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Other Nonfiction

  • We Need to Talk -

    by David S. White
    A Compassionate Guide to End of Life Dying can be hard work, but the evolution of healthcare over the past 50 years has made it harder than it needs to be. Author David White shares from his life’s work spent at more than 10,000 bedsides as a hospital, nursing home, and hospice chaplain, outlining the options that are ours to choose, and giving compelling reasons to have “the Conversation” about the care we’d prefer at end of life. This is an essential roadmap for a time of life that awaits u... more
  • KItty's People

    by Susan Barrett Price
    KITTY'S PEOPLE is a biographical novel following the Flanagan family as they grapple with disease, organized crime, alcoholism, fires, a wicked stepmother, abortion, and cold-blooded murder between 1885 and 1934. Born in Chicago, Kitty experiences the utopian community of Leclaire, Illinois, before the family settles in St. Louis. This saga is Kitty Flanagan's origin story from her youth as the daughter of Irish immigrants, through her years as a tragedy-plagued young mother and businesswoman, t... more
  • Alfred B. DelBello: His Life and Times

    by John A. Lipman

    “Without dedicated public servants, as yourself, at the local level, our efforts here in Washington would be for naught. I am very much aware of your personal commitment in this regard and I thank you for it….”

    Jimmy Carter, former U.S. President, writing to Al Delbello in 1977.

    “Al’s legacy is bigger than all of us, touching each of our lives, even today. A kind, generous and brilliant man who was a mentor to me, (Al) proved that anything is possibl... more

  • Hmong Reverse Appliqué: Cultural Meaning and Significance.

    by Linda A. Gerdner
    This book provides a groundbreaking exploration of the historical significance of Hmong reverse appliqué and circumstances that led to the development of this unique textile art form. Made by members of two Laotian Hmong sub-groups, the White Hmong and Striped Hmong (named after their distinct styles of clothing), reverse appliqué is a complex form of needlework traditionally used to decorate clothing. It also serves as a form of group and social identification. Many of the beautifully photog... more
  • You're the Cake: The Guy's the Frosting

    by Marcia Lite-Braus
    You’re the Cake: The Guy’s the Frosting shares real stories of some painful, hysterical, and even frightening dating mistakes the author made as well as the hard-won lessons she learned before finding the most delicious “frosting” with her second husband. It’s her gift to single women of any age to help them avoid the same mistakes she made and to realize that the most important ingredient in finding happiness is having a healthy relationship with yourself. We’re all products of our childho... more
  • Love, Crowd Out, Forgive, Accept

    by Dave Dunn
    Love, Crowd Out, Forgive, Accept is a how-to guide for supporting a loved one with anorexia, complete with personal notes from both the author, Dave Dunn, and his daughter, Kara. This book will be useful to families who find themselves battling anorexia in their homes, to those who know someone battling anorexia and to professionals who are helping individuals and families struggling with anorexia.
  • Story and Structure: A complete guide

    by Leon Conrad
    Why does story exist? What makes story ‘story’? How can understanding story help us shape our life story more effectively? One afternoon in 2010, I’m in my comfy study, warm coffee on the desk, good book in my hands. But I’m stuck. I can’t go further. The book is H. Porter Abbott’s 'Cambridge Introduction to Narrative', and I'm stuck on this passage: "What is necessary for the story of Cinderella to be the story of Cinderella? … This is a question that can never be answered with precisio... more
  • A Brief History of Stigma

    by Ashley L. Peterson
    Stigma can have a huge impact on the lives of people living with mental illness. That needs to change, but how can we make it happen? A Brief History of Stigma explores the past and present of stigma to give a solid basis to examine strategies to reduce stigma and critically evaluate their effectiveness. It also incorporates the author's experiences as a former mental health nurse living with a chronic mental illness. The book is divided into three parts. Part I explores what exactly stigma i... more
  • The Missionary and The Magician

    by Edward N Brown
    The little-known true story of the life of Saint Peter – after the death and resurrection of Jesus – and his extraordinary battles with the heretical sorcerer Simon Magus – THE MAN WHO COULD FLY! The later life of the man chosen to carry the future hope of the world on his shoulders – an uneducated working man – a simple villager and fisherman – but a holy man of incredible character – a man destined for greatness! His name was Simon, but he is known to history as Saint Peter. Here is what ... more
  • I and the Other

    by Joe Nalven
    Imagine a hurricane inside a meditation──that’s where we stand in our national conversation on race. But our knowledge of reality is frail. What we need is a daring guide to brave the unknown and push us closer to understanding others and ourselves. The adventurer must be bold enough to climb the mountain of race and ethnicity, away from distortion. Enter Joe Nalven. Nalven enthusiastically ventures upward without a safety net, guide, or crystal ball to decipher what is to come. From puzzles, pa... more
  • Beyond the Oasis

    by Jeannette Hanby
    Open this book and step into the East African bush. Climb into our Land Rover and head for adventure! Take a lion-mauled warrior to hospital. Search for singing stones and hidden treasure. Explore central Tanzania’s rock paintings with Dr Mary Leakey and Hadza hunters. Go on safari to Serengeti and Ngorongoro. Battle with bureaucracy in Dar es Salaam. Capsize on Lake Eyasi. Witness the funeral rites of a chief, and the terrible fate of a thief. In Spirited Oasis, we described how we settled ... more
  • Library Lin's Curated Collection of Superlative Nonfiction

    by Linda Maxie
    Library Lin's Curated Collection of Superlative Nonfiction is a librarian's A-list of nonfiction books organized by subject area--just like a library. Linda Maxie (Library Lin) combed through 65 best books lists going back a century. She chose from tens of thousands of books, sorted them according to the Dewey Decimal Classification system, and selected an entire library's worth for you to browse at home. In this broad survey of all nonfiction categories, you will find titles on everything from ... more
  • Your Neighbors Are Doing Psychedelics

    by David E. Carpenter
    "Your Neighbors Are Doing Psychedelics" features the true story of policeman Nick Watchorn, who lived through the infamous Port Arthur massacre in Tasmania, Australia, in 1996. Over the ensuing 22 years, Nick dealt with severe PTSD that nearly ended in suicide. In 2018, Nick made the decision to enroll in groundbreaking clinical trials using MDMA therapy (aka ecstasy) to treat his chronic PTSD. Nick’s true story — parts of which were taken from private journals he kept throughout his MDMA treatm... more
  • Whiskers Abroad: Ashi and Audrey’s Adventures in Japan

    by Carrie Carter
    Whiskers Abroad is a lively travelogue featuring a trip to Japan shared by two main characters, Audrey and her cat Ashi, who alternate recounting their versions of events. During a twelve-day trip, the pair visit several cities. Adventures abound. Audrey is still trying to find her place in the universe, while Ashi believes Audrey would sink beneath the waves were he not present to rescue her. Audrey’s daily horoscope offers tantalizing clues as to what’s in store for the pair. Written by Carrie... more
  • Spirited Oasis: Tales from a Tanzanian Village

    by Jeannette Hanby
    ” Enter a world with dramatic scenery, red dust whirlwinds, a lush oasis, bad roads and a striking cast of colorful characters. Two foreigners are exposed to a diversity of landscapes and ethnic groups when they come to live in Serengeti’s backyard, a remote part of East Africa called Mangola. They absorb, build, and learn. And share their discoveries with you. This is a book for the adventurous, the curious, those lovers of insights about different people and places. Numerous drawings and photo... more
