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History & Military

  • Moses’ Biography in the Koran, a Window on a Page of the History of Ancient Egypt

    by Al-aqqād Junior
    Al-aqqād Junior assumed the mantle of a professional archeologist, self-imposing the task of reassembling the disparate fragments of Moses' life's details from 346 verses of 22 chapters of the Koran that dates back to 632 CE. He arranged them contextually, logically and analytically, so that the resulting work takes readers and listeners through a compelling, historic, unembellished, virtually cinematic documentary reconstruction of what actually took place, leading up to, during and after the I... more
  • Beyond Satanic

    by William Harriss
    This is the first finished of a series of related books; three others are currently works in progress. 'Beyond Satanic' is about the Roman Catholic Church's 2000 years of Anti-semitism. Religious, political, and physical abuse against Jews. It is about the truth of how involved the Catholic Church was in Anti-semitism; they are drenched in the responsibility of murder. It is also about old and modern—the murder of Jews on the pretext of heresy. The contents of this manuscript are based on con... more
  • THE REVOLUTION THAT WASN'T: My Candid Observations about the Shared Cuba and US Histories

    by Graciela C. Catasus
    The book gives readers a genuine glimpse into Cuba's admirable social and financial developments before Fidel Castro's 1959 communist takeover by citing documented works, and highlighting how the United States interfered both diplomatically and militarily before and after Cuba's independence from Spain. However, the book also exposes how the United States not only failed to recognize Castro's communist affiliation and criminal background as a threat to the island, but claimed it could not interf... more
  • Unstoppable Native American Women

    by April Riverwood
    Ten mini-biographies delve into the lives of Native American trailblazers you’ve probably never heard of who pioneered, persevered, overcame discrimination, and gently changed the world. Their actions opened up possibilities & paved the way for generations of women who have historically been overlooked and undervalued.
  • Ascendancy

    by Patrick Earl Dwyer
    An American heritage story, the Saga of the Magoffin and O'Dwyers and the diaspora from Ireland circa 1800 to America, Australia, Jamaica, and Mexico is chronicled in ASCENDANCY. It is a story of Triumph over Tragedy and of two families that cross paths in Ireland at a very turbulent time and again in America, eventually intermarrying. A Saga filled with action and romance, the story is one of the History and Fiction Genre in which fiction and non-fiction are woven connecting many historical peo... more
  • The Theology of Estrangement and the Theology of Intimacy

    by N. D. Chambers
    This work challenges traditional theories of how and why the Pentateuch and the Gospels in the Bible were written. The first writer of the origins of Israel, called the Yahwist, was reacting to the tragedies of King David's reign. The murder of Abel by Cain was inspired by two of David's sons that murdered their older brothers. David's son Solomon's kingdom was based on elitism, which replaced David's more egalitarian society. The writer(s) who put the completed Pentateuch together were a prie... more
  • Corsairs on the Spanish Main

    by Guy Pommares
    This book is the story of an accidental discovery. It started out as part of a routine site analysis for a seaside resort at a place called Puerto Francés on the Southern shores of the Caribbean. Questions about some unusual landforms progressively led us to bring to light one the most epic episodes in the development of modern society. Following the thread that brought us to unravel the secrets of an immensely far-reaching clandestine operation in the early renaissance was somewhat reminisc... more
  • 356

    by Stan Thomson
    A Novel of 78,000 words in the Historical Fiction Genre by Stanley M Thomson Craig Erskine is a Scottish born Australian who returns to his childhood home some 60 years later. The address is 356 Easter Road Leith and it was there, in post WW2 that he was shot at by an Army pistol and terrorised by a Polish POW. He also had to take on the thought that his father was perceived to be a coward during the ... more
  • Zombie

    by Clifford Benjamin
    1). Clifford Benjamin 2). Dade City, FL 33523 3). Telephone # Private prefer email 4), Email Address: 5). Details of past writing experience: published 14 books 6). Estimated Word Count: 85,898 7). Page Count: 326 8). Synopsis: Sucking the blood out of people was all fiction; those were dreadfully terrible times. But we have come many years from whence we came. Sadly, we have a president who did unimaginable things ... more
  • We've Done Them Wrong!: A History of the Native American Indians and How the United States Treated Them

    by George E. Saurman
    From the mountains, to the prairies To the oceans white with foam, Every Native American Must leave his home l. Imagine that someone comes to your home and forces you at gunpoint to leave. Your response might be termed "savage" "Savage" was how the New World invaders described American Indians. Settlers chased them across the continent, as the government signed treaties that they later broke. They also subjected the native inhabitants to horrible atrocities. Author George E. Saurman, a World War... more
  • I Could Have Been One

    by Donald Wm. Jeffries
    I use my life as a foundation to show the world I was born into, grew up in and became an adult living in including events of those times national and international both public and hidden, which came to light, showing how we came to our national and international current events.
  • Life Fighting: Why We Must Sometimes Fight, and How to Do So Well

    by Robert W. Sweet

    Fighting has gotten a bad name; it should not be so. Fighting itself is neither moral nor immoral; only its object can be said to be so. To be moral is not to fight no one; to be moral is to fight those who vitiate life and civilization. Edward Wilson writes that, if “moral aptitude” is like every other trait studied to date, it forms a bell curve, has a natural genetic distribution: some human beings are moral, others amoral or immoral. That the moral are far less willing to figh... more

  • The Murder of Alexander the Great: Book 2 - The Secret War (2019)

    by Ajith Kumar
    Seventy-two astonishing discoveries that lead us to the assassin of Alexander the Great The Murder of Alexander the Great, Book 2— The Secret War, traces Alexander’s expedition to the unknown boundaries of the ancient world and tracks his disastrous return journey finally ending in his deathbed in Babylon. In 326 BC, Alexander set out to conquer the world… He remained undefeated across three continents as he vanquished rulers and carved his territory with an insatiable hunger. As he finally ma... more
  • The Murder of Alexander the Great: Book 1 - The Puranas (2019)

    by Ajith Kumar
    Sixteen stunning discoveries about Alexander the Great unravels the mystery surrounding his suspicious death. Who killed Alexander the Great? After more than two thousand years of speculation, the assassin of Alexander is finally identified in a comprehensive investigation in The Murder of Alexander the Great (in two books: The Puranas and The Secret War). In Book 1: The Puranas Alexander’s journey is chronicled not only through the siloed lens of Greek records but also through a comparison o... more
  • Apocalypse 2070

    by Dorothy Neill
    As the title, Apocalypse 2070, indicates, this is a non-fiction prophetic end-time book. It was co-written by my deceased husband, a Miami attorney and world-wide evangelist and Bible teacher. The period of time known as the great and terrible Day of the Lord - during which the events of the book of Revelation will all come to pass - has begun. The signs are everywhere! Christ is on His way back. But before His return, Earth will first quake under the fist of the Adversary Satan and his progeny,... more
