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Other Nonfiction

  • Keeping It Under Wraps: Sex: An Anthology

    by Louise Bryant
    Society tells us what is right and what is wrong based on unrealisticexpectations. In the end, though, no matter how unique our experiences seem, they aren't wrong: they simply are. The Keeping It Under Wraps anthology series provides a safe space to change the narrative, to speak openly about individual experiences, and in the end to understand that while each experience is different, we are not so different from each other. Let's start the conversation. What better place to start than... more
  • Keeping It Under Wraps: Parenthood, Uncensored

    by Louise Bryant
    To procreate or not to procreate: that is the question. The choice, in itself, is a big conversation in society, and often something that is highly judged. Even the relationships we have with our own parents are expected to fit a norm that doesn't actually exist. The Keeping It Under Wraps anthology series provides a safe space to change the narrative, to speak openly about individual experiences, and in the end to understand that while each experience is different, we are not so different... more
  • So You Want To Be A Dictator: A Supreme Leadership Guide For The Aspiring Authoritarian

    by C.T. Jackson
    Feel like you should do more with your life? At the expense of others? Then dictatorship may be for you! In this satirical leadership guide for aspiring autocrats and assholes, learn how to dismantle boring old democracy and capitalize on your most tyrannical desires. Join former government lackey turned humorist C.T. Jackson as he takes you from humble beginnings to your full, totalitarian potential, all the while basking in the batshit crazy examples of history's most famous despots. ... more
  • Snoozer Quinn: Fingerstyle Jazz Guitar Pioneer

    by Katy Hobgood Ray & Dan Sumner
    Book dedicated to Snoozer Quinn sheds light on the virtuosic jazz guitarist, with a biography, interviews, photographs, and musical transcriptions.
  • Reinventing Patient Centricity: Bringing patient-led business models to life

    by Sharon Suchotliff, Hensley Evans

    "Reinventing Patient Centricity: Bringing patient-led business models to life” explores opportunities for pharma to move beyond the buzzwords and adopt true patient-led business models. The book takes readers through the patient experience, identifying tactical examples for pharma around where, when and how to bring in the patient and the business benefits of doing so. Along the way, this guide shines a spotlight on some of the industry’s biggest stumbling blocks and celebrat... more

  • Recalibrating Everything

    by J.D. Price
  • Get Bail, Leave Jail: America's Guide to Hiring a Bondsman, Navigating Bail Bonds, and Getting out of Custody before Trial

    by S.J. Plotkin
    Finalist 2021 Best Book Awards, American Book Fest Independent Publisher Book Awards (IPPY) Bronze Medal Winner 2022 When you or someone you care about is incarcerated, your priority is to secure a safe release as soon as possible. This can be overwhelming. You may feel rushed and might make bad decisions based on incomplete or inaccurate information—decisions that carry serious long-term consequences. Get Bail, Leave Jail helps Americans safely navigate legal accusations, arrests, bail b... more
  • Finding the Right Fit

    by Gregory Lemoine
    In "Finding the Right Fit: Your Professional Guide for International Educator Recruiting Fairs and Amazing Stories of a Teacher Living Overseas" you will learn the ultimate step-by-step guide to succeeding at an international educator's job fair. In this guide, you will find tips to successfully prepare for interviews, how to present your most qualified self, and you will be engrossed with the narratives of many passionate educators who enjoy their work overseas.
  • The Climate Emergency Journal

    by John Pabon
    If you want to make an impact, you've got to have a plan. ​This long-awaited companion to "Sustainability for the Rest of Us" is your key tool to get a strategy on paper. As the saying goes, if you don't know where you're headed then any road will get you there. That's kind of how we've been trying to save the planet: lots of great ideas but no concerted strategy. Well, it's time to change all that! Instead of getting angry, or cowering in fear, put pen to paper and get to work. Set goals ... more
  • Undeterred: How one determined Vietnamese orphan carved out a place for himself in America

    by Bruce Carlin
    It’s a twenty-foot drop off Flower Bridge… With tanks approaching and bombs exploding mere yards away, five-year-old Long has only moments to decide whether to risk the jump to join his brother in the water below. The boys must leave everything they know in order to survive and unknowingly have embarked on an intense journey, one that will lead to a new life in America. But even having come so far, the boys will face new perils in the United States and find that the only thing they can dep... more
  • I Meant To Divorce My Wife Not My Daughter

    by Zev Lewinson
    This incredible, non-fiction account of events will leave the Orthodox Jewish community (along with the other two Abrahamic religions), our criminal divorce court system, and God himself torn to shreds. It is a fascinating page-turning tale of fatherhood, love, marriage, family, and religion that will leave you mesmerized. Braided throughout with humor and tears, this story is a must-read for anyone who is thinking about marriage, in a marriage, or post marriage. It's a book that every spouse, e... more
  • Mr. Mulligan

    by Tom Patrick McAuliffe II
    Here is the uplifting true life story of world-famous champion armless Golfer Tommy McAuliffe (1893-1967). Through the turmoils of the Great Depression, the golden days of Vaudeville and World War II, Tommy McAuliffe, who lost both arms in a tragic street car accident at the age of eight, thrilled audiences around the world with his golf tricks and later in life touched their hearts with this inspiring story and life philosophy. One of the original positive thinking proponents his “No Handicaps”... more
  • Purposeful Memoir as a Quest for a Thriving Future

    by Jennifer Browdy
    Award-winning memoirist and veteran college professor Jennifer Browdy weaves together her own story with the inspiring voices and visions of more than 15 of the writer-activists she calls “worldwrights”—writers who write to right the world, including beloved mentors such as Joy Harjo, Audre Lorde, Jane Goodall. Terry Tempest Williams and many more. The book is organized as a series of eight Quests, centered around positive qualities that will help us create a thriving future: Clarity, Courage, ... more
  • Another Hysterical Female

    by Kristin Giese
    Another Hysterical Female is a collection of stories from author Kristin Giese in which she mines what is funny to find what is true for us all. Equal parts storytelling and memoir, Giese is a modern day Mary Poppins of good advice, delivering the laughs and the lessons we need right now to help our collective heartache go down.
  • Deeptide . . . Vents of Fire

    by Donald Ray Schwartz
    This mystery, intrigue, and adventure story may be only a year or two away from real-life events. Two women scientists intend to capture DNA samples of discovered remarkable life forms within vents existing in the deepest ocean depths.
