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Business & Personal Finance

  • Investor's Passport to Hedge Fund Profits

    by Sean Casterline

    A comprehensive guide to international investing. Opportunities to tap into foreign markets and, in turn, entirely new investment universes-that have traditionally been accessible only to hedge fund managers-are at hand, and this book offers you the straight story on how to look abroad for the next addition to your portfolio.

  • Project Management in the Hybrid Workplace

    by Phil Simon

    𝗕𝗼𝗼𝗸 𝗜𝗜: 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗙𝘂𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗸

    For decades, organizations of all sizes and in all industries have struggled at managing projects. Even though employees primarily worked together in physical offices, rare was the project that came in on time and on budget and delivered what stakeholders expected.

    The M-F/9-5 in-person world of work is gone forever. Depending on the country, more than nine in ten people would rather quit their jobs than return to the office fi... more

  • Write to Riches: 7 Practical Steps to Manifesting Abundance from Your Books

    by Renee Rose

    Are you tired of the grind?

    Sick of the agony, constant striving, and disappointment of your author career? Are you ready to transform it into something that matches your dreams? Do you want to: Attract raving fans Have your books go viral Hit bestseller lists Feel inspired, and love both your books and your process Create wealth beyond what you’ve imagined from your books? Write to Riches will teach you the power of abundance mindset, manifesting your d... more

  • Make Friends with Credit: understand and build a lasting relationship with good credit

    by Amber Rose
    Ever wondered how to build good credit? Unsure where to start? Confused by all the contradictory information out there? Find the notion of reading a long, dry “How-To” book unappealing? Here is the solution. Within these pages, you will find a short but comprehensive guide to building good credit, what to consider when applying for a loan, and common mistakes to avoid. In a simple Q&A format, Amber Rose will teach you everything she learned from working in the banking industry for fifteen yea... more
  • The Hour Guide to management

    by P.W. Irvine
    What are the simple things you need to do to be a better manager? How do you go about having more time and less stress in your work life? In return for a little of your time, The Hour Guide to Management will give you the tools you need to be a confident, effective manager. In straightforward terms, with practical easy to follow steps, the book explores and answers the questions that challenge new as well as experienced managers: • The things you need to do to get people to follow you. • How ... more
  • Everyone Is an Entrepreneur: Selling Economic Self-Determination in a Post-Soviet World

    by Gregory V. Diehl
    Westerners today grow up with abundant opportunities to determine their own values, identities, and roles in society. But for generations, millions who lived under Soviet rule in the USSR had these essential freedoms withheld, determined instead by a central authority that claimed the right to choose for them and enforce their compliance. Thirty years after the Soviet Union’s decisive collapse, the old communist paradigm continues to limit those who come of age in a post-Soviet world. Everyon... more
  • Dysfunctional Documents

    by Kurt Ament
    This hands-on guide shows you how to use levels of edit to turn dysfunctional documents into healthy documents. It provides a flexible 12-step process to diagnose problems, develop treatments, and prevent relapses. And it explains how to create, maintain, enforce, and even automate consensual writing guidelines to keep your documents healthy. Each step identifies the roles of writers, editors, and managers. You can customize the process, as needed.
  • Transition and Recovery An SME Roadmap for Effective Strategy

    by Cherry-Ann Carmelia Craigwell
    A literature piece that identifies the different transitions a business must experience and what is required by the business owner to ensure success and preparation for the next phase of growth. Recovery methods is inherently necessary for an organization to adopt to ensure sustainability in harsh environments when disaster occurs.
  • The Human Resource Asset or Liability

    by Cherry-Ann Carmelia Craigwell
    A careful look at the Human Resource in a business environment and how the energy of this resouce can be changed from an asset to a liability. As a business owner adopting the right principles through the business culture will assure the development of the human capital.
  • USB Utility Solutions for Businesses

    by Cherry-Ann Carmelia Craigwell
  • Inspiration vs Discipline

    by Cherry-Ann Carmelia Craigwell
    A comparison between the two personalities of the Hustler and the Manager in engaging the business journey, analyzed with the famous fable of the tortoise and the Hare. The literature piece highlights the challenges and opportunities of the personalities and the success of the business owner in adopting both energies in their business venture. The presentation is easy to read and adaptable for any SME business owner schedule.
  • The Seven Pillars of Reinvention: Finding Your Passion & Purpose

    by Tracy Kawa
    If we were already invented—perfect, whole, and complete—then why do we fight so darn hard to change who we are? Each person on this earth was born with a set of talents and abilities. So could you imagine what life on this planet would look like if each and every one of us actually tapped into these unique talents and abilities? Think about it . . . we’d have this place running like clockwork! What if you could wake up every day feeling energized and enthusiastic about going to work? What w... more
  • Do it yourself to be among successful people

    by Jokpeme Omode
    This book is written to change a lot of young people's lives and encourage them to pursue their walk towards their destiny. It talks about the great knowledge we have about our destiny, each and every one of us is purposed for success. Many circumstances may attempt to delay our destiny, but it is rest assured that it will never be denied. We bring on board the issue of life and the journey towards our destiny. It will enlighten and educate a lot of people who wishes to pursue their purpose in ... more
  • The Stimulated Method: A playbook for mastering hybrid creative work at scale.

    by Robb Wagner
    How can you live your best creative work-life by embracing a hybrid model? That's the question innovator-turned author Robb Wagner answers in "The Stimulated Method," a playbook boiling down 10 years of knowledge, insights, rules and counterintuitive mindset shifts gained through his own hybrid experience working on real-world, seven-figure creative projects. This step-by-step guide teaches in-house creative, marketing, brand and communications teams at global companies how to scale their ani... more
  • The Depth of Vision

    by Mohsen Estesnaei
    A very practical rule Destroying is always easier than creating. Tearing is simpler than swinging. It takes years to construct a building but it can be destroyed in the blink of an eye. Now, let's see how we can make use of this practical rule. Is it possible to take advantage of destroying poverty instead of making wealth? Doubtlessly, both will lead to the same result. According to the rule I mentioned earlier, destroying is always easier than creating. Hence, theoretically, if we intend to ... more
  • Motherhood, Apple Pie and All That Happy Horseshit

    by Cyndi Thomason
    Moms often face the choice between continuing to work or staying home with their children. They believe they must separate their business and personal worlds. Either choice leaves a part of their heart behind. It doesn’t have to be this way! In Motherhood, Apple Pie, and All That Happy Horseshit, bestselling author and seven-figure entrepreneur Cyndi Thomason shows you how to use your personal values to create the business of your dreams, one that supports your family without sacrificing yo... more
