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Other Nonfiction

  • 100 Ways to Write a Book

    by Alex Pearl
    100 authors in conversation with Alex Pearl about their backgrounds, motivations, and working methods.
  • Calypso: Rhyme of the Modern Mariner

    by Dennis McGuire

    "Calypso, Rhyme of the Modern Mariner" is a true story told in a fanciful fashion, employing "The Ballad of Calypso," a 445-quatrain ballad derived directly from Calypso's logbook. The prose, cartoon illustrations and photos which are woven into the ballad places the reader at the helm of a 26' wooden sailboat with a pair of newlyweds on their journey from Portsmouth, Rhode Island to Port Townsend, Washington.

    The two-year endeavor begins with... more

  • 136 Frugal Ways to Save the Planet

    by Carrie Scarr
    Do you want to help your planet and fight back against climate change, pollution, and habitat destruction, but also need to save money and pay your monthly bills? Saving the world doesn’t have to be expensive, and in fact, the environment will benefit as you reduce your spending. You can help the environment with easy and cost-effective changes, including: •\tReduce your meat consumption •\tPut a brick in your toilet tank •\tSwitch to online banking •\tMake your own laundry detergent •\tC... more

    by Angela Thompson
    Masters level social workers have the opportunity to travel and gain a lucrative income just as other travel healthcare professionals. This book provides you with a comprehensive guide to make informed decisions and advance your career as a travel social worker. Travel Social Worker, Angela Thompson, pulls from her extensive travel social work experience and shares how to transition from staff social worker to travel social worker.
  • Bluemen 100 | Medzpalace

    by Nicolas Ellsworth
    Bluemen 100 is a professionally prescribed medication and requires appropriate clinical consideration before medication use. One necessity to stay away from the utilization if sensitive to the dynamic part of Sildenafil. Conference with a specialist is required assuming having chest torment, heart abnormalities, kidney or liver issue, draining confusion, or some other hazardous illness. With genital disfigurements, it is necessary to l... more
  • Practical Survival Skills: Nature's Larder - Wild foods survival guide

    by J.P. Logan
    With this comprehensive wilderness food guide, you can guarantee your survival and eat well in the wild.
  • Practical Survival Skills

    by J.P. Logan
    In Practical Survival Skills, here is just a fraction of what you will discover: ●\tAn essential handbook to protect you, your family, and others when help is not available right away... or at all ●\tPractical first-aid skills and crucial knowledge of nature’s remedies that could one day mean the difference between life or death ●\tIllustrated steps for you to assess injuries, administer first-aid, and use resources available in the wilderness ●\t7 common items you can use as improvised tr... more
  • Politely Rejecting the Bible

    by Dan Kapr
    A former seminarian and ex-Christian makes the case against viewing the Bible as an infallible divine revelation. First he explores the concept of an error-free Bible in meticulous detail to show how it fails on its own terms. Then he examines a handful of cases in which the Bible makes false claims, ranging from minor historical errors to major theological falsehoods.
  • Matters of Death: Meanings of the End of Life

    by Norman Weeks
    Matters of Death: Award-winning Finalist, Best Book Awards, Book Fest! Matters of Death, the second volume of Matters of Life and Death, takes on a daunting subject, the realization of the inevitable end of life. “A Prelude in Sentences” previews the theme of the book in a series of aphorisms. “Death Interpreted”, the first chapter, delves into archaeology and history to examine the meaningfulness of human death. The ultimate meaning is not that of the death of the body as a natural process, ... more
  • Hyphened-Nation

    by Nicole Draffen
  • First Patients

    by Rod Tanchanco

    Often marked by the desperate need to save human lives, important developments in medicine have invariably started with patients—people whose ordeals fostered the advancement of medical knowledge. This book is a collection of such stories, from an 18th century farmer who became the first vaccinator, to the man who drank a beaker of bacteria to prove the cause of peptic ulcers, each chapter an enthralling view into the history of medicine, revealing the extent of human inventiveness, res... more

  • Accountability: Facing the truth to discover self-empowerment

    by Laura Strobel
    Accountability is the true account of perseverance through a terrible ordeal that evolves into an inspiring, enlightening experience. Told in three parts, in the beginning Aurora only registers Shock at what has happened to her. Then Denial shields her from seeing or believing that there could be any correlation between what she’s learning in the mandatory classes she’s attending and her own life. Finally Aurora gains insight and Acceptance of her own Accountability as she learns about the dynam... more
  • The God I Left Behind: A Journey from fundamentalism to faith.

    by Brian C. Holley
    The God I Left Behind is a courageous personal journey from fundamentalism to faith. Holley's book introduces the reader to the great writers, thinkers, and spiritual masters East and West who have grappled with the fundamental questions of existence - and found non-fundamentalist answers. It's an ideal spiritual guidebook along the road less traveled. Tim Ward, author of What the Buddha Never Taught and Zombies on Kilimanjaro.
  • ONE: An Intellectual Odyssey to Rediscover the Most Powerful Being in the Universe - YOU

    by Jerome Michael McLaughlin
    ONE asks the simple question: How can I create a life filled with meaning in a world without purpose? We all experience moments when we realize we are content, yet something is missing. We are comfortable yet we remain unsatisfied. We are free, but still feel trapped. We are alive but know intuitively…there must be something more. ONE offers a bold new approach to individual fulfillment. It challenges each of us to rethink our unique story, embrace our own personal authority, and engag... more
  • The Parenting Backpack

    by Susie Garlick

    If you want to raise children who are confident, secure, responsible, and able to navigate the challenges of today’s world, you’ll want to master the tools presented in The Parenting Backpack. During her years of working with families while raising one of her own, Susie Garlick has identified surefire strategies that bring order and logic to parenting. Drawing on research and personal experience, she brings a common-sense approach that empowers parents to confidently... more

  • Tobago

    by Lennie Nimblett
    "Using meticulous research, the author painstakingly dissects the events that propelled Trinidad and Tobago to the altar." Blueink Reviews"Drawing upon a wealth of obscure historical documents, many of which are presented in whole or in part in the book, Nimblett tries to show how a failed British slave colony was saved from extinction through a merger with a more prosperous and better run neighbor." ForeWord (Clarion Reviews)"Nimblett's book is an example of what historians call 'revisionism' -... more
