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Other Nonfiction

  • Communication is Care

    by Jennifer George
    Communication in healthcare long-remains one of the top reasons for patient complaints in the healthcare system (Reader et al., 2014). While health education programs prepare healthcare providers for technical competency, not all focus on developing our emotional intelligence and human compassion. Communication is Care: 9 Empowering Strategies to Guide Patient Healing is a practical guide to educate healthcare providers on how to strengthen their communication skills and help their patie... more
  • A Higher Conversation

    by Neil David Chan
    An Enchanting metaphilosophy. Our Journey in life is never complete without a conversation with our soul.. A Higher Conversation is about making that contact with your soul and bringing your soul into your daily life. We are and have always been a three-part being - Body,, Mind and Soul. While we use our body and mind to think and do, we hardly engage our soul. The feeling is the language of our soul. To Feel, to think, and to do are what all humans do. Having that conversation with your soul ca... more
  • Keep Kids Out of Porn: The Government’s Intentional Failure

    by Marc Lafond
    The primary aim of this work is to offer an inventive solution to block minors from accessing pornography online, which offers a solution to South Carolina Bill H5414. Another fundamental purpose of this work is to examine why the government’s actions were negligent in establishing regulations that prohibit child exploitation in pornography. The federal government has taken great strides to create laws that ban child pornography but has failed to cover all the gaps of child abuse because of negl... more
  • Pulling Wings From Butterflies: Tercio De Varas

    by Capt. Mike Simkins
    This is a true story that the entire aviation industry in the UK and the USA don’t want to be told. Captain Mike Simkins refused to place his passengers and crews lives in danger when he was instructed by senior airline managers to perform a duty that would have resulted in him operating at the same effectiveness as that of a drunk driver. Until now the full details could not be released. However, In a series of three volumes, ‘Pulling Wings From Butterflies’, exposes the damning relationship... more
  • A New York City Adventure

    by Paul Calabrese
    Our New York City adventure starts in Coney Island, and ends in the Bronx Zoo. During our travels, we will be visiting some of New York City’s most famous landmarks and learn a little trivia about the past and present of these amazing wonders of New York City. Fun for all ages, A New York City Adventure, shows a visually comedic view of the city I was raised in, and the people and places I have had the privilege and pleasure to come across. New York Strong.
  • Inglish Maed Simpəl

    by Chris Marquis
    Quite simply, English should be Written as it Sounds, and Spoken as it is Written. Inglish Maed Simpəl shows exactly how this can be done! Followed carefully, this text will enable publishers everywhere to transliterate the English language into an identically sounding language that is written as it is pronounced and pronounced as it is written. Read these 50 pages and you can do it yourself! For hundreds of years now, there has been a desire to sort out the spelling of the English language. Wil... more
  • 101 Totally Unnecessary Redundancies (plus 30 spares, just in case)

    by Michael Macy

    Wonder what you'd get if you crossed New Yorker cartoons and Dr. Seuss? Could be spectacular or a disaster! I'd say 101 Redundancies is somewhere in between ...


  • Writing Craft Volume 1: Are You Ready to Publish? & Other Burning Questions

    by DeAnna Knippling
    Writing Craft Volume 1 is all about the care and feeding of writers, the big (and small) issues that can derail a career before it even gets started. But it also provides fundamental concepts about business and craft that can start (gently!) improving your career in the slow, everyday steps that make for lasting and versatile changes.
