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Pop Culture & Sports

  • The Play about Theresa May

    by Amie M Marie
    Two different stage texts about Prime Minister, Theresa May, plus short reflective essays on the process of political theatre and the function of comedy. In the first piece, Theresa May longs to imitate the success of Augustus' Aeneid by coercing the poet laurate into writing pro-Tory propaganda. In the latter edition, Theresa May struggles to command the power she's spent her life striving for - and cannot keep the country together.
  • A Trip To London

    by Silvana Scibetta
    When we want life to surprise us, life ends up surprising us. We may live our daily lives after daydreaming and think: “I wish I could live my dream.” And no matter how “insignificant” our life can be, we would feel “stuck” and “unable” to change it. Until, for some reason, we find the courage to “offer ourselves” the chance of being happy: an opportunity that only we can give ourselves. And we realise that each of us has our own fairy tale to live. That is what happened to Bea: a girl like many... more
  • folk stories of sri lanka

    by mohamed najeeb
    This is a book composed of short and famous, Interesting folk stories of Sri Lanka.
  • Who's The Man? Billy Van!

    by Greg Oliver

    Billy Van was one of the greatest entertainers ever produced in Canada, and his story has never been told in its entirety until this biography, Who's The Man? Billy Van!

    He could sing, and did with The Four Grads, The Crescendos, The Billy Van Four, and The Billy Van Singers. He could dance, though not well. He could act, starring in CBC dramas such as Ladies Man and Wife and Man.

    But most importantly, he could make people laugh, whether you knew it ... more

