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Political & Social Sciences


    by Bar-Giora Goldberg
    Humanity is on a path of rising cognition. The tedious Darwinian process has given way to a fast and directed cognitive evolution, driving our politics, economy, technology, sciences and arts. Consequently, the world becomes increasingly our idea. Our sciences, arts, politics and other means of expression steadily become more abstract, more complex. One hopes for deeper understanding, increased humanity and better use of our natural resources and treatment of mother earth. Technology is gi... more
  • A Modern Perspective

    by Cam McCutchen
    Written with one of the most direct, but humorous tones, A Modern Perspective provides a clear opinion and evaluation of modern taboo topics. Influenced by the life experience of a normal man, this book demonstrates how to use basic logic to understand the complexities housed within the modern world. Readers looking for inspiration and direction can draw from the fundamental thoughts and lessons within this book.
