance but never lost in it.

Takeaway: Myth-busting biography of Modigliani, with an emphasis on the tubercular life.

Comparable Titles: Meryle Secrest’s Modigliani: A Life, David S. Barnes’s The Making of a Social Disease.

Production grades
Cover: B
Design and typography: A
Illustrations: A
Editing: A
Marketing copy: A-

Click here for more about Becoming Modigliani
Bloodlines: A Memoir of Harm and Healing
Tracey Yokas
What is it like to love someone in unbearable pain and to parent them through it? Yokas’s unflinching but generous and ultimately rousing memoir plumbs this question with uncommon insight, digging into generational trauma, self-harm, disordered eating, and above all else how to face loved ones’ painful mental health issues with understanding. Yokas recounts feeling unmoored in the aftermath of her mother’s death, an unexpected loss that hit as Yokas already was worried about her eighth-grade daughter, Faith, facing an adolescence of bullies and misery due to being slightly overweight—an adolescence like Yokas’s own. Soon, Faith begins to forego meals “I had to beg her to eat the broiled chicken breast and steamed broccoli dinner”) and, one evening, intentionally thunks her head against her bedframe while lamenting her size.

Determined to save her daughter but with no idea how to make that happen, Yokas navigates a medical system and society that consistently fails people in need, straining her relationship with the emotionally volatile Faith and also her husband, Theo. Meanwhile, despite wrenching scenes and an “emotional pendulum” that swung from “rage to despair, desperation to worry,” Yokas looks into her past to examine and understand the emotional scars handed down from her parents, finding the courage and wisdom to persevere—and to both give and receive compassion, love, and support. Ultimately, it’s only when Yokas begins the hard work of standing up to her own history of rejection, low self-esteem, and neglect that healing becomes possible, for both mother and daughter.

Sharing a raw, honest look at facing and enduring a history of trauma, Bloodlines shows that the road to recovery is paved with acceptance, hope, and love. Yokas’s story, told with power and warmth, will help parents who are navigating mental health crises understand that the chains that bind us up in narratives often were forged long before we were born—and that they can be broken.

Takeaway: A mother’s raw, hopeful account of a daughter’s disordered eating.

Comparable Titles: Harriet Brown’s Brave Girl Eating, Hadley Freeman’s Good Girls.

Production grades
Cover: B
Design and typography: A
Illustrations: N/A
Editing: A
Marketing copy: A

Click here for more about Bloodlines
Ruby's Heart Song
Debbie Nutley
An adorable young penguin overcomes stage fright and learns self-confidence in the second of Nutley’s Pengwee & Ruby picture book series. When the glacier’s Talent Show rolls around, Ruby—a fledgling penguin who marches to her own beat—declares she’s “nexcited,” a combo of nervous and excited, to her friend, Pengwee. Being nexcited is no small thing, either, as Ruby goes on to explain it makes her “body feel all jumbly wumbly” and causes her heart to beat too loudly—so loud, she’s worried she’ll be a flop on stage.

Pengwee, in true best friend fashion, coaxes the value of having an extra strong heart out of Ruby, building her up with chummy assurances that his heart does the same thing when he’s uneasy, and the two discover they have quite a lot in common, as Ruby announces her heart “hip-hops when I’m happy, sinks when I’m sad,” just like Pengwee’s heart “dances when I’m delighted [and] burrows when I’m bummed.” Pengwee helps build Ruby’s confidence to take the stage, and, sure enough, a familiar face in the crowd gives her the self-assurance she needs to steal the show. Rusu’s cheery hued illustrations evoke the frosty feel of glaciers against a brilliant blue sky, and Ruby and Pengwee’s expressive eyes shine as they navigate the ups and downs of self-esteem.

Younger readers will fall for the fun words and sounds Nutley introduces: Ruby dances the “Jiggly Wiggly” after her stellar performance and “joggly woggly[s]” to Pengwee for a celebratory hug, declaring her heart is “as big and warm as sunshine.” For musical-minded readers, Nutley collaborated with a songwriter to bring Ruby’s Talent Show song to life. This is a cool tale with a warm, fuzzy center.

Takeaway: Warm-hearted tale of a penguin who finds the courage to be herself.

Comparable Titles: Rachel Bright’s The Lion Inside, Jacqueline Woodson’s The Day You Begin.

Production grades
Cover: A
Design and typography: A
Illustrations: A
Editing: A
Marketing copy: A

Click here for more about Ruby's Heart Song
