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Self-Help, Sex & Relationships, Psychology, Philosophy, Fashion

  • Shapes of Truth

    by Neal Allen

    Discover God within you. Hidden in your body is a set of thirty-five concepts that can be rendered as physical experiences, and which give us all access to the divine. These thirty-five body-forms can be evoked by anyone anytime, like finding a snow-globe with a gem inside it, in your belly. Each body-form is a defined aspect of God, such as strength, will or love. Not only do the embodied experiences provide wisdom; they also grant immediate and sustained reli... more

  • The Art and Science of Real Wealth

    by Dhyan Appachu Bollachettira
    I have been in the field of investing ever since I was a young teen. I had made enough money before I was 30, that ordinary people would not have made in a lifetime. But my short-term emotional thinking, arrogance, and greed blew away all those earnings. I thought I should share my life's learning to help prevents others from making the mistakes I made until 2018 and go on to the success I am having since 2019 where I have returned more than 200% on my investments while markets globall... more
  • Reflections on Transcendence

    by Elizabeth M. Lykins
    Most of us spend our entire life searching for happiness and inner peace. When we expect others to provide us with happiness, we are left very disappointed, over and over again. What if what we have been searching for has been within us all along? What if we could somehow begin to understand that lasting happiness comes from the inside-out and not from the outside-in? Transformational coach Elizabeth M. Lykins and world-renowned expressionist artist Steven D. Lyons, have partnered to c... more
