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Political & Social Sciences

  • Rethinking Money and Finance: Economics, Morality and Common Sense

    by Richard G Patterson

     The economic activity of our society is destroying the viability of life on earth and enabling a minute minority to accumulate vast wealth and power while much of the population struggles with poverty or insecurity. We have an inhumane economic system which is rooted in ideas propagated either by those who stand to gain from the system or by well-meaning people who have been persuaded that the current system represents centuries of evolutionary progress. There is nothing inevitable abou... more

  • Generation Hope

    by Arunjay Katakam
    “A generation of hope is what we need urgently. Here is a book helping ensure the next one proves precisely that.” —Yanis Varoufakis, author of Technofuedalism and Another Now It has become clear: Our current economic system is broken. Growth at all costs is unsustainable. It’s easy to get discouraged when faced with the reality of the current climate crisis, economic instability, and the vast income inequality across the globe. It’s obvious that our trajectory is aimed toward destruction... more
  • The Broken Whistle

    by Pedro Israel Orta
    The Broken Whistle is a searing exposé that unveils a chilling chapter in American history, a narrative meticulously recounted by Pedro Israel Orta. Plunged into the heart of power and deception, Orta emerged on September 23, 2019, with a Twitter thread that ignited a tempest that tore through the sinister underbelly of the Intelligence Community Whistleblower Protection Act (ICWPA), which had been perverted for political ends. In this gripping account, Orta fearlessly shines a light on a co... more
  • A Secret I Can't Tell

    by Joe Gantz
    In 1977 a law was passed in Florida banning discrimination in housing, employment, and public accommodation based on sexuality. This law was an important step towards respecting gay and lesbian civil rights. However, immediately after it was passed, a group called Save Our Children vowed to overturn the law. This group stirred up so much fear regarding the idea of a gay role model, such as a teacher, interacting with children that the gay-rights ordinance was repealed. In 1979 Joe Gantz decid... more
  • Our Constitutional Republic

    by William J. Dell
    What more can be said about a book than that all Americans should read and think about it? In this time of challenges for America, here is a reasonable, readable, passionate, balanced book telling the tale of our nation's meaning from before its founding until the present day. It captures the original American spirit of hunger for liberty and opportunity, of love of God, and of reverence for honest hard work. Written by a man who has served our country all his life and knows why he has done thi... more
  • To Save the Earth, Work Less! The Crucial Environmental Issue No One Is Talking About

    by Charles Siegel
    Americans believe we need rapid economic growth to create jobs and avoid unemployment—but that is because we do not have the choice of working shorter hours. The Dutch have a better model. By law, they can choose to work part time, which means they avoid unemployment by creating the amount of work people actually want rather than by creating more and more full-time jobs. In the course of this century, most nations of the world could emerge from poverty and have a comfortable middle-class standar... more
  • An Other World: The Fight for Freedom, Joy, and Belonging

    by Hanif Fazal
    We speak in we. A journey towards racial healing and the relationships that set us free. Addressing the leaders of today and tomorrow, An Other World alternates between heart-wrenching but hopeful letters to Hanif Fazal’s daughter Amina, reflections on Fazal’s formative life experiences and lessons on identity, Black and Brown relationships, and a unique type of freedom that could be available to all of us. ​​In this moving blend of social commentary and memoir with a call to action, Faza... more
  • Living in a Postcolonial World: Voices of Marginalised Communities

    by Alexandre-luc Wahlström Smith
    This book provides a comprehensive overview of postcolonial literature, examining its key themes, theories, and methodologies. It explores the experiences and perspectives of marginalized voices from former colonies, challenging the dominant narratives constructed by colonial powers. The book highlights the power dynamics and stereotypes perpetuated by colonialist literature and calls for a reinterpretation of history and culture from the perspective of the colonized. It also explores the concep... more
  • The Nature of Good Government

    by Doyle Smith
    The government should be a government of people, not money. The Occupy Wall Street movement senses this but lacks focus. This book provides that focus. The government has roles to play in the safety, conflict resolution, and pooling resources. The roles that the government has to play require strict adherence to the rules. There can be no forgiveness. Religion asks for perfection. To ask for the impossible guarantees failure. The role religion has to play must have forgiveness for failure ... more
  • Anti-Black Prejudice in America

    by Anders Eklof

    Anti-Black Prejudice in America traces the deep historical roots of colonial/racial attitudes of Europeans as they discovered, conquered, and settled the Americas, importing and exploiting enslaved Africans as their labor force. Europeans saw themselves as inherently far superior to non-European people. They did not accord those "others" the same respect and rights as they owed to those of their own racial, national, and religious background.

    The very instituti... more

  • Becoming Angels in Paradise

    by Benjamin Freeman
    Based on sixty years of research, contemplation, visions and eureka moments, I wrote “Becoming Angels in Paradise.” It shows how all the most revered holy books, most related secular evidence and post-modern objective conditions jointly illuminate a path towards a far better future. Wouldn’t your many thoughtful readers want to know that there is a viable way to replace when Einstein called “the unparalleled catastrophe” we are heading towards with a sustainable and more fulfilling futu... more
  • Deep Disinformation: Can AI-Generated Fake News Swing an Election?

    by Ashley Parker Owens
    Dive into the shadowy world of fake news powered by artificial intelligence in the thrilling book Deep Disinformation: Can AI-Generated Fake News Swing an Election? This gripping guide takes you on a mind-bending journey to uncover how advanced tech is being used to manipulate everything we think we know. Presented in a nonpartisan approach with relevant links to articles, podcasts, YouTube videos, and more, see how realistic synthetic media threatens to destroy truth. This crucial manual offe... more
  • America in Turmoil

    by John DeQ. Briggs

    America in Turmoil is a diverse collection of thought-provoking and very readable essays by Washington lawyer and founding editor of The Chesapeake Observer, John DeQ. Briggs. Each originally published as a single online column, these essays offer an insightful look into the scores of consequential events that took place from pre-pandemic late 2019 through the tumultuous times of 2020-22. Among these events were: the murder of George Floyd, the rise and transmogrification of the BLM movement,... more

  • The Awesome Kids Guide to Race

    by Shayla Reese Griffin
    The Awesome Kids Guide to Race tells the sweeping story of race in the United States of America. This beautifully illustrated picture book includes: Profiles of inspiring activists who are Black, Indigenous, Asian, Pacific Islander, White, Latine, MENA, and Multiracial so all kids can feel proud of who they are!; Interesting facts about the contributions of racially diverse groups from around the world!; Simple explanations of complicated concepts like race, racism, white privilege, implicit bia... more
  • The Nature of Good Government

    by Herbert Smith
    The government should be a government of people, not money. The Occupy Wall Street movement senses this but lacks focus. This book provides that focus. The government has roles to play in the safety, conflict resolution, and pooling resources. The roles that the government has to play require strict adherence to the rules. There can be no forgiveness. Religion asks for perfection. To ask for the impossible guarantees failure. The role religion has to play must have forgiveness for failure ... more
  • Две декады

    by Андрей Полеев

    Поводом для составления очередного сборника моих публикаций являются две знаменательные даты: первая из них — двадцатилетие основания моего журнала, покончившего с академическим абсолютизмом, и вторая — десятилетие Конституции общности Русь, отменившей политический деспотизм демократии. Всё остальное, написанное, сказанное, и показанное публике индустрией массового оглупления в этом году, произведено лишь с целью сокрытия истины. Поскольку это в принципе невозможно, то злоумышленн... more

