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General Fiction (including literary and historical)

  • Downriver

    by Jennifer M. Lane
    A sulfur sky poisoned her family and her heart. Now revenge tastes sweeter than justice. It’s 1900. In a Pennsylvania coal town tainted by corruption and pollution, Charlotte's world collapses when her parents meet a tragic end. Sent to a foster family in a Maryland fishing village, she’s fueled by grief and embarks on a relentless quest for justice against the ruthless coal boss, Nels Pritchard. But Charlotte is no ordinary girl. She shares the fiery spirit of her father, whose powerful s... more
  • The Means of Keeping

    by Rich Marcello

    "The Means of Keeping" is set in a near-future America and follows lifelong friends Tereza Allard and David Luca, who are devastated by a climate crisis-induced tragedy that claims the lives of their families. As they navigate their profound loss, the story poignantly captures the intersections of love, renewal, environmental activism, and the quest for meaning in a world teetering on the brink of irreversible damage.

    The narrative style weaves the introspective depth reminisc... more

  • Land of the Blind

    by Andy Owen
    Land of the Blind is the fictionalised memoir that tells the untold story behind the scenes of the intelligence war in Afghanistan. It follows the operational tour of a military intelligence officer working in a small team of soldiers attached to the Afghan National Security Directive, whilst navigating the orders of their overly-ambitious commanding officer and the coalition's increasingly confused mission in the sixth 'decisive year' since the invasion. The close-knit team includes an e... more
  • Strange Tales and Shadowy Beings from Beyond the Bible - Vol. 2

    by Edward N Brown
    A Collection of Short Stories about the Later Life of Saint Peter For the best in “outside-the-box” mystical adventure and intrigue with a Christian bent: An easy-to-read book of 9 unusual short stories involving heroes and villains from the Bible and beyond !
  • Hattie's World

    by Thomas Bauer
    In a family saga that spans the Twentieth Century, Owen Winthrop ruthlessly controls a small California fishing village. When his daughter Hattie is born, he dotes on her until as a young woman she becomes involved in a torrid affair that ends in a grisly murder. His love turns to hate, he locks her away for the decades left in his life. When she emerges, she begins a journey that leads her from pariah to sainthood as she attempts to atone for her father's sins.
  • The Letter

    by Howard Reiss
    Phineas and Bruce, both 75, have been neighbors in Florida for ten years. Phineas never married and Bruce is a widower. They are at opposite ends of the political spectrum, but still enjoy sharing drinks and watching the sunset most nights, which they call their sunset cocktail hour. Phineas is very conservative with some rather unusual political ideas. He likes to write letters to the editor which rarely get published. When one of them does get published, it goes viral and radically change... more
  • Time

    by Eric Hollister
    The book is about a watchmaker (a retired Army officer who has recurring nightmares about his tour in Iraq) whose life is drastically altered by three events: His wife's illness, a supernatural shop opening next door, and an unusual and off-putting man with a very rare watch. These three seemingly unrelated occurrences converge in a dramatic and surprising way to change his life-and that of those around him-forever, in a story involving love, mystery, mythology, and a touch of the other-worldl... more
  • Somewhere East of Me

    by Sean Vincent O'Keefe
    Denver writer Jake Dustin is untethered from indolence when his estranged sister announces South Carolina is exhuming their mother. With no choice but to go, Jake embarks on a cross-country odyssey of uproarious absurdity and self-exploration during the strange days of September 2021. Jake feeds the internet’s insatiable lust for content as the miles rumble by while pondering where he lost his inner child and why he lives in his ex-wife’s basement. Along the way, a rousing cast of characters lik... more
  • Saving Washington City

    by John Randall Aikman
    It is the eve of the Civil War. Newspaperman John Gage travels to Charleston, South Carolina, where the first battle will soon occur at Fort Sumter. Sent there as a spy, Gage also seeks answers to more personal concerns: an unexplained love lost five years earlier and the sudden ties of his family’s company to the Confederacy. In Charleston, Gage: •\tmakes an enemy out of Ransom Pierce, a dangerous secessionist, with each man holding a deadly secret about the other; •\twitnesses the travesties... more
  • The Gilded Cage of Woman

    by Greenleaf Book Group
    The Intimate Memoir of Margaret Bryan (1757–1836) Even the most privileged woman’s glass ceiling in Georgian England was limited to a wealthy, titled husband and, if all things went well, perpetual pregnancy—boys first, please. But despite the pressures on her to marry, headstrong Margaret Bryan, always more drawn to numbers and stars than needles and threads, determines early in her life to courageously chart her own path to a world-class scientific education and an occupation of her own cho... more
  • The Triumph of Elly Robin

    by PD Quaver
    The shrapnel that wounded 18-year-old piano prodigy Elly Robin and killed Edwin Friend, in their ill-fated attempt to escape from Germany in a stolen Fokker biplane, also mutilated her beloved doll, tied to the rigging as a mascot. But a scrap of material from Mr. Hoppy's torn chest provides the clue that launches Elly on a quest to finally solve the mysteries that have haunted her life--even as she discovers she now bears Edwin's child… Uniting multiple characters from the entire series, the f... more
  • Redeye

    by Syntell Smith
    Nate and Cynthia Durant were a happy, loveable, full-figured couple. But then they both decided to live healthier, with him having weight-loss surgery and her losing the weight naturally. Now both turn heads wherever they go, fighting off advances from everywhere. And while everything looks amazing on the outside for them, each of them can't shake the insecurities of their former selves. Determined not to go back to how he was, Nate has become a renaissance man, with may jobs. From podcastin... more
  • The Singing Stick

    by Phyllis Cole-Dai
    As a nor’easter bears down on her Massachusetts town, Fiona Richter places a frantic 911 call. Simon, her eighty-year-old husband who suffers from dementia, has gone missing. His clarinet too . . . So begins The Singing Stick, the spellbinding story of a son, his long-dead mother, and the music that anchors them both in times of great unmooring. Follow Simon out the door into a swirl of secrets that have shaped his life. Let music open a mysterious portal between past and present, memory a... more
  • Janie Ligon's Revenge

    by Danny Levin
    It's 1995. The internet is about to transform society. Janie Ligon, Levi Strauss’s newly appointed General Manager for the United Kingdom, hopes the same for her career. However, barely six months later her life is thrown into disarray when her perfect husband of 24 years seeks a divorce. Janie refuses to become the punch line in the cliched story of a middle-aged man leaving his marriage for a trophy wife. When she cannot convince him to stay, she decides to exact the revenge she believes is ri... more
  • The Council of Wise Women

    by Izzy Abrahmson

    On the edge of the Black Forest in a small village...

    Rachel Cohen is brilliant and wise. Her twin brother, Yakov? Not so much.

    When the Cohen family begins to crack –and their village teeters on the brink – it is up to Rachel and the secretive Council of Wise Women to step in. How much meddling is too much?

    THE COUNCIL OF WISE WOMEN is a spellbinding multigenerational story of family and friends, of love, loss, independence, reconciliation, and... more

  • A Coat of Many Colors: Putting Jewish Characters on Stage

    by Roy Schreiber
    A Coat of Many Colors is an anthology of five plays I have written that feature Jewish characters. While Shylock is fictional, all the others are based on real people. They include a wide range of people from a Hollywood script writer who helped Jewish writers and actors persecuted by the Nazi immigrate to the U.S., to Harry Houdini, to the last queen of Tahiti. Taken as a group these characters demonstrate that their is no such thing as a Jewish stereotype.
