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Political & Social Sciences

  • Machine See, Machine Do: How Technology Mirror Bias in Our Criminal Justice System

    by Patrick K. Lin

    “When today’s technology relies on yesterday’s data, it will simply mirror our past mistakes and biases.”

    AI and other high-tech tools embed and reinforce America’s history of prejudice and exclusion — even when they are used with the best intentions. Patrick K. Lin’s Machine See, Machine Do: How Technology Mirrors Bias in Our Criminal Justice System takes a deep and thorough look into the use of technology in the criminal justice syste... more

  • The Forgotten

    by Barbara Dorger
    In my 2004 book, Turbulent Skies, I wrote, “Maybe someday someone will write about the incredible actions of the flight crews on the morning of September 11, 2001.” This wish began to manifest in the 10th year after 9/11 when I had an overwhelming sensation that I should undertake this quest myself. In my first year of writing, as I researched and wrote, my body would chill, and I would cry. Once an article was finished, I could hardly get up out of my chair. I truly felt like I was on the plane... more
  • A More Perfect Union (Briefs)

    by Alexander Moss
    In 2021, YouGov/Bright Line Watch found that 47% of Democrats on the West coast and 66% of Republicans in Texas and the South supported breaking up the United States into new, regional unions This book explores the legal, economic, military and other considerations required to split into new nations in a series of quick, easy to read briefs.
  • Economic Cataracts: A Chronicle of Efforts to Remove the Obstacles of Urban Community Engagement and Economic Inclusion

    by Preston Love Jr.

    A clear view of what is,

    A hopeful perspective of what could be,

    And a realistic vision of how to alter the future.

    Preston began his quest for clarity with his return to his beloved hometown of Omaha to be with his ailing mother, Betty Love, in 2006 after the death of his famous father, Preston Love, Sr.

    The condition of his section of town, North Omaha, where almost all of the fifty thousand African-Americans live in Omaha was shocking, and became the #1 priority for... more

  • The Social Disaster

    by Larry Pepe
    THIS IS THE BOOK THE SOCIAL MEDIA INDUSTRY DOESN’T WANT YOU TO KNOW ABOUT Every day, hundreds of millions of people log on to social media, unaware of the harmful side effects lurking on the other side of the screen. Most of them have no idea that industry executives and insiders have admitted that these platforms are designed to psychologically manipulate them, get them hooked and monopolize their time. Possible Side Effects Associated With Social Media Usage May Include: •\tSocial ... more
  • America's Last Fortress

    by Alexander Odishelidze
    China's Belt and Road initiative is on the way. Premier Xi's agenda? For China to have unrestricted access to the rest of the world. At the focus is America's last fortress, Puerto Rico, which sits primely at the southern entrance of the Caribbean from the Atlantic Ocean. The only way that China can exercise influence in Puerto Rico-and move freely around the globe-is if Puerto Rico becomes an independent nation. Puerto Rico's political process is in shambles and the island is now slipping to... more
  • Socialism USA: A Plea for a Soft Variant

    by Phillip J. Bryson

    Socialism USA: A Plea for a Soft Variant, was written by one who rather dreads the coming socialist economy in the United States. It reviews the results of "hard" socialism in countries that have become totalitarian dictatorships, depriving their citizens of human rights and producing an equality of poverty. Of the two elements of genuine, Marxist-Leninist ("hard") socialism, it is the state's attempt to own and micro-manage every firm and corporation in the economy th... more

  • Comparing America's Public Schools: Lessons from Top Scoring Nations

    by Dan Peterson
    This book compares American public schools with multiple countries, especially with Canada, Finland, Japan, and South Korea. The topics include school finance, strengths of American public schools, academic achievement gaps, and a national plan for improving public schools. The book is unique since it disaggregates data from each country for just public schools, far different than other researchers.
  • More After the Break

    by Jen Maxfield
    In More After the Break, Jen Maxfield revisits ten memorable stories from her career as a TV news reporter, describing in heart-pounding detail how the events unfolded and revealing what happened after the cameras went away. She introduces readers to unforgettable people who will inspire you with their hopefulness, even when confronting life’s greatest heartbreaks: a young man who lost both legs in a ferry crash, an endurance athlete with stage-four lung cancer, a fifth grader on a doomed field ... more
  • The Patient

    by Olive Kobusingye
    The Patient is the story of Ugandan doctors and their patients through the decades, from Mulago Hospital’s very early days to the present. It’s the story of mostly young enthusiastic medical students becoming doctors, and choosing their paths in a corrupt and impoverished world where their own needs, wellbeing, and sanity, compete with the needs of their patients. It is the story of a hospital badly in need of healing, a health care system that is designed to fail, and a country whose continuing... more
  • Democracy Under Siege: It Could Never Happen In America

    by Mark Sobel
    In this critical study of the present threat to American Democracy from the legacy of the Trump Presidency and the violent insurrection at America's Capitol on January 6, 2021, filmmaker Mark Sobel takes us on a journey that spans the ongoing influence of Trumpism in America, and considers possible steps to assure the survival of democracy in the United States. This collection of author essays calls out the former President's unrelenting lies and racist speeches, looking at how they influence... more
  • Strong Connections

    by Rosa Wang
    Rosa Wang’s remarkable book takes readers to the last frontier of the mobile/digital revolution. While much has been written about breakthrough technologies and early adopters who live where roads are good and smart phones are affordable, this book explores the largely undocumented journey of how digital technologies are entering the lives of those in extreme poverty—people, often women, often illiterate—who live without electricity or running water. With powerful stories, Wang brings you to ... more
  • Policing Bodies: Law, Sex Work, and Desire in Johannesburg

    by India Thusi
    “Policing Bodies: Law, Sex Work, and Desire in Johannesburg” by I. India Thusi is set to be released worldwide on December 21, 2021. This transformative work examines relationships between police and sex workers in Johannesburg, South Africa, where legal ambiguity has led to inconsistent action and attitudes among law enforcement, leaving room for violence and stigma despite increased focus on human rights and social welfare. With Johannesburg as the backdrop, Thusi addresses broad issues of... more
  • The War in Southern Africa: An Analysis of South Africa's Total National Strategy (1948 - 1994)

    by Miguel Junior
    This book on the national strategy of Angola targets several objectives. First, to attest that the newly independent Angolan state also formulated a national strategy in the light of its political and philosophical vision. The Angolan state, during the period under consideration, had its own structured vision, which prevented it from going adrift and playing second fiddle within the context of political and military confrontation in Southern Africa. Second, to demonstrate that the Angolan state ... more
  • The Finger of God

    by Jesse Jackson Jr
    Let me offer an early disclaimer. I know exactly who the Founders were. I know exactly the crimes against humanity that they were responsible for and those they inherited and were not responsible for. I do not spend time extolling the virtues of Mr. Jefferson, Mr. Adams, Mr. Franklin, and Mr. Madison. Nothing in this work or in my experiment (my life’s work) can change the fact or alter the history of the debasement of humanity that preceded the Declaration of Independence (1776), the Constituti... more
