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Health, Diet, Parenting, Home, Crafts & Gardening


    by Nigel Jones
    A new book revealing the secret of how to live an alcohol-free life, and the huge health benefits that come with it, is set to help thousands of people change their lives and find real happiness. WALKING BACK TO HAPPINESS is the story of how Nigel Jones, a 50-something-year-old, who had been locked into the habit of drinking alcohol for over 35 years, finally woke up and said, ‘I want a different life’; how he found his purpose and in doing so transformed his mind and body; how he lost 30% ... more
  • Intermittent Fasting Success Story

    by Jennifer P Davidson
    Author Paige Davidson recounts her lifelong struggle with obesity then morbid obesity, yo-yo dieting and trying every possible diet, shake and pill, and even failed weight loss surgery. She discovered intermittent fasting, left dieting behind forever, and eventually lost 110 pounds, cured several obesity-related conditions, and regained her physical, emotional and mental health. Paige shares with readers how to begin their own intermittent fasting practice, and how to navigate the mental roadblo... more
  • A Parent's Guide for Educational Success for Their Children

    by Joann Falciani
    This book is a parents self-guide for the educational success of their children. Joann Falciani has been an educator for over twenty years both in childcare settings as well as independent schools. A graduate of Cabrini College, Joan holds a B.S. in human resources as well as a master's in education. She also holds a Montessori certification from Chestnut Hill College. Joann worked as a preschool principal at Chesterbrook Academy, managing twenty-five staff members as well as one hundred s... more
  • Dentistry Xposed:

    by Dr. Peter Hofmann
    Ground-breaking exposes scams, myths, falsehoods, and misleading information. It exposes big Pharma and a big cause of Covid-19 and reveals a product that can remove tooth decay without a needle or drill. an emergency kit that can numb pain without pills, and a natural substance that can stop tooth decay, relieve sinus pain, and prevent colon cancer. The book expains that 5 of the major causes of death are related to the mouth.
  • The Divine SelfQare Strategy: A Wellness Guide To Total Body Alignment

    by Sheila Brown, JD
    The Divine SelfQare Strategy highlights the various health and wellness traditions that have been employed by women throughout the African diaspora for many generations. In nine engaging chapters, the author conveys uncommon wisdom, knowledge and history about the powerful role of nature in securing health and freedom. The Divine SelfQare Strategy is uniquely told from the perspective of a seasoned grandmother reaching beyond her time to teach the youth about the ancient methods that led to tota... more
  • Release

    by Juliana Leamen
    Instead of losing weight, learn to release it instead - no matter how many diets you've tried without long-term success. This is your guide towards loving your body and feeling empowered in midlife.  As women transition through menopause, the rules of the game change. Hormones are shifting, stress is at an all time high and what worked in your 20s and 30s does not seem to work anymore. In this book, you will discover how to get the body you want in midlife, without relying on willpower, calor... more
  • Sidelined

    by Susan Salenger
    In SIDELINED: How Women Manage & Mismanage Their Health, Susan Salenger researches the question most women ask themselves at one time or another, “Why did I agree to that? SIDELINED: How Women Manage & Mismanage Their Health examines the many ways in which women manage and sometimes mismanage their healthcare. Researcher and author Susan Salenger describes how women, the medical gatekeepers for their families, are extremely conscientious about taking care of themselves. They choose their doct... more
  • The No-B.S. Guide to Breastfeeding: Advice to the new mom from an experienced lactation consultant.

    by Jennifer Harris
    This book is a comprehensive review of the common concerns parents face when they are breastfeeding their child(ren). It covers the basic information about breastfeeding that parents desire, easily explained by an experienced Lactation Consultant. This book covers both normal expectations of the breastfeeding experience and practical considerations. Throughout the book, topics such as leaking, latching and weaning are discussed, with multiple solutions provided to suit any mom's lifestyle. Addi... more
  • Psych Meds Made Simple

    by Ashley L. Peterson
    People living with mental illness are often left out of the loop when it comes to understanding how exactly medications work. This book will explain pharmacology in a simplified way to help you understand the effects, both positive and negative, of psych meds, and why these effects occur. It's everything you didn't realize you wanted to know about medications! The book begins with the essentials of pharmacology and moves on to cover all the major classes of psychiatric medications. You'll lea... more
  • Making Sense of Psychiatric Diagnosis

    by Ashley L. Peterson
    Making Sense of Psychiatric Diagnosis aims to cut through the misinformation, stigma, and assumptions that surround mental illness and give a clear picture of what mental illness really is. The book pairs diagnostic criteria and descriptions for a variety of mental illnesses in the DSM-5 with nineteen first-hand narrative accounts of what it’s like to live with those conditions. The book is also infused with the author’s own experience as a mental health nurse and person living with depressio... more
  • Managing the Depression Puzzle

    by Ashley L. Peterson
    Managing the Depression Puzzle provides a comprehensive look at how to manage depression. The goal is to provide a wide range of pieces that might fit in your own unique depression puzzle, so you can pick and choose what does fit for you. No one strategy (or set of strategies) is going to work for every individual, but having information about what the options are will put you in a better position to make choices about your mental health. The book begins with an overview of depressive illness... more
  • Eat Healthy Live Longer - Foods That Heal

    by Sylvia Black
    Jeremiah 33:6 ESV Saying, “Behold, I may bring to it health and healing, and I may heal them and reveal to them abundance of prosperity and security.” \tAs a senior I know how important it is to change your eating habits and improve your health. You can follow these simple healthy eating habits I put in my book and start changing your life forever. You can stay healthy, young, active, vibrant from this day forward. Start now with what you have and defy your age and improve your health like I di... more
  • Fostering Love: A Glimpse into Foster Care

    by Kathleen M Paydo, RN

    "I finished this book. [It's] OUTSTANDING! I cannot believe how enlightening and inspirational it was. I cannot say enough about it. All the stories, the ups and downs, and [the Paydos'] incredible attitude and selfless acts. It is mind blowing. A lesson for all. My understanding of foster care is so different now." - Reader

    Families are the foundation of society. When we care for and protect children, we ensure that future generations thrive as well. The devastat... more

  • Stop Additional Hair Loss: Fuller Hair: Using and Keeping Your Hair Safe and Healthy

    by Dino Dondiego
    There are now advanced technologies described and shown in this book that will “Stop Additional Hair Loss”. This book explains what can speeds up additional hair loss, so you know what to avoid. There are many products and techniques that add additional hair and products that hide hair loss that works and make people happy BUT… that cause additional hair loss which everyone needs to know about, including hair professionals too.
  • Raising 4 Dimensional Children in a 2 Dimensional World

    by Tim McCarthy
    It's the Owner's Manual you didn't get with your child! With hundreds of references to scientific papers, it helps you understand your child's capabilities at each age from infant to adolescent in all 4 dimensions of human endeavor: The Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual. Once you understand how your child is thinking, it gives you over 400 activities to help your child reach new milestones in each of the dimensions to help you prevent or solve behavior problems. This book has the an... more
  • A Way Out of Chronic Pain: How It Happened and What to Do about It

    by Stephen Gobel
    This book provides the reader with the neurobiological and musculoskeletal explanations of chronic pain. It helps you to understand why an episode of chronic pain happened to you and what to do about it. The book is written for everyone over the age of fifty. It is written for everyone who has experienced chronic pain in the past and wants to do something to try to prevent future recurrences. The book discusses the roles of sedentary life styles, posture, chair design and the loss of range of mo... more
