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Political & Social Sciences


    by SAMO
    This book completely refreshes the old educational thinking and teaching methods, and is a terminal revolution in the educational system, from which the educational progress of mankind has reached its end and can rest. The secularized Five illuminated anthroposophy educational system is just such a lion's roar: if the spiritual power of the old human beings wants to have a qualitative transformation into the new human beings, only education, and only the secularized Five illuminated anthroposoph... more
  • Capital de facto: An Inquire into the General Theory of Capitalism

    by Arman Calbay
    Feeling like your salary isn’t enough? Wondering if a college education has lost its value? Sadly, that’s the reality today. But do economists offer any strategic solutions? They don't! It's the same old story: the rallying cry for modern socialists is "Tax the Rich," while conservatives cling to the traditional mantra of "Work Hard." So predictable, boring, and out of touch! The last fresh idea in economics was Supply Side Economics, 40 years ago! Since then, nothing new. Today's economic de... more
  • Pioneering Prosperity: The Morazan Model for Free Cities

    by Joyce Brand
    Imagine living, working, and doing business in a community where you choose the rules of the game and they can’t be changed on you. Pioneering Prosperity introduces the concept of 'free cities,' where entrepreneurs have the freedom to innovate and collaborate without unnecessary red tape. It’s based on the real-world example of Ciudad Morazan, a ZEDE in Honduras. It's for creative thinkers ready to break new ground and take the lead in building the future of business and society. It’s about i... more

    by Jack Forbes
    MAY A GOVERNMENT, OR EMPLOYER, CONSTRUCT A LEGALLY ENFORCEABLE RULE OR PRACTICE WHICH VIOLATES A PERSON'S NATURAL LAW RIGHTS OF PRIVACY AND LIBERTY? This book discusses the written and unwritten boundaries of governmental, and employer, powers. In America, we employ constitutional rights such as due process, the right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures, the right to be free of cruel and unusual punishment, the right of privacy and the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of h... more
  • Making Money Real : The Radical Anti-Capitalism of Thermodynamics

    by BJ Chippindale
    In a book that connects our threat of extinction to the money we use, a NASA Engineer introduces a real definition of money and explains what that definition means to our society — and he’s NOT an economist. This time, we are going to have to do more than just occupy Wall Street.
  • To Stop a Tyrant: The Power of Political Followers to Make or Brake a Toxic Leader

    by Ira Chaleff
    It is a sad fact that the world is awash in political tyrants. ​So is human history. Ira Chaleff, an expert in political followership and one of the 100 “Best Minds in Leadership” (Leadership Excellence magazine) reveals how political followers can make or “brake” toxic leaders and what we can do—no matter our level of political influence or where we sit on the political spectrum—to support beneficial leaders and stop the rise of would-be tyrants. Political tyrants are one of the most des... more
  • You Wanna Put What, Where?

    by Brian Fasterling
    Hold on to your gurney and embark on a hilarious, side-splitting adventure through the often daunting world of medical procedures, where laughter truly becomes the best medicine. In this uproarious tale told from the often-overlooked perspective of the patient, Brian Fasterling masterfully weaves together humor and everyday life experiences in a comedic and clever medical memoir, creating a literary gem that will leave you in stitches. From relatable anecdotes to unexpected twists, each page ... more
  • A Charter of Negative Liberties (Second Edition): Defining the Bill of Rights and Other Commentary

    by C. Howard Diaz
    I'm not one of these conservatives who believe freedom of speech gives anyone the right to burn our flag. I'm not a conservative who believes there is no such thing as treason or *treasonous statements. I'm a conservative who believes evil people will use our Constitutional rights to their advantage against us. I don't believe the A.C.L.U. represents the true intent of the Constitution. I don't believe the National Education Association wants to teach our children or represents all teachers. ... more
  • The Art Of Strategic Communication: A Police Chief's Guide To Mastering Soundbites, Storytelling, And Community Engagement

    by Christopher Cook
    In today's fast-paced environment, the speed at which communication travels and the resounding calls for police accountability demonstrate a need for purposeful and intentional communications embedded in a strategic mindset. When done right, strategic communication can increase transparency, build trust, and encourage active community participation. Chief Cook has distilled over thirty years of experience into timely lessons filled with practical solutions that law enforcement leaders and commun... more
  • The Reformer’s Dilemma

    by Ricardo Rosselló Nevares
    Five out of six of us are not part of political extremes and want meaningful reform.
If you are reading this, chances are you are part of this silent-but-overwhelming majority. In a world where narrative is controlled by extremes, where do we find our voice? How can we recover our national talent to solve problems? 
  • How Contempt Destroys Democracy

    by Zachary Elwood
    This book explains why politically liberal and anti-Trump Americans should care about the problem of toxic political polarization and want to reduce it.
  • The American socio-political conundrums

    The faith of the US Democracy before the forces bearing upon it. The social madness consuming its core, through manifestations of Tribal, Cult, Regressive Identity Politics which found their roots within the masses of the discontent fueled by a nostalgia and romanticism over that vision of an endearing dream that seems to have been snatched away to a place unknown...
  • America in 2040 New Edition

    by David Walker
    This book provides a "Wake-up Call" regarding what the international and domestic situation could look like for America in 2040 absent a change in course. It includes an overview of the significant adverse implications of COVID-19 related activities, lessons learned from past great powers, and key concepts from our nation's founding and past history. It summarizes a broad range of economic, national security and domestic tranquility threats facing America, including the new and dangerous Modern ... more
  • Scamageddon

    by Mykl Davis

    Life sucks. The world sucks. We The People know it doesn’t have to be this way and we are seriously pissed off. This is not a liberal versus conservative war. This is not a rich versus poor people war. This is not a capitalism versus socialism war. This is not a white people versus everyone else war. WEALTHY POWERFUL PREDATORS AND SYSTEMIC PREDATION The reason life sucks, outside occasional acts of God, is due to the collateral damage resulting from the actions of some extremely wealthy... more

  • A Guide to Writing a Capstone Public Policy Report

    by Raymond Scheppach
    In my 10 plus years of teaching, I have found that students struggle with two major challenges in writing a quality capstone paper. First, they have difficulty creating a rigorous analytical framework. Too often, the papers tend to be more descriptive in nature, which means that the final policy recommendation may be flawed. This book attempts to fill that gap by discussing in detail the various components of the framework as well as their interdependence. Second, most public policy books are th... more
  • While We Slept: Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump, and the Corruption of American Democracy

    by Peter N. Grant Jr.
    In 2016, Vladimir Putin ordered Russian intelligence to execute an active measures and disinformation operation targeting the American presidential election. While the election of Donald Trump was a desired outcome of this campaign, its overall goal was to discredit American democracy in the eyes of its own citizens and the world. It succeeded. While We Slept provides a side-by-side examination of the lives and characters of Putin and Trump. It details the connections Trump and his campaign h... more
