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History & Military

  • Earth's Emergency Room: Saving Species as the Planet and Politics Get Hotter

    by Lowell E. Baier
    Earth’s Emergency Room reflects on the differences between the era of the ESA (the 1960s and 70s) and today. Baier explains, “We have lost our national unity, bipartisan spirit, and clarity of purpose. In 1973 Congress made a moral pronouncement on behalf of the American people, that it was important to protect the Earth’s species. Today, we know that to be truer than ever, but we have lost our perspective. Only by recapturing the moral authority of the past, and acting as a united people, can w... more
  • Roosevelt to Roosevelt: Presidential Nominating Conventions from 1904 to 1944

    by Stan Haynes
    1904 to 1944. Four decades that were crucial for the United States. Then, unlike today, presidential nominating conventions mattered. Their outcomes altered history. Without the twists, turns, and dealmaking at conventions, there would have been no President Woodrow Wilson, no rejection of a third term for President Theodore Roosevelt, no President Warren Harding, no Vice President Calvin Coolidge, and no Vice President Harry Truman. How did the victors at conventions prevail, and why were the l... more
  • Operation ThunderStrike

    by Kashan Ajmeri
    Embark on a heart-pounding adventure through the untamed wilderness with 'Jungle Recon: Operation Thunderstrike.' Join the fearless Captain Jave and Intelligence Agent Jenny as they journey deep into enemy territory on a secret mission that will test their courage, cunning, and camaraderie to the limit. Faced with relentless adversaries, treacherous terrain, and the specter of betrayal, our heroes must rely on their wits and survival instincts to navigate the jungle's deadly labyrinth and emerge... more
  • Born To Rise: A Journey From Setbacks To Comebacks and Lessons Learned

    by Lorna Blake
    Born to a poor teenage mother in rural Jamaica, Lorna experienced poverty, abandonment, and abuse. She boarded a plane to Canada on her own as a teenager with no guarantee of a visa, eventually gaining citizenship. Lorna defied the odds, overcoming poverty to graduate from university with an honors degree in social work while becoming the mother of two young children. Her passion for learning and helping people transform their lives has led her to work in 5 different countries, where she’s... more
  • The Reflecting Man - Volume Five

    by D.K.R. Boyd

    This is the fifth and final volume recounting the antic, ribald journey of our loquacious and unreliable narrator, Kurtis De’ath, from the Maritimes in Canada, whose unusual talents led him into the innermost circles of Hitler’s Third Reich and Churchill’s British government.



  • Charity, Change, and Community: Frankford's Swedenborgians and Their Circle Volume I: 1817 - 1875

    by Gail Rodgers McCormick
    Spurred by a family discovery, Gail McCormick embarked on an historical journey to uncover the story of a unique society of Swedenborgians, a Christian sect inspired by the works of eighteenth-century scientist and theologian Emanuel Swedenborg. Unlike most investigations of American Swedenborgianism that have emphasized Swedenborg’s influence on the elite, eccentric, and esoteric, McCormick focuses on the experience and impact of this community of faith in the Northeast Philadelphia neighborhoo... more
  • Utah the Disturbed Land

    by Dave Crosby
    Utah had a tumultuous Past told in its geology
  • L'histoire des rois de France en Roussillon

    by Anton Martin
    Le Roussillon, une région riche en histoire, a joué un rôle significatif dans l'histoire de la France, notamment en ce qui concerne ses rois. De la période du Moyen Âge à nos jours, les rois de France ont laissé leur empreinte sur Roussillon de bien des façons. L'un des rois les plus remarquables à avoir eu une présence en Roussillon était Louis XI. Connu pour sa ruse et son habileté politique, Louis XI a été essentiel dans l'expansion du royaume de France en Roussillon en négociant avec les ... more
  • Idiot. Loser. Fraud. An illustrated guide to Donald Trump.

    by Tom Praddlun
    This book is about Donald Trump-his stupidity, pettiness, dishonesty, hypocrisy, bankruptcies, racism, sexism, affairs, crimes - and his attempt to overthrow U.S. democracy. All the reasons he should not be President.
  • The Armenian Seminars

    by Michael Boyajian

    The author’s depth of knowledge and almost lyrical style and spontaneity of speaking about such topics of interest to Armenians from their early embrace of the West, control of the photoengraving industry in the United States and the abundance of Armenian illuminated bibles and what they signified and the need for non academic history books that tell a swashbuckling tale of Armenian history and its heroes all comes to life here. As Plato’s Socratic dialogues were to Greek cultural... more

  • Alabama Short Stories: Volume 2

    by Shawn Wright
    Alabama Short Stories, Volume 2, takes you on a trip through the heart of this Deep South state, exploring the interesting and true tales that make Alabama unique. There are 30 more engaging stories, both old and new, that have shaped the culture of this southern state.

    by Thomas C. Clarie

    Presented are 17 chapters, each on a famous visitor. Included are car builders in 1900, a witness and negotiator of the Russian Revolution, World Fair and World Olympics director, boy pianist for famed opera star Jenny Lind, sculptor who studied with Rodin, founder of brain surgery, backer of Lindbergh flight to Paris, and governor who let two world famous murderers die in the chair.

  • The Murals of Dutchess County New York

    by Michael Boyajian

    A photo essay book that spans the contemporary categories of murals as expressed by first and foremost the Mexican school led by Diego Rivera and continued today and made into their own styled art forms by Banksy in London and Franc Palaia in the Hudson Valley of New York as well as around the world; with the focus of the book being almost entirely set in Dutchess County along the east bank of the mid-Hudson River Valley that is both a vacation land, and part of the overall birthplace of the ... more

  • Killing Shore

    by K.A. Nelson
    The forgotten story of Nazi Germany's naval assault in American waters—and the untold accounts of seafarers who experienced its wrath in the waters off the Jersey Shore.
  • Awadheshrajcreator

    by Awadhesh Kumar
  • My Dearest Bea

    by Peyton H. Roberts
    My Dearest Bea is a rare collection of intimate love letters written by U.S. Navy Band trumpet player Bill Holston to his new bride in Norfolk, Virginia, during the long, lonely months of sea duty following their wedding day. When the letters are discovered generations later, a blossoming romance leaps off the page transporting readers into the heart of a timeless love story.
