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General Fiction (including literary and historical)

  • The Dead Superstar. Bar

    by Michael Nohe
    When Harvey Dowd, along with the help of his life-long friend Conor, opened The Dead Superstar Bar in downtown Sarasota, they weren't prepared for what was to come. The pair envisioned a local bar with a house band playing 60's music, but only music released by deceased 60's stars. They didn't foresee those stars returning to perform nightly at his bar. It turns out that heaven does have a hell of a band. Dead musicians performing live at a bar in Florida, God's Waiting Room. What could go wrong... more
  • Albert

    by Hannah Baker
    Albert Beaumont was born in the small coastal town of Pass Christian, Mississippi, in 1880. Throughout his life, he must grapple with the fact that he is different from those around him. Unlike his brothers and his friends, Albert finds himself attracted to other men, a secret he must keep close to his chest for fear of punishment by both his peers and the law. He struggles to understand and accept himself as he navigates a world that is entirely hostile to people like himself. When a letter fro... more
  • Life Without Appeal

    by Hannah Baker
    Meet Hector. Part cynic, part idealist, Louisiana-born Hector moves to Washington, D.C. for law school, where he fights demons of his past as he pursues his legal education. As 1L year carries on, Hector is increasingly drawn into the dark, evasive life of his late grandfather, Tom, who bears many similarities to Hector, and who died at the age of 30. As Hector learns about his grandfather’s life, his own life becomes perilously close to mirroring Tom’s tragic fate. Meet Emily. Confident an... more
  • Water Music: A Cape Cod Story

    by Marcia Peck
    Water Music, a family saga told through the eyes of twelve-year-old Lily Grainger, captures both a post-WWII Cape Cod--its beaches, salt backwaters, tides, wind and weather--and a family trying to navigate financial difficulties, loyalty issues, and complicated family ties. Eleven-year-old budding musician, Lily Grainger, encamped with her family on a Cape Cod salt pond during the summer of 1956, longs to capture her mother’s love and attention. In her struggle to help relieve the rancor in her ... more
  • Sulla's Fist: A Novel of the Roman Legion (The Sertorius Scrolls Book 5)

    by Vincent B. Davis II
    Rome, 90 BC. Quintus Sertorius is tired. Weary after eight years of warfare in Greece, the decorated hero longs to reunite with his family and repair their frayed bond. But no sooner has he returned than Rome is thrust into war again. This time, the attackers are their closest allies, the Italian tribes surrounding them. To make matters worse, Sertorius learns his son has joined the legion under the command of a scheming rival looking to exert leverage. Sertorius confronts spies and traitors ... more
  • Uranium Mine and Other Stories

    by Jed Linde
    From birth to old age, these seven "Charles" stories chronicle a daunting childhood; an adventurous and painful adolescence; a survival saga in Mexico City; learning from a Zen master; and benefiting from mystical experiences, contact with Mother Nature, and a host of life-changing situations.
  • Deceptive Calm

    by Patricia Elizabeth Skipper
    Deceptive Calm Synopsis Against the turbulent backdrop of declared martial law in South Carolina, a stunning light-skinned beauty, Vanessa, lives in a Catholic orphanage for blacks. After a series of racial traumas, Vanessa obtains the birth certificate of a deceased white baby and uses this document to assume the child’s identity. She moves to California and enrolls at UC Berkeley under her newly acquired name. Vanessa marries into one of California’s wealthiest families. Her charmed... more
  • Extreme World War III Survival Guide

    by Robert Martin
    Extreme WWIII Survival Guide presents a futuristic, action, adventure account following 2 Americans who have never met before finding themselves stranded on an uninhabited island. After losing the ability to communicate with the outside world they are unaware WWIII has begun and the only other people they encounter turn out to be enemy soldiers relentlessly trying to kill them. Kendra, a shrewd young journalist and Mike, a middle age political strategist must learn to work together and adapt str... more
  • Be Prepared to Die

    by Jonathan Fiero

    They tell us the journey is the destination. It is not. It’s the other way… The destination is where the journey takes place. That destination, it is escape from The White Curtain. In order to live the life we want, we must have the courage to liberate ourselves. But how does one break free from the civilization they’re born into? After all, none of us asked to be here, on this Earth.

    This is a journey with many destinations. Destinations, both physical and mental of ... more

  • Healed

    by Jamie O'Toole
    Cuppy Valentine is a shy, humble nurse working in a Chicago urology office where a steady stream of quirky patients (and their private body parts) never ends. Cuppy’s life is predictable and ordered until she suddenly receives the magical power to heal the sick. Word spreads through her community, making her an instant - albeit reluctant hero. But her gift has its costs, and Cuppy learns even the best of intentions can have disastrous consequences. One part humor and all parts heart, Healed is t... more
  • Malice Aforethought: A True Story of the Shocking Double Crime That Horrified Nineteenth-Century New England

    by Avree Kelly Clark

    In the summer of 1874, a beloved schoolteacher mysteriously goes missing upon closing up school. After a frantic search, the young woman is discovered horribly mutilated in the woods, and authorities question everyone in the small railroad village of St. Albans, Vermont.

    With the case turning cold, news arrives of an eerily similar crime committed in peaceful Pembroke, New Hampshire, in the autumn of 1875. This one, even more gruesome. Everyone questions whether the two beauties were in... more

  • Two Weeks of Summer: A Lighthearted Coming-of-Age Novel

    by Katherine Tirado-Ryen

    Kim Kincaid can’t catch a break. She has a thankless job at a law office, a nasty co-worker, and a boyfriend allergic to genuine commitment. Meanwhile, her older sister, Dena, skates through life with a perfect husband, a perfect job, even a perfect daughter. Kim grits her teeth through their every phone call, counting the minutes until she can disappear into a drink or TV (preferably both). She doesn’t recall agreeing to babysit her niece. She only remembers Dena bragging about y... more

  • Her Life As She Knew It

    by S. Cassadera
    Born of mixed heritage, Jayliah gravitates toward her father's side of the family more than her mother's because that's all she knows. It's tough for her to deal with the constant scrutiny from her mother who seems to have her own agenda when it comes to her friends. While exploring her sense of identity, her parents are experiencing their own crisis. Ambrielle has been grappling with a deep, dark secret that she has kept hidden for most of her life. When this secret is threatened to be expos... more
  • Promise to a Guardian Angel

    by Karin A. Todd
    Not Breaking His Promise to a Guardian Angel Authors bring forth a riveting story that keeps readers guessing what happens next For readers who enjoy a good story packed with action, mystery, love, and surprises, this Promise to a Guardian Angel will grip the hearts of readers everywhere. Authors Ronald Freed and Karin A. Todd love to intrigue and thrill readers of all ages and in Promise to a Guardian Angel, they will keep readers guessing all the way to the end — and will take them by s... more
  • The Story of Alex Taylor

    by Tony Rosenberg
    In "The Story of Alex Taylor," immerse yourself in the remarkable odyssey of Alex, whose life takes an unexpected turn after an unforeseen tragedy.. This captivating narrative explores the depths of the human spirit as Alex faces adversity with unwavering determination and resilience. Discover the unbreakable bonds that form with family and friends, the profound moments of self-discovery, and the inspiring journey from survivor to advocate. As you follow Alex's path of healing and self-discov... more

    by Bruce Mitchell
    The Circus Maximus, Rome, AD54. Veteran gladiator Flamma has a trident at his neck, but his Nubian opponent disobeys Emperor Nero’s command, and spares his life. That night, Flamma returns the favour and cuts the Nubian down from the cross. Everyone knows you don’t mess with Nero. The gladiators must escape Italy while they’re still in one piece. The duo becomes a trio when Dimitra, runaway Spartan slave and woman-warrior, joins them on an epic journey across the known world. Each is haun... more
