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General Fiction (including literary and historical)

  • Rescuing Crockett

    by David Z. Pyke
    When a portrait triggers hope that David Crockett didn’t die at the Alamo, sixteen-year-old Silas Grant and a handful of Texas Revolution veterans embark on quest for the truth. They investigate the stories of Alamo survivors, follow the trail of the Mexican army’s retreat, and pursue a witness to the final moments in the Alamo. The odyssey turns lethal as layers of the mystery peel away to reveal a shocking secret.
  • The Benevolent World Banker

    by M.K. Nielsen

    In this work of contemporary political fiction, economist David Pedersen moves from Denmark to Washington, D.C. to join the World Bank. He is driven by two burning ambitions: to fight poverty and to build a family better than the one from his childhood.

    The World Bank brings genuine rewards, frustrating challenges, and the unexpected; while in West Africa, he is held hostage for ransom.

    Pursuing an ethical, happy life becomes a balancing act with surprising twists, including passi... more

  • Choosing Sides

    by David K. Wessel
    Choosing Sides tells the story of an ordinary family's response to the rise of tyranny in Nazi Germany, with some members choosing to actively endorse and support the Third Reich, some reluctantly accepting the new regime, while others resist the Nazi Party and a few opt to leave the country.
  • The Healer's Miraculous Discovery

    by Stephen Robbins
    CLEVELAND IN THE '60S was a dirty, gritty city, torn by racial and ethnic tensions, heading down a tunnel of failure. Those fortunate enough to live in the suburbs were able to ignore the problems of the city as they were largely isolated in their own enclaves. The Katz family, however, had one foot in each world as they left their suburban home daily to manage the family hardware store in the ghetto. Working one summer for his dad, 13-year-old Stevie finds an object that sets his life and futu... more
  • Not Your Shoe Size

    by Jennifer DiVita
    Julia and Colette are life-long best friends who couldn’t age more differently. Julia is a goody two-shoes who embraces her gray hair, wrinkles and geriatric sneakers. Colette is as tough as old boots who never gives up searching for the elusive fountain of youth wearing stilettos. Their experiences of growing up and growing old clash, decade-by-decade, starting when they're 10 and are forced to write their own obituaries. Despite being at odds on whether to embrace their age or defy it, they ti... more
  • Byrd's Luck & Other Western Stories

    by Jeffrey J. Mariotte
    Western stories by Jeffrey J. Mariotte have appeared in collections alongside those of legendary writers like Louis L’Amour, William Johnstone, Elmer Kelton, and Loren Estleman. Now, BYRD’S LUCK & OTHER WESTERN STORIES collects ten of his own riveting tales of the wild West. Brand-new stories include “Byrd’s Law”—a sequel to the Spur Award and Peacemaker Award finalist “Byrd’s Luck,” costarring Cody Cavanaugh—the hero of his own action-packed novel trilogy—and the first-ever prose story feat... more
  • The Godmother

    by Leigh Esposito
    Raffaella (Raffi) Truvarizzi, has money, power, and the influence to help any woman who comes to her door. Her sinister surname makes her a presumed descendant of the most notorious mafioso in Sicily—and Raffi has built an empire on that assumption. When the death of Raffi’s mentor sends her on a surprise trip to Sicily with a young Cuban psychic, the unlikely friends find an island of exotic tastes and ancient mysteries. But when Raffi gets too close to the truth of her lineage, a shocking... more
  • 978-0-578-74097-3

    by Alice L. Lumbard
    Central Asia., 1880's A field botanist stumbles across the rarest of tulip flowers growing in a shaman's garden. She's willing to sell him a bundle of tulip bulbs, but first he must eat one, then make love to her (the side effects are useful, though otherworldly). After arriving in Holland, the valuable bundle goes missing. Convinced a poor, crippled dock worker is the thief, the botanist goes in hot pursuit. But when he fails to return, his son asks the local Constable to investigate. When the ... more
  • The Wandering Jew of St. Salacious

    by Ron Turker
    Dr. Martin Fischer, an agnostic Jewish surgeon, and white-coated Quixote, tilts his scalpel at the bloated underbelly of U.S. healthcare and fights for his patients. Thrust from his beloved University Hospital, where he has cared for the underserved, he lands in an upscale Catholic hospital, where this doctor meets dogma and soon falls for the CEO. A nun, for God’s sake. His only weapons are surgical skill and a pesky sense of righteous indignation that’s driving everyone nuts—including Marty. A... more
  • With Great Sorrow

    by Lisa Boyle
    Massachusetts, 1861. The American Civil War has been raging for almost a year when Emmett joins the 28th Massachusetts Infantry with the promise of serving his country under the green flag of the Irish Brigade. But soon he finds himself struggling to reconcile the piles of dead Irishmen with his own motivations for fighting. In Lowell, Rosaleen seizes the opportunity to write for a newspaper funded by Boston's business elite. She needs to convince the Irish of Massachusetts that emancipating ... more
  • The Jackson MacKenzie Chronicles: Double Envelopment

    by Angel Giacomo
    The year is 1969. U.S. Army Major Chris Patterson receives his orders for Vietnam. A conflict that has been raging since 1954. Even after a personal tragedy, Chris goes to war. Again. He throws himself into his duty, fighting within himself about losing men and friends. Including one lost, found, and lost again, best friends from their West Point days. They become ravaged by a war that changes them forever. Will their bond survive what Vietnam took away?
  • The Jackson MacKenzie Chronicles: Torn Horizons

    by Angel Giacomo

    Major Frank Howard. Doctor. Surgeon. Army officer. 1971. At the 95th Evacuation Hospital, Da Nang, South Vietnam, he learns there is a difference in the moral code of war and peace. A conflict between a doctor’s Hippocratic Oath and his duty as a soldier. To allow some to live while others die. A balance depending on varying factors. Would he lose his soul, trying to live with his wartime decisions, stuck between the fluctuating moral compass of the military and civilian world?

  • The Jackson MacKenzie Chronicles: Golden Feather

    by Angel Giacomo
    Born into a well-off but strict family, eighteen-year-old Dakota Blackwater doesn’t appreciate his father’s plan for him. He wants to find his path through life and chase his own dreams. Instead of taking the easy road, he rebels, enlists in the US Army, and goes to war in a place foreign to him – Vietnam. He finds this choice may be the more difficult one, learning the pain of death, not only of his friends but his own hands. Will he keep his morality or slide down the rabbit hole of hate?
  • Triptych Unhinged: Anecdotes & Stories

    by Scott G. Harvey
    Triptych Unhinged is a collection of anecdotes and stories exploring the oddness and beauty of the human condition. Chance encounters, honest misunderstandings, and neurotic ruminations are the stuff of everyday experience in these bite-sized tales. Wise and humorous, these are stories for, and from, a troubled mind longing for more.
  • The Melancholy Strumpet Master

    by Zeb Beck
    Gilmore Crowell’s anthropological study of Tijuana sex workers had his dissertation advisor cheering him on. But that was years ago, before his best sources in the streetwalker community up and vanished. Now he’s living in a downtown Los Angeles boarding house for seniors and listlessly trying to jumpstart his research anew. The faculty elders have grown impatient, he’s too broke to pay his parking tickets, and his girlfriend recently dumped him. To stay afloat, Gil takes a job teaching in a juv... more
  • The Oak People

    by Ruth Mohrman
    Home, for the Oak People, is a cave on the slopes of the Antelope Nose mountain. They live by hunting wild game and foraging for edible plants and fruits, but their way of life is under threat. The antelope and deer do not come in such numbers as they once did and hunger beckons. At a gathering on the plain at full moon, Ansa, a young woman from the desert, is mated with Bidari of the Oak People. After the feast, Ansa will come to live with him in the cave on the mountain. Will she be acce... more
