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General Fiction (including literary and historical)

  • Still The Night Call

    by Joshua Senter
    STILL THE NIGHT CALL is about Calem Dewayne Honeycutt, a thirty-two-year-old Missouri dairy farmer of few words. But just because he’s quiet doesn't mean he’s simple. In fact, Calem’s internal voice eloquently leads us through his wondrous yet tortured past, his fears for the future of his beleaguered rural world, and his carefully laid plans to remedy the vicious Night Call that haunts his present. All he has to do is get through one last day on the farm, then he can free himself of being a str... more
  • The Tree Farm

    The company Aaron Shepherd works for shutters their doors unexpectedly, leaving him desperate to provide for his family. Accepting a low paying role at a struggling Christmas tree farm, Aaron finds unexpected kinship with his new boss, farmer Hal Jennings. As the holidays roll closer and the Shepherd’s finances worsen, they find themselves homeless. Allowed to live in a long unused cottage on the farm, Aaron learns that the farm is in distress as well. The entire Shepherd family pitches in to sa... more
  • Woven

    by Maureen Morrissey
    Woven takes the stories of four families, beginning in 1850, and weaves them together and into the 21st century. It is a family saga and a story of survival and migration; ending in the United Sates with the new generation. It is a story of overcoming adversity and finding strength and hope when it seems impossible.
  • Bully 4 Love

    by Steven Paul Leiva
    Bully 4 Love is set in the 1990s and a bit beyond. It is narrated by Adolphus, a history professor at Pasadena City College in Pasadena, California (you know, where they do the Rose Parade each New Year's Day). He agrees to teach a nighttime Adult Education class at a local High School as a favor for a friend. On the first day of class, the first student to walk in is Lavinia, a radiant beauty fashionably dressed and expensively bejeweled, especially her wedding ring. Adolphus is intrigued at fi... more
  • Sailing to Byzantium

    by L. F. Ranner
    Both a private history and a universal tale, the first volume in this genre-defying series traces the lives of four friends on a journey of tragedy and self-discovery. Along the way, they navigate the treacherous intersections of love and comradeship; they experience the redemptive power of art; they learn how right is not always rational and how the probable is not always the real. They are the patron saints of the imperfect and the everyday, of foolish stabs at freedom, and of losing e... more
  • Daughter of the Yellow Dragon

    by Starr Z. Davies

    Genghis Khan united a nation and created a vast empire for his heirs. But after 200 years of civil war, his empire has fallen into the dark ages.

    Mandukhai dreams of being a fierce warrior woman, but her dreams are shattered when she is forced to become the second wife to the Great Khan.

    Unebolod spent his life in the Great Khan’s shadow, preparing for a day when he can seize control of the empire. But when he forms a dangerous alliance with Mandukhai, it swiftly transforms ... more

  • A Brooklyn Saga

    by Carolyn Angiolillo and Ronald Joseph Kule
    As our protagonist, Angelina Carpello views life from her stoop on Conselyea Avenue in Williamsburg Brooklyn (1950-60-70s), elements of Mob mentality, Catholic Church vagaries, and Old-World Italian culture mold her into a young woman with more questions than answers about her survival. When a Chinese farm boy with a tragic past, Wengchan Liang, now grown and a runner/hitman for the Mafia, meets her, their collision course not only rescues her from a life-threatening, contentious situation but ... more
  • The Die Is Cast

    by Heights & Woodhouse
    Everyone imagines being the hero in an adventure story. But what if you were suddenly caught up in one? Could you act the hero? What if your actions cast you as the betrayer? Maybe the difference between the two is a bit . . . murky. Filmmakers Ray Cozart and Natalie Ashbrook want to be lovers in a passionate romance. Retail heiress Jane Whitaker wants to be the foremost crusader for global justice. Archaeologist Adam Burke wants to be the scholar who unlocks the greatest mystery. An ancient ... more
  • A Lost Woman

    by Ann Brooks
    Lillie Crawford is dying. Her mind slowly succumbing to the ruthlessness of Alzheimer's, Lillie's remaining time on Earth is predicted to be a slow and difficult journey. But if you ask Norah, her mother's death could not come soon enough. Haunted by memories of the years of abuse she suffered at Lillie's hand, Norah left her mother and started a new life as soon as she was old enough. And twenty-one years later, even after that new life falls apart, the last thing Norah wants to do is go hom... more
  • The Story You Tell Yourself

    by Lisa Attanasio
    Martin Kahan is a small-time grifter and master of self-deceit who one day, by chance, stumbles upon his doppelgänger on the street. So begins the title novella in this collection of stories by Lisa Attanasio, but what will Martin do, and what has he really seen? Martin is among many characters in this collection—from the title novella to the 17 stories that follow—who find their lives upended a result of circumstances, or more complicitly, life choices: an aloof zookeeper who enlists the he... more
  • Lachesis' Allotment

    by Diana Morris
    This book is made up of short essays and screenplay. It dives into the nature of friendship and relationships that we form throughout our life. The main theme of this book is the way those various connections shape us, for better and for worse.
  • The Haunted Soul Brother: Summoned

    by Clarence M. Allen
    The Haunted soul Brother is a Monster and Creature who have evolved into a haunted life form and has been “Summoned” by many of those brutalized, raped, enslaved and even murdered victims in life who lay in their grave. Many of these murdered victims have become restless, yearning, and silently screaming while they lay in their graves throughout the years and centuries and they have begun to “Summoned” for something and for someone to come because at the time of their demise there was no one who... more
  • Exploratory Tales

    by Laura Clementz
    One story that intertwines two fables set in nature. Fables with a fresh perspective that will pull you in with unique adventures, then leave you enlightened. In a world of magical realism, Mikita must make a choice. Should she continue on the path they have groomed her for and become the next spiritual leader of the village? Her question leads her on an exploratory to discover who she is inside and her unique path. Then there is Gareth. He struggles to reach new heights in his creativity as an ... more
  • Fifty Year Old Tryst

    by Robert Cherny
    In an old man’s worst nightmare, the FBI drops two little girls, products of a fifty-year-old tryst, into the custody of a retired small-town attorney while exploiting their mothers for an investigation into an international crime syndicate.
  • Butcher Boy Rebellion

    by Robert Cherny
    Standing in the blood of the man who tried to kill him, the boy, almost a man, froze, horrified at what he had done. The head, separated from the body, lay face down in the forest undergrowth. Blood flowed from the open neck onto the mat of decaying leaves. There had been no time. There had been no time to think. No time to plan. Only one would walk away from that confrontation in the woods. The boy had gotten the better of this man who had killed many before him. When the woman, dressed to ble... more
  • Where Are We Tomorrow?

    by Tavi Taylor Black
    Alex Evans, a thirty-six-year-old touring electrician, discovers through an accidental pregnancy and then the pain of miscarriage that she truly wants a family. But to attempt another pregnancy, she’ll have to change both her career and her relationship; her partner Connor, ten years her senior, isn’t prepared to become a father again. When Alex is implicated in an accident involving the female pop star she works for, she and three other women on tour rent a house together in Tuscany. While t... more
