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General Fiction (including literary and historical)

  • The Fearless Moral Inventory of Elsie Finch

    by Lynn Byk
    There's a filigree setting for every family secret. Richard and Gail Finch designed their estate to carry consequences for misplaced loyalties over a lifetime, but there are consequences neither one bargained for. When the third generation aims for a cache of treasure, someone is expendable. What Elsie covets is the truth. Risking it all, she unfolds her parents' legacy to reveal the spoiling and calculated detachments. Then her father dies leaving her sister alone in a dilapidated house with ... more
  • Say What Now?

    by JG Foster
    Normally, Mareike Korn would find a lengthy visit to a foreign land thrilling. Making the trip when she’s twenty-six weeks pregnant is another matter. But when her husband’s job is temporarily relocated to the USA, keeping her family together in the late stages of her pregnancy becomes more important than being a stranger in a new place. To keep herself sane through the ups and downs of her adventure, Mareike chronicles her experience in her bullet journal. The panic of impending parenthood. ... more

    by Armen Melikian
    A very short description of an intricate, post-modern plotless plot: the protagonist Brathki is in search of an ever-elusive ideal land named Urmashu which in the final analysis prove to exist solely in the protagonist's mind, in the process unraveling the very fabric of our civilization. Referred to as “cobra poison” and “the work of the Antichrist” by international religious figures and as “anti-literature” by the author, Expraedium is an incendiary and energetic tour-de-force that merciles... more
  • Mercy: A Novel

    by Steve Crown

    In the pages of Mercy, Steve Crown deftly weaves a satirical tapestry, mocking the follies of modern society with a keen intellect.

    Through the misfortunes of our young protagonist, born into opulence only to be cast into the abyss of life's treacherous pitfalls, Crown offers a poignant reflection on the human condition and the cruel lack of agency that haunts us all. 

    In this astonishing debut, Crown unapologetically strips away the facades of i... more

  • the Bringer of Happiness

    by Karen Martin
    “I should have assumed with parents known to the world as Mary Magdalene and Jesus Christ, I would be different.” Sara is different, for she time travels forward into other people’s bodies. When Sara, whose Aramaic name means ‘bringer of happiness,’ wakes up in Sarah-Marie, a young Cathar girl from Montségur, she believes it is her destiny to rescue her from the 13th Century siege. By saving Sarah-Marie, Sara hopes to safe-guard her mother’s gospel. In this odyssey of death, destiny and so... more
  • William A Orazi - Love & Faith, Poems & Song Lyrics

    by William Orazi
    In this book of Poems and Song Lyrics you will discover a hidden gem of original beautiful writings of Love and Faith that will deeply move you and open your heart. The authors true feelings about his Love for his Wife and his Love for God clearly shows the true heart of this man that many of us can identify with. Love & Faith, Poems and Song Lyrics by William Orazi is for those romantic and faithful souls who always strive for unconditional love, faith and happiness in their lives. Ope... more
  • 2011: A Collection of Prose and Cons...

    by Bob Mayfield
    Quirky, humorous stories, with occasional turns of intrigue, poignancy, and satire.
  • A Box of Shadows

    by Marshall Welch
    Eric returns home after being away for 15 years to attend his mother’s funeral and to support his older sister who now must care for their father who suffers from dementia. As a professional recording engineer, he brings with him his collection of sounds as well as the resentment toward his estranged father he has carried for over a decade. During his visit, Eric discovers his father has a collection of his own -- a series of paintings his father has created that reveal a host of mysteries and... more
  • Big Flame and Little Buck

    by JJ Holbert
    What do you do when someone you love is diagnosed with a debilitating mental illness?       Truman Bates was heading for a career in the Vermont granite industry until he began to hear, feel, and see things that no one else could. He was eventually treated for a newly labeled illness: schizophrenia. Decades later, his nephew Pat Bates was a typical senior of the Class of 1984. It was then that Pat's unlikely best friend, Dante Zuckerman, began to seriously worry that the depression Pat fell int... more
  • The Muse of Freedom: a Cévenoles Sagas novel

    by Jules Larimore

    A French Huguenot apothecary’s legacy of secrets, a mystic healer’s inspiration, a fateful decision.

    "Brilliantly told, a story that will stick with you long after you've turned the last page . . . fresh and compelling, as relevant now as it was then." ~ Janet Wertman, award-winning author of The Seymour Saga trilogy.

    "Jules Larimore's lush, vibrant prose and sharp eye for historical detail at once transported me back to Occit... more

  • Acts of a Dubious Nature: A Collection of Short Stories

    by Tony Canino
    In Acts of a Dubious Nature, Tony Canino casts a fresh voice and a baleful eye on the many affronts and trespasses that human beings both suffer and inflict. An abused elder who’ll protect his dead son’s memory at any cost, an honest fighter forced to throw a fight, a man recalling his many sins as his parachute fails, a sailboat full of reprobates burying a German admiral at sea, and a rancher with the darkest of secrets. Axel, Lickety, “Don” Carmine, Aunt Mavis, Bee Boy, Lucky the Space Alien ... more
  • Sembach

    by Said Shafik
    While Ukraine President was leading Ukrainians in resisting the Russian invasion and inflecting tremendous damage to the Russian war machines, killing tens of thousands of the Russian troops and generals, a plot was underway by the Russian intelligence service to prepare an operation with a code name Terermok, a famous Russian fairy tale, to infiltrate and unstable European societies, and military communities and facilities all over Europe as a way of retaliation and punishment for siding with a... more
  • Paper Roses on Stony Mountain

    by Diana Stevan
    Wars, typhus, draught and family losses could not stop Lukia Mazurec. Will her children's indifference finally break her spirit? With the Great Depression ending and Hitler’s armies marching across Europe, the young in Canada are called upon to enlist. Though her children are not eligible to serve, Lukia Mazurec can’t count on them to help her manage her farm in Manitoba. Her sons are at odds, their fights getting uglier every day, and her daughter, Dolly, has fallen in love with Peter, an in... more
  • The Trail Back Out

    by Jadi Campbell

    The Trail Back Out was American Book Fest 2020 Best Book Award Finalist, 2021 IAN Book of the Year Award Finalist, 2021 Top Shelf Award Runner Up, and won a Red Ribbon from the 2021 Wishing Shelf Award. The title story The Trail Back Out was longlisted for the 2021 Screen Craft Cinematic Short Story Award. This collection is Jadi Campbell's fourth book and her first finished work in four years. She completed many of these stories during the coronavirus lockdown. From tales of Edd... more

  • Tales of the Tinkertoy

    by JJ Semple

    Today, this book could not be published. Nevertheless, despite its “lavish use of freewheeling, multiethnic caricature,” it has been. That it stands up to a steady stream of accusations and invective that rule the Internet will depend on readers who value truth and logic because it most certainly does not pass muster according to the precepts of Presentism, defined by Webster as an attitude toward the past dominated by present-day attitudes and experiences, meani... more

  • The Man Who Screams at Nightfall: and other stories

    by Rush Leaming
    Thailand. The Congo. Greece. Spain. America… Four continents and forty-plus years in the making. The Man Who Screams at Nightfall is a landmark collection of short stories depicting a young man on a classic voyage of self-discovery, wandering our planet in search of some purpose in life. From childhood to parenthood and everything in between—these tales are raw and unflinching; at other times, poignant and moving. Get ready for a literary journey unlike any you’ve experienced bef... more
