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History & Military

  • The Power of Peasants: Economics and Politics of Farming in Medieval Germany

    by Robert Dees
    Part I provides a background understanding of how the Roman slave economy destroyed its free peasantry and thereby its source of food, taxpayers, and soldiers. Meanwhile, free farmers in northern Europe increased agricultural yields, producing more food, more farmers, more warriors until they overran the empire. Further advances in agricultural productivity made possible medieval civilization, which, with the rise of the feudal class, then collapsed into the Hundred Years War and bubonic plague.... more
  • Custer's Reconnaissance

    by Terrance E. Heitter
    This is the most logical and factual study ever written about General George Armstrong Custer and his actions at the Battle of the Little Big Horn.
  • War Alert in the Tropical Dawn at Pearl

    by Pam Ribbey
    From Pacific portents in the ether of Radio Intelligence surrounding the 7 December 1941 Pearl Harbor Attack, through survivor stories and archival research revealing still classified files, a granddaughter of the senior U.S. Naval Officer with his secret Task Group that dawn unveils the truth submerged for eighty years that presaged America into WWII.
  • Leave Your Legacy: For U.S. Veterans & Military Members

    by AimeeAnn Blythe

    Before memories fade, leave a record

     (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, National Guard, Coast Guard, Space Force)

             Tangible Record: A written history provides a tangible and enduring record that can be passed down through generations. Unlike digital files that may be susceptible to loss due to technical issues, a physical record stands the test of time.
