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Other Nonfiction

  • The Story of Herkales and Samson: An Epic Tail!

    by Martha Voorhees
    When Martha’s dad disappears, she has to take over the family farm. Deciding to raise horses, she transforms the farm by hand. But just when things seem stable, she loses one of her beloved dogs. Suddenly, there’s another big hole in Martha’s life. One day, two playful puppies arrive on the farm. Herkales and Samson are brothers with an unbreakable bond. Straight away, they fill the hole in Martha’s life with love and affection. But it’s only the beginning of their adventures… Herakles and... more
  • Teaching Time for Kids Interactive Learning for 6-10 year Olds

    by Mai Lee
    Are you ready to put your thinking cap on? Learning is a great way to expand our minds beyond what we know! However, it doesn't have to be boring. Every page in this book will provide a new adventure with fun facts and a quiz at the end of each section. If you're groaning and saying, “a quiz? Really?” Yes! A quiz! Quizzes help challenge your reading comprehension skills to make sure you understand the meaning of what you read. As you grow older, the skills you learn by doing quizzes will help y... more
  • Schlepping Across the Nile

    by Aaron Zevy
    This collection adds a comic and often poignant twist to the story of the nearly 1 million strong Jews who lived in Arab lands before the second world war. But Zevy, the son of an ashkenazi father and sephardic mother adds some shtick to his recollections. His Ashkenazi side is the wry, bemused spectator of the antics and entanglements of his other half. In Crossing the Nile, the young Zevy begs his mother to make Lipton Cup-A-Soup and grilled cheese instead of an Egyptian concoction for a Ca... more
  • Bad Medicine: Litigating Medical Malpractice Cases In Maine

    by Benjamin Gideon

    In "Bad Medicine," Ben Gideon and Taylor Asen, co-founders of Gideon Asen LLC and seasoned medical malpractice trial lawyers, share their expertise on various aspects of analyzing and litigating medical malpractice claims. This comprehensive guide not only evaluates and scrutinizes Maine's medical malpractice laws but also explores the typical cases they have encountered throughout their extensive careers. These cases encompass birth injuries, spinal cord injuries, and delayed c... more

  • How to Cure a Yucky Yeti (Monster Manners Lab)

    by Brittany Plumeri
    This interactive book for toddlers and preschools has kids exploring new foods, embracing healthy eating habits, building effective communication skills, and practicing good manners. How to Cure a Yucky Yeti teaches the importance of trying new things and communicating food preferences in a positive and respectful manner. Inside, you'll find: Positive behavior modeling Relatable characters and situations Interactive opportunities Beautiful illustrations ...and much more! Whether you'r... more
  • The Writer's Voice

    by Anne Janzer
    The Writer’s Voice is a comprehensive, hands-on guide to this little-understood aspect of writing.
  • Van Life With Cats: The Digital Nomad’s Guide to Traveling the Americas.

    by Damen Howard

    It is your much-needed comprehensive exploration of van life culture and the burgeoning digital nomad trend. What’s the real narrative behind this lifestyle? Let’s uncover it together. Inside the pages of Van Life With Cats, here’s what you’ll discover:

    ●A practical step-by-step guide to kickstarting your van life journey, addressing every aspect from budgeting to selecting the perfect van for crafting a cat-friendly environment.

    ●Crucial advice on navigati... more

  • Sleep Island in the Time of Boom!!!

    by Dr. Duane R. Folke
  • Racconto avventuroso di 4 giovani fratelli

    by Federico Ronzani
    Il mio Racconto è inedito. Ambientato nel 1960, narra la storia di quattro giovani fratelli che di nascosto dai genitori, decidono di partire per compiere un viaggio in Africa, all’insegna dell’avventura. E’ indirizzato ai bambini, ma può essere letto da chiunque. Ricco di cenni storici, informazioni geografiche, ha la capacità di dare a chi lo legge, di immedesimarsi nei vari personaggi, comprendendone i processi psichici ed emotivi, entrando così in stretto contatto con l'anima del racconto... more
  • YOU: THE STING OPERATIVE- 100 Tactics to Change the World, Right From Your Own Neighborhive

    by Amanda M. Ferris
    Reminder: You were made to change the world. So what would it feel like to see the impact you can make, and know you are making a difference--right here, right now? YOU: The Sting Operative is the essential guidebook for superheroes of all ages. As a ninja-next-door, you'll be equipped with 100 different Sting Ops Missions to make the world a better place starting today--with little to no cost, and right from your own neighborhive! Join the Sting Ops Underground to ''bee the change you ... more
  • Emily and the Magic Box

    by Dawna M. Roberts
    Emily is a brave young girl who loves adventure. Her imagination takes her and her brother Peter to faraway places, where they pretend to be courageous heroes and evil villains. Then one day, against their father’s wishes, Emily and Peter venture deep into the Enchanted Forest, where they find a magic box. The box is full of magical creatures, and grants wishes to whoever finds it! It will also change Emily and Peter’s lives forever.
  • Radio Daze

    by Aaron Zevy
    When acclaimed comic writer Aaron Zevy began to collect vintage radios, his friends and family hoped they might get a respite from the barrage of short stories which had been filling their inboxes. After all, how much trouble can one man, no matter how unusual and prone to social and dating mishaps he might be, get into while engaged in a sedate hobby ordinarily associated with reticence and retirement? In Radio Daze, Zevy, often joined with his usual associates - the Ketel and cran drinki... more
  • A Woman's Guide to Self-Defense: 5 steps to staying safe forever: A self-defense how to for building your mindset, building your

    by Patti Stewart
    A 5-step guide to staying safe in any situation. Written by a woman, for women.
  • Education and Science

    by Christopher K. Slaton, Ed.D.
    The Brain’s Body Help to Improve Brain, Body, and Sense Events is one of those self-improvement books that help readers understand how action research can lead to a more integrated and advanced life. Paraphrasing Wikipedia, action research is a method of transformative change while simultaneously acting and doing research. This self-improvement book guides readers through the benefits of action research to help them live more effectively as they decide how to respond to different circumstances. ... more
  • A Texas Education

    by Tom Segady
    This is a book about personal experience, but it is not a memoir. While experiencing threatening situations and circumstances that define one’s life, the author invites encounters with others to teach him important life’s lessons, while in fact he has been a college teacher for over thirty years. Learning—and unlearning—can come from anyone at any time. What is critical is remaining open to the encounters with others and seeing the joy in the act of experiencing. Life and learning are performanc... more
