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General Fiction (including literary and historical)

  • A Moment/It Happened: A Path through Timeless Happiness

    by Angel Gonzal
    Sometimes, we are faced with inexplicable events and impossible situations. That’s what happened to a young woman during what seemed like a regular lunch break but turned out to be much more than she expected. Time itself is questioned and reality becomes an illusion. It’s up to her to figure things out; to put her life back in perspective. The people she meets and the path she takes lead her to an unfathomable journey of bliss that gives her the answer to the most profound question humans have... more
  • The Bird in Your Heart

    by Tim Bryant
    An Atlanta advertising executive divorces, loses his job, and returns to his family’s ancestral home on a South Carolina sea island. He plans to sail off to see the world but his mother is going blind and the old place needs huge repairs. The Bird in Your Heart is a Low Country tangle of odd ball island ways, Southern traditions, and Gullah culture written patiently for beach, boat, and book club people.
  • Mr Zaharoff

    by Asher Lewis Stam
    In the late 1800s, a man of noble blood arrives in Western Europe to start his legacy. Follow the true story of how he reaches the height of his ambitions and what he is willing to sacrifice to reach those heights. A book that explores on the one hand, loyalty and hope, and on the other, frustration and war.
  • Jaguar Dreams

    by Susan MacBryde

    An Amazon Village faces Big Oil.

    A conflict could cost lives.

    It could also save the Earth.

    Deep in Ecuador’s Amazon Basin, seismic waves rock the ground. A new road slices the rainforest. It rushes toward an Indigenous Kichwa village, threatening its land and its people. It is a tendril of oil exploration by corporate giants poised to suck the black gold from the Earth.

    Oil spills. Rampant disease. Starving wildlife. Dying villagers. All are imminent. The Kichwa... more

  • Attachment Patterns

    by Stephen Metcalfe
    Is the artist, Robert Boone, crazy? As his daughter, 24-year-old aspiring novelist, Isolde Boone (Holdie), tells us, he sure doesn’t think so. Okay, yes, he recently found himself in the hospital loudly declaring he wanted to die. But that was a glitch, a moment of unexplained weakness, of post-pandemic exhaustion. He says he’s fine now, calm, stoic and self-possessed as always. Only the doctors don’t believe him. They’ve insisted he enroll in a three week, out-patient, Cognitive Behavi... more
  • Dreams, Desires, And Dead Ends

    by Robin Chappell
    From Gritty Realism to Magical Realism, with many steps in between... What Dreams do You have? Do they turn into Nightmares in Your Life? Do they fulfill Your Desires? Or have they only led to dead ends? Life can have many Dreams, as well as lead to many dead ends. These are Stories of Loss. Stories of Illusion? Or Ecstasy? Of Endings,…and new Beginnings. Stories of Dreams, some of Desires (fulfilled or not), and yes… A Few Stories of Dead Ends unredeemed. A rich intermix of themes and... more
  • F*** My Brain!

    by Amir Shaheen
    F*** My Brain!" is a humorous and relatable book aimed at a young audience. The book delves into themes of belonging, society, and alienation, capturing the challenges of growing up between two cultures. Told with a lighthearted and engaging tone, the book explores the experiences of being a minority in a different country. Through easy-to-read narratives infused with humor, "F*** My Brain!" offers an insightful and entertaining journey for readers, as they navigate the complexities of identity,... more
  • Attempts

    by Issa

    Asant finds himself tempted by desires to taste and have what others have, and chooses to rob a bank; however, at the last second he finds himself unable to go through with the robbery. Even so, the prospect of jail overwhelms his psyche. His spiritual mentor, and caretaker from the time of Asant’s teens, is direct, “You must face your actions...”

    Asant makes his choice and decides to evade and escape his country, in one way spurred by a deep-seated fear, in another by the same courage ... more

  • The Many Adventures pdf Donnie Malone

    by Paul E. Doutrich
    Donnie’s adventures take readers into many of the events that helped shape the American twentieth century. They begin when sixteen-year-old Donnie gets caught up in the patriotic swirl of the first World War. Enlisting in the Army, he becomes a skilled mechanic and pilot during the deadly days at the end of the fighting. The stakes in Donnie’s life are just as high after the war. Along with a friend of his dad’s and an army buddy, he successfully creates an air delivery service, then has to w... more
  • The Lost Valor of Love

    by E A Carter
    Growing up during the centuries-long conflict between the empires of Egypt and Hatti, the young princess Istara is taken hostage by the King of Hatti to secure the loyalty of her father, the King of Kadesh to the empire. Soon her new life in Hatti's glittering capital becomes all she knows. Bound in blood before the gods to Hatti's unwilling crown prince, Istara, now Hatti's queen-in-waiting, learns she will never be loved. But the drums of war beat again, and when the scheming plans of Hatti... more
  • Love Laugh and Row

    by Trisa J. Louise
    Though inspired by a true story, this is a work of fiction. Love Laugh and Row chronicles the Kristoff family's life in America during the 1930s Depression and World War II, and how communism and organized crime touched their lives. You'll laugh and cry right along with the Kristoff family from 1929 to 1955.
  • The Lede to Our Undoing

    by Donald Mengay
    1970s rust-belt America. The era of civil rights, women's rights, and gay rights, as well as the birth of the environmental movement. Twins Jake and Wren are raised in the white-flight suburb of Laurentine, not far from an industrial metropolis that was named in a much greener time the Forest City. The twin's parents, Harry and Florrie, are doing their best to keep their offspring on the straight and narrow, along the lines of what today we would call MAGA America, though before it got the name.... more
  • Eddie the Legend

    by Brian Scala
    Eddie Fitzgerald never imagined he would do anything but follow in his father’s footsteps as a star ballplayer. However, when his baseball dreams did not pan out, he resigned himself to an ordinary existence. After several years, the Seattle native moved to Long Island when his wife received a lucrative job offer. A global pandemic would turn his mundane life and sixteen-year marriage upside down. When the world returned to normal, Eddie garnered the strength to move beyond tragedy and make n... more
  • Carillon Chase

    by D.R. Ransdell
    Gina Campanello is thrilled when Happy Travels Press offers her a writing assignment. The college student envisions traveling between jungle palaces and island paradises. When she’s assigned to drive from Arizona to the heart of the Midwest, she curses her bad luck. The only perk is attending an international festival in Springfield, Illinois, especially after she makes friends with the top-billed musician. But before she reaches the capital city, Vlinder Van de Velde disappears. After he misses... more
  • Ambition, Arrogance & Pride

    by Bublish, Inc.

    Three Weddings—Two Rival Families In 1735 Richard Derby, a ship’s master in colonial Salem, Massachusetts, married Mary Hodges, a merchant's daughter.

    The alliance was good business, and Mary Hodges was a willing bride. Richard prospered, retired from the sea, and founded his own merchant house. With one exception, Richard's sons went to sea. Hasket Derby stayed ashore, learning to manage the trading network his father built. George Crowninshield was the youngest of ... more

  • A Little Rain

    by Bill VanPatten


    Sixteen-year-old Alexander Chance’s love of another boy has turned into an obsession—and the consequences have pushed his family to the brink. Sitting in a courtroom, he reflects on the past four months and what led him to the present situation. His father watches a quiet and dissociated son during the proceedings, forcing him to confront his own secretive past and the repressed sexuality that destroyed a... more

