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  • Troublemakers’ Ball: Part One

    by Jill Rebryna
    Jake Dee is your average private detective. Finding lost items, doing background checks, not getting himself murdered, the usual. Except he’s an independent wizard in a world of Covens that will not tolerate his existence if they ever find him out. One spring day at sunset, he sees an angel fall right in front of him. She’s everything he ever wanted in a leading lady: beautiful, cold and probably dangerous. He immediately elects himself to protect her, whether from demons who want a fight or his... more
  • Ground

    by Robert Cameron
    In an England shattered almost beyond repair by the Great Catastrophe and the war that followed, Mark Norman is brought up in one of a few fertile Grounds, Grounds surrounded by land that is, at best, liable to cause sterility and, at worst, to be lethal to all who venture into it. His doubts about the truth of what he is taught increase and when duty calls him to sterile service in the Domain, ruled by a sterile but near-immortal nobility, he flees to the Outland, the land where rebels have mai... more
  • The Thicket

    by Ann Eames
    After weeks of not being able to see for smoke; there was a wall of thick vines which reached to the sky; people started to call it ‘The Thicket’. They were as thick as tree trunks, they grew and entwined just like creepers. Beyond the thicket lay a forest, mountains and very unusual animals and creatures. There lived a people who belonged to the same tribe; who were very special and very loyal and devoted to each other. Two children called Hali and Aaron who found their way into the forest, a f... more
  • Miller's Mansion

    by Johnathan P. Blackwell
    Charlie, a love-starved mortal, gets more than he bargained for when he buys the mysterious Miller’s Mansion. With the house comes a host of silent terrors and a woman of his dreams—or nightmares. Read on to experience the heated and bizarre passions and pains of this mortal and his otherworldly lovers. Through this story, you will feel the fluttering of first experiences and the agony of a broken heart, and you will taste the bitter tears of a coveted love that would live ... more
  • The Dream Lord

    by Johnathan P. Blackwell
    He's here because you want him here. The guardian of your inner self, caretaker of all you fear, and creator of your most intimate fantasies. He is "The Dream Lord!" Have you ever questioned the meaning of a dream or wondered what spurred a nightmare? If so, step into the world of dreams and their makers to witness the mystic possibilities of the mind, passions of reality, and depths of an elder's wisdom. In this vivid occult tale, The Dream Lord shows that, of dreams, anything is possible and ... more
  • Come the Kingdom

    by Heather Coen
    Riel Ran Agam is born just before his mother is murdered. Years later, Riel begins his quest to fulfill the Prophecy. As he learns and grows, he is connected with a mystical spiritual being named Liam and is accompanied by a band of unusual helpers. In a story full of mystery and adventure, we follow Riel as he evades the ruthless men trying to kill him and lands in a slave prone society of very religious people. After meeting the beautiful, evil Princess Estar, Riel must decide what he stands f... more
  • Myracles in the Void

    by Wes Dyson
    Myracles in the Void is a novel about two siblings, one with the power to create, the other to destroy. When their father becomes a Void, a monster of destruction, Lynd and her brother Gai attempt to fix him. The magic of myracles, powers that either bond or break, accompanies them on a journey across the land of Esa as they try to bring their family together. But there is much more at stake as they begin to learn the truth of the magic that has pulled their family apart.
  • Black Forest Bound (Book One)

    by Lorelei Gray

    “Fairy tales are real, and they’re trying to kill us.”

    Stranded at a mysterious castle deep in Germany’s infamous Black Forest, 10 high school seniors must solve riddles and fight through the Grimm Brothers' darkest fairy tales if they’re going to make it out of the forest alive.

    Sadie Reyes and Jenny Bell had been best friends most of their lives, until a traumatic event tore them apart. Sadie can’t forgive Jenny for her ro... more

  • The Shadow of the Rowan Tree

    by Florie Parker
    Are you a believer? The future of humanity depends on it! This story follows Daisy and Margot, the tooth fairy she dreams of, as they discover new things about each other’s worlds and find themselves in a plot to save them both. Daisy discovers that Aspirion, the fairy kingdom, is more real than she ever could have imagined, whilst Margot uncovers an unexpected treachery which threatens their survival. A tale of friendship, lies, teamwork and the power of believing. Two worlds inextricably lin... more
  • Defying the Ghosts: A Haunted House Story

    by Joan Marie Verba
    A teen without a home. A dangerous residence. Can she survive one terrifying night to secure her future? Charlene Griffin never thought she’d be without a home. But when she’s kicked out on her eighteenth birthday, she has no choice but to sleep inside an ominous Victorian mansion. And with the owner offering the estate to anyone who can spend a full night in the haunted property, Charlene decides to risk life and limb to get off the streets. Refusing to heed the warnings of those sent running... more
  • Shift

    by Melisa Geiger
    Those who have power will often do anything to keep it. And if something, or someone, comes along that is a threat to that power, then they have two options: control or eliminate. Seventeen-year-old Saige Matherson is imprisoned in the Criterion Sector because she is a deviation, a genetic anomaly that resulted from the dropping of a nuclear bomb over eighty years ago, creating people with telekinetic abilities. But is that all she can do? In a world where, rather than being treated equally, her... more
  • Phyllo Cane and the Circus of Wonder

    by Sharn Hutton

    Magic awaits, if you dare to believe.

    When Phyllo accidentally burns down the big top he can forget his dream of being a magical confectioner. It’s the Circuit for him instead.

    Now he must face a daunting string of magical apprenticeships, his first with the Fabulous Volante: the gravity-defying flyers of the high trapeze.

    Training is knee-trembling and mind-bogglingly dangerous but when Phyllo is found at the heart of yet another dis... more

  • Cyberbrain

    by Benoit Blanchard
    In the mid-21st century, newborns in the United States are legally required to befitted with a "cyber," an electronic device that has successfully slashed crime rates by changing the thought patterns of the people who have them. In Canada, however, cybers are still illegal. Max Wilson, the first man to successfully have his cyber surgically removed, has settled in Canada, seeking a new life and joining the fight to have the law changed in the United States. With Dr. Warren Alston, who removed h... more
  • William

    by Gerald J. Stalter
    A Riveting and immersive story in which freddie must use his ghost seeking abilities to help save humanuty during the approach of a dark fantasy war. As freddie embarks on his Journey with william, reader will become invested in their relationship, in addition to the numerous surprises the duo encounters. From beginning to end, readers will be immersed in the characters' adventures and shocked as the boy's learn information that can completely change thier fates.
  • Watch What You Wish For

    by Valerie Anne Hudson
    When three seventh-graders discover a Wishing Tree, they accidentally unleash its evil powers and the once thriving town of Mariposa becomes a shadow of its former self. As people go missing and lives are turned upside down, our unforgettable heroes are desperate to get things back to the way they were, while unknowingly on a journey of self-discovery.
  • The Search for the Scepter

    by Julie Dinges
    When Princesses Rosalie and Scarlet went to bed on a breezy summer night, they didn’t expect to awake to such a fright. Their father, the king’s, scepter was taken by a thief. The royal family was in utter disbelief. The princesses sneak out of bed and find a small clue. Their mission is clear, they know what they must do. Along their journey, they meet friends who help them track the thief down. Will they find him and return the scepter to their father who wears the crown?
