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General Fiction (including literary and historical)

  • For Thee

    by Claire Johnson
    For Thee is Pauline Pfeiffer’s story of her marriage to Ernest Hemingway. A devout Catholic when she meets Ernest, Pauline rejects the moral tenets of her childhood and faith for a man who ten years later will edit her out of his life with the same casual disdain as he would have for a badly written sentence. We see Pauline and Ernest evolve from editor and writer, to lover and lover, to husband and wife, and finally to bitter ex-lovers whose previous passion for each other is only superseded by... more
  • My Famous Brain

    by Diane Wald
    “My brain was famous, but I was not. Not every gifted child invents a pollutant-free fuel, paints a masterpiece, or finds the cure for cancer,” Jack MacLeod tells us. “Some of us just live out our lives.” Jack died in 1974; now, he’s ready to narrate his story from beyond the grave. Jack’s prodigious memory, which allows him to memorize books, and his penchant for psychic connections give him unusual insights into the events of his past life and make him fiercely curious about his current state ... more
  • Little Bird

    by LaRita Dixon
    For twelve years Amal has happily lived with her parents and sister, when war suddenly changes her life forever. Within just a few days she loses her entire family and endures other horrendous experiences while fleeing for her life. The resulting psychological trauma does not stop with her arrival in America. Just when Amal is about to lose all hope, she meets a lovely southern lady and her family. Will they be able to help heal her wounds and teach her to love again? Little Bird is a gripping t... more
  • A Span of Moments

    by Robert Beech

    "Evocative, impactful, moving ..."
    Midsummer 1994, a disillusioned Jake Crawford quits a prominent scientific career and retreats to the island home of his youth, longing for its old Florida way of life. Within hours of his arrival, he becomes entangled in a tragic series of events involving a billionaire real estate developer and a reclusive bridgetender with a long-hidden past. Jake’s struggle to navigate those events will determine whether Marcosta Isl... more

  • Stay Calm: This is War

    by AJ Lecours
    When young Army Specialist Rodney LeClaire was sent to Afghanistan to fight for his country, he thought he knew what war entailed. He soon discovered all the things training did not prepare him for: feces covered toilets, 40mph nutshots, detached faces, pen stealing kids, pants eating goats, or friends getting killed. He battled the heat, the enemy, and ineffective leadership. All of that, paled in comparison to the fight for his own humanity. Stay Calm shows a behind the scenes look at a combat... more
  • Remember the Lighthouse

    by Hailey Chomette

    In a charming seaside setting, our main character hires a private investigator to look into someone from her past, hoping to change her life. A women's fiction novel about love, loss and finding inner strength.

  • The Lockhart Women

    by Mary Camarillo
    The Lockhart Women is about a working class family living in Huntington Beach, California in the 1990's. It concerns divorce, money, and bad decisions, with the OJ Simpson trial playing as background noise.
  • The Last of the Baileys

    by Paula Paul
    Trudy Bailey Walters, who will admit only to being close to seventy, is widowed and left with little money. She wants nothing more than to be left alone after she moves into the crumbling old house that once belonged to her great grandmother. Before long, a nephew's ex-wife and her teenage daughter move in with her, followed by an undocumented immigrant searching for her own daughter. Trudy reluctantly joins the search, along with an old acquaintance, Adam Bailey, who claims to be a descendant ... more
  • The Tachi

    by Bret Cousins
    Hunted by a powerful English earl, Angus Rainey flees Scotland after the battle of Falkirk. He eventually arrives in the Holy Land, where he joins a caravan traveling the fabled trade routes to Cathay. His adventures continue on to the Land of Nihon, where he assists a disgraced nobleman regain his rightful place and acquires the hereditary sword of the Raineys. But the English earl's reach is greater than Rainey knows.
  • The Boy King's Tale

    by Michael January
    In The Boy King’s Tale, two entwined love stories, young and old, lead to betrayal, murder and the near overthrow of a kingdom in this extraordinary untold true story adventure of the early days of England’s Edward III. Crowned at thirteen when his father was deposed and murdered by his mother and her lover, the young king must come of age in the dark and twisted labyrinth of medieval politics, war, glory, love, sex and romance, with the future in the balance on one fateful night when rescue or ... more
  • The Fabian Waltz: A Novel Based on the Life of George Bernard Shaw

    by Kris Hall

    "The Fabian Waltz" is a witty romance set against the backdrop of late Victorian London, where poverty is all but ignored. Playwright George Bernard Shaw's life and work are upended by a challenging woman he cannot win. Shaw and his fellow Fabians fight for social justice and discover love along the way.

  • Columbus and Caonabó: 1493–1498 Retold

    by Andrew Rowen
    Columbus assured Spain’s Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand that “Española” would be conquered with little opposition from its inhabitants, but he soon discovered the promise ominously false. A historical novel, Columbus and Caonabó: 1493–1498 Retold dramatizes his invasion of Española and the bitter resistance mounted by its Taíno peoples. Based closely on primary sources, the story is told from both Taíno and European perspectives, including through the eyes of the conflict’s principal Taíno ch... more
  • Jesus' Silent Years: Homecoming

    by Vance Shepperson
    In this last novel, Jesus travels the comeback trail, after years of maturing abroad—stories of his life in his late twenties. Jesus travels through different countries—modern-day Albania, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Israel. You look at the world through his eyes and God’s eyes (Windy). You also look at him through the eyes of others—bad people, sad people, criminals, authorities, and the woman he loves who adores him.
  • Lucky: A Novel (inspired by Taylor Swift's folklore and the incredible true story of Rebekah Harkness)

    by Kristina Parro
    Lucky depicts an epic juxtaposition of glitter and tragedy: the tangled stories of two powerful women who are connected through the transcendental nature of time and space. Join Rhea Harmonia, America’s favorite pop-star, as she tumbles down the rabbit hole— on a journey through American history, Western thinking, modern philosophy, mythology, math, music, and time.
  • The Flowers of Spring

    by Aaron J Clarke
    In this finely drawn novella, Clarke portrays the free-spirited Sonia sacrificing her scruples and, more importantly, her first love, the handsome gardener, to the callous millionaire, John. Like the flowers that grow his garden, John’s obsessive love for Sonia is tainted with corruption and as a result, a malevolent presence affects the garden to the present day. Unable to resist her fate, Sonia marries John, a man whom she does not love, because he can provide for her and her unborn child. Dec... more
  • Mr. K's Decision

    by Alexis Eyondi
    “But should someone call me now to announce her death, I wouldn’t even blink, let alone attend her funeral.” If a mother’s love knows no bounds, how has Mr. K come to forsake the woman who gave him life? Maybe a secret locked behind tight lips finally escaped. Stunned by his decision, the evening guests of Tiffany Estate turned into eager listeners of a story that should have been straightforward. Yet, as his narration of damaged family ties reveals a seemingly never-ending path of shame, op... more
