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Science, Nature, Technology

  • How to Alleviate Digital Transformation Debt Post-COVID-19

    by Dr. Setrag Khoshafian

    We are amid a digital revolution with unprecedented innovations. The pandemic has accelerated the requirements for "Digital Transformation." Organizations need to adopt and transform to survive and hopefully thrive.


    At the core of digitization there is very much an underlying principle of "debt." It comes originally from what Is called "technical debt." Simply, technical debt "reflects the implied cost of additional rework caused by choosing an easy solution now instead of using... more

  • Fixing Food: An FDA Insider Unravels the Myths and the Solutions

    by Richard Williams
    FIXING FOOD tells the stories of what really happens inside the FDA. Through these stories, I explain why one out of every six Americans gets food poisoning every year (CDC). In fact, every year, at least for the last decade, FDA cites this same number to justify their budget request to Congress. It also discusses why two thirds of us are overweight or obese and why, by 2030, despite FDA’s nutrition labeling, one out of every two Americans is expected to be obese.[1] To solve these problems, ... more
  • Our National Monuments: America's Hidden Gems

    by QT Luong

    With the stroke of a pen, the president of the United States can proclaim a national monument. The Antiquities Act of 1906 was enacted to provide an expedited means to protect areas of natural or cultural significance. Since then, 16 presidents have used the Act to preserve some of America' most treasured public lands and waters. In 2017, an unprecedented executive order was issued questioning these designations by calling for the review of 27 national monuments across 11 states and two o... more

  • The Simulated Multiverse

    by Rizwan Virk

    Do multiple versions of ourselves exist in parallel universes living out their lives in different timelines?

    In this follow up to his bestseller, The Simulation Hypothesis, MIT Computer Scientist and Silicon Valley Game Pioneer Rizwan Virk explores these topics from a new lens: that of simulation theory.  If we are living in a digital universe, then many of the complexities and baffling characteristics of our reality start to make more sense.  Quantum computing l... more



    The book is a collection of Short letters/essays on Childhood, Nature and Arts. Each letter is fewer than 12 sentences long, and is separated by a section mark. The letters are grouped into the aforesaid chapters. They are truths from my personal experiences, some I have lived, while others I have imagined. They do not follow any particular order, like a book of poems, you can pick anyone and meditate or reflect on it. A slow, deliberate read with a reading of the introductions will prepare a... more

  • Creating with Code

    by Dr. J. J. Weiler
    Creating with Code: A Fun Exploration of Computer-Generated Images and Machine Learning provides a comprehensive introduction to generating artistic images using the latest computer programming techniques. Presented in a fun and informative comic book style, this work explores the mechanisms, advantages, and limitations of emerging technology.
  • Fly Agaric: A Compendium of History, Pharmacology, Mythology, & Exploration

    by Kevin M. Feeney

    With more than two-dozen contributors and over 450-pages of content Fly Agaric is the most comprehensive book on the iconic red and white-spotted mushroom ever assembled. In the 29 chapters contained herein the reader is taken on a journey through history, folklore, and the magical landscapes experienced under the influence of the Fly Agaric, and its many close relatives. The reader of this book will learn:

    • How to recognize and identify over a dozen types of psychoactive Amanita sp... more
  • The Infinite Tree & The Rivers of Time: Time, Experience, & The Foundations of Reality

    by Marc Garner

    An exploration of the human implications of relativity, and the philosophical questions raised by the discovery that time's passage is an illusion.

    As we peel back the layers in an attempt to sneak a glimpse into eternity, we find a light shining not only upon the nature of reality, but on the nature of ourselves...

  • A Simple Guide To Popular Physics

    by tony harris
    This simple guide does exactly what it promises: It offers even the most reluctant scientist a fascinating and user friendly introduction to the wonderful world of physics
  • What Is Ethics?

    by John Christopher Schoales
    This is a book on moral philosophy and practical ethics. It draws on insights of eminent philosophers and develops an explanation of ethics that can be applied to each person's life and to major social issues.
  • Welcome to Our Real Matrix

    by Tom Arant
    Did you know that we (and all life) are unknowingly imprisoned? That what you think is Reality has little to do with the truth? In these ways, our existence is like the virtual reality in the movie, The Matrix. The differences are more overwhelming, including that our Real Matrix emerged through biological processes without any intention nor direction (i.e., no sentient machines), and that there is no escape through taking a Red Pill. Welcome to Our Real Matrix proves all this using accept... more
  • The Anarchist Notebook

    by S.A Schussler

    Poetic maybe



    Philosophical - everyone will hate this book (the few who read it will, at first)

    Interesting - I know what a synopsis is

    Five years of my life poured into it; to no avail, I know


  • Economics for a Healthy Planet

    by Iain Miller
    Scientists have told us we are destroying the planet. Most of us get it, we have even declared a climate change emergency. So why aren’t we treating it like an emergency? As long as we strive to grow our economies, we will consume more man-made goods that damage the planet and take our lives further away from nature. Economic growth over the past century is unprecedented, but the majority of the increased prosperity has been enjoyed by a tiny minority of billionaires, while most of us feel fa... more
  • First Principles: Building Perimeter Institute

    by Howard Burton
    In this second edition of First Principles: Building Perimeter Institute, Howard Burton tells the remarkable and unconventional story—with a bold and biting humour and surprising candour—of the founding of Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Waterloo, Canada. Howard was the Founding Director of Perimeter Institute and his experiences at developing the research and outreach mandates of PI are described in this thought-provoking book featuring a foreword by Nobel Laureate Roger Penrose.... more
  • What Is Present Reality: The Power of Managing the Limits of Science by Vipin Gupta

    by Chick Lit Café - Book Reviews, Promotions & Author Services
    What Is Present Reality: The Power of Managing the Limits of Science challenges the classical determinism, neoclassical thermodynamism, modern probabilistic relativism, as well as post-modern quantum indeterminism notions of knowing the present reality. It examines the diverse doctrines for planning the future reality. It shows that the present reality is neither the general notion about what it is nor the specific notion of what it is not. As a general notion, the present reality is a sum of th... more
  • The New Farmer's Almanac, Volume V: Grand Land Plan

    by Severine von Tscharner Fleming
    The New Farmer’s Almanac, Vol. V is an antidote to the repeating story of helplessness in the face of climo-politico-econo-corona-chaos. In these pages, dozens of contributing writers and artists report from the seas, the borders, the woods, the fields, and the hives. Farmers, poets, grocers, gardeners, architects, activists, agitators—all join forces to re-vision the future of food systems and land use. This is our Grand Land Plan. The New Farmer’s Almanac is a large-scale inquiry—both visua... more
