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  • Ordinary Ecstasy

    by Nate Clark
    The philosophical meanderings of a young man searching for meaning. Compiled in the hopes that the reader will be edified and stimulated. Best enjoyed with a cigarette and whiskey. This is the poetic debut of Nate Clark.
  • Fair Now Later Rain

    by Jeremy Long
    Fair Now Later Rain is a new collection of poetry written by Jeremy Long. Formed within the perennial tradition and the classics, Fair Now Later Rain seeks to supplement contemporary verse with a lyrical and intellectual form. Written within a personal, spiritual, and philosophical framework, the collected poems in Fair Now Later Rain explore memory, love, death, God, being, existence, and more. Accompanying the reflective and contemplative poems in Fair Now Later Rain are witty provocations,... more
  • Drifters

    by Stuart Jay Silverman



    A drift of snow, adrift in a sea of speculation,

    turning over the flotsam and jetsam of the macro world,

    speaking with Nano rising from and sinking back

    into the abyss... . Though I don't much like Poe's

    The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket,

    I'm drawn to it, its locked-in adventure in the hold

    of a whaling ship, the faithful dog turned savage,

    mutiny, the final, fanciful emergence ... more


    by Tim Cawkwell
    Although 2020/21 was a year to forget, it is most likely to be a year we shall remember more readily than others. In private response to the new public covid reality which has coincided with a sense that politically, socially and culturally we have passed through a watershed year, Tim Cawkwell has written a sequence of poems, IN THESE TORRID TIMES. They are fourteen in number, ranging from poems of one page in length to others of several pages. They include two Covid Odes, plus ‘Three Ages of th... more
  • Dawn of Wisdom

    by Alok Gupta
    The book is a collection of eighteen poems. The first poem Reflections and Realizations is reminiscing a blessed journey filled with beauty and wonders and sharing snippet of wits and wisdom acquired over the years. The second poem Proposition is sharing few tips that can turn life into a flow, effortless and joyous. Facing Challenges depicts state of mind one needs to deal with trials and tribulations of life without the remorse and the stress. Art of Living is filled with precious advice to fo... more
  • Pop X Poetry

    by Kurt Cole Eidsvig
    This unauthorized send-up on literature's most precious member skewers the life and times of Poetry. With bold colors, gritty words and funny stories, POP X POETRY's artsy biographical tone in no way means you'll learn anything at all. You may lose brain cells. Featuring over 300 poems, 30 brand-new artworks, and a unique layout, bright designs, and more, this book's narrative botox blast gives Poetry the long-overdue facelift we were waiting for. Presented as a series of collage pieces, the boo... more
  • Shackled Freedom: Black Living in the Modern American South

    by Dasan Ahanu
    Shackled Freedom: Black Living in the Modern American South is the new poetry collection by award-winning artist Dasan Ahanu. It contains poems that are inspired by, speak to, and detail the Black southern experience. Shackled Freedom is the second installment of a series dedicated to Black life. The collection attempts to push back at rigid narratives about Black living below the Mason Dixon Line. Too often we are presented with narratives and perspectives that narrow our collective unders... more
  • Standing Alone

    by Paul Jones
    We all have those moments in our lives where we need reassurance or, we might just want to break down and have a good cry. Standing Alone is a book of poetry that is meant to inspire and touch the living soul. From poems such as Standing Alone to, There for Me. Both poems may have the same conclusion but doing the process one will reach that conclusion in our own special way.
  • A Spiritual Bridge

    by Mzia Kvirikashvili Lawrence
    With this book, I wanted to give at least a glimmer of joy to my eternally tormented country, which for decades has been so preciously owed by the freedom gained through its blood. I wanted to introduce to the English-speaking world how a Georgian person thinks, primarily a Georgian poet, who are so numerous in Georgia. And poetry, after all, it is a bridge between people?s hearts. Then, walk on this bridge and connect our desires, kind people!
  • Magic Mines: The Treasure of Love

    by Mandeep Lotta
    The poems contained in this book are meant to promote love and concern for one another. As gregarious beings, it is necessary for us to interact through poems, music, sports, as well as share knowledge and other social activities.
  • Bounded by Eternity

    by Deborah L. Davitt

    Bounded by Eternity is a novella in verse, telling the story of a woman who has forgotten her own name and history, by her own choice, through by a compact with Oberon, the king of the fey. The story moves between future and past, interweaving myth and reality, memory and confabulation, and loss and survival, eventually transmuting fear to forgiveness.

    ". . . a lyrical journey into realms at once mysterious and familiar. . . . Before long we learn the important, imaginative an... more

  • Winter Solstice: A Memoir in Poetry

    by Diana Howard
    We take our memory for granted. Dementia will steal it in ways most of us could never imagine. Winter Solstice by Diana Howard burrows deep into the heart-rendering poetic journey of a daughter trying to love and help her mother who is slowly losing her memory. Through poems and vignettes written over a period of 15 years, the reader will enter a world of denial, confusion, shame, fear, humor, sacrifice, patience and love - finding solace and empathy with an experience many of us go throug... more
  • Mettle & Flesh

    by Claire Turton
    ‘I realise with quite a fright this page is now my portal for as you read the words I write I become immortal’ Mettle & Flesh is a collection of poetry encompassing observations on life, and how we see ourselves within it. Born from personal experience, the poems span across topics ranging from love, loss, ageing, trust, bad dates, and the inner thoughts we usually keep to ourselves. The poems range from contemplation to rage, from disappointment, to questioning the status quo. Within them, you... more
  • Goodbye (Hello)

    by Ilyssa Goldsmith
    Goodbye (Hello) is a love letter to the stranger, the lover, and the beloved. It is a recovered poem written for the person we may meet once, perchance never to meet again. In her first poetry collection, Goldsmith re-imagines the fine line, which exists between all hellos and goodbyes. Here, the poet raises a new provocation—one which appears to be nostalgic and old. It is just this: every goodbye is secretly an unmet hello in disguise.
  • Bells in the Night

    by Richard Betz
    “Betz has waited all this time for his first book of poems and for us readers it’s worth the wait, as these poems reflect the humble inner and outer lives of the author in poetic detail and profound musings, each poem being the image of what he sees in those binoculars he peers through in the author photo at the end of the book . . . From the NC mountains to the Outer Banks, Betz brings many and varied perspectives and subjects of interest, showing an inquisitive mind and a keen eye, from Shakes... more
  • From the Farther Shore

    by Edited by Alice Kociemba, Robin Smith-Johnson, and Rich Youmans
    From the Farther Shore: Discovering Cape Cod & the Islands Through Poetry features 118 poems that journey throughout the Cape, the Elizabeth Islands, Martha’s Vineyard, and Nantucket. Edited by Alice Kociemba, Robin Smith-Johnson, and Rich Youmans, the anthology brings the region to life, focusing on famous landmarks and people, traditional industries, historical episodes, and the natural beauty that have made the region a world-renowned destination.
