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    by Thomas Lake
    Here is a book as joyous and painful, as mysterious and memorable, as childhood itself. Thought-provoking poetry that will have you on the edge of your seat. Poetic and powerful, Your Inner Being will touch hearts and change minds for as long as people read.
  • Graffiti on the Window

    by Alexej Savreux
    Book of cross-genre poems and prose by international award-winning poet and critic, Alexej Savreux. First published in Kansas City, Kansas by Illogical Conceits Publishing & Multimedia in 2015, the book is being re-released in 2021. The book explores the true meaning of art and the human existence through no light psychological exploration and a heartfelt, personal touch as seen through the eyes of an individual contending with the pain of a paranoid psychosis post-hospitalization.
  • Beowulf

    by Andrew B. F. Carnabuci
    Gæð a wyrd swa hio scel! Beowulf is the classic Old English heroic-elegiac poem, presented here in a new verse translation. The poem follows the rise and fall of its titular hero on adventures in Denmark in his youth, and facing a dragon as the King of Geatland in his old age. This edition is fully annotated throughout, and includes a translator's preface and introduction, pedigree diagrams for the major royal houses, and a full bibliography. If you have never experienced the Anglo-Saxon world o... more
  • Venus is Grieving- A Time Travellers Odyssey

    by M. Al-waadh
    Venus is Grieving- A Time Travellers Odyssey is a collection of poems narrated by a time traveller looking to reconcile past memories and experiences. A coming of age story that explores the female experience through the lens of cultural identity, ambition, heartbreak, friendship and family, set against a clashing backdrop of conformity and identity. Narrated over the course of six chapters, our narrator re-visits past memories through a personal odyssey and recounts the different emotions exper... more

    by Craig Wells
    I am the poem written for an audience of no one. I have been a disciple of moveable spirituality and literature. From Christianity to Buddhism to Native American mysticism, from Tupac to Stravinsky, from Voltaire to Hesse, I embrace whatever works. I have been more dedicated to the love of writing rather than romance. These poems reflect a life willing to discover the true nature of myself and others I encountered visually or personally.
  • Reduction Fired

    by Jennifer Yeates Camara

    In this collection spanning over 20 years, Jennifer's was inspired by traits from some of the standouts of classical world poetry.  As a result, her poems often uniquely feature tight, condensed lines over rich imagery and rhythm. Calm and lingering, the stirring content's coupled with purposeful word placement. 

    Reduction Fired is set out in 4 sections, each named for a season that represents a period in time.  Specifically, they are grouped loosely in ... more

  • Poems of a West Coast Pariah

    by Lois C. Henderson
    Poems of a West Coast Pariah: Modern Haiku 1 is a collection of modern haiku (which liberates the form in terms of number of syllables per line and number of lines) on various aspects of Lois C. Henderson’s existence on the West Coast of South Africa, during the late summer of 2021. Living on the banks of the Berg River, in a small fishing village known as Velddrif, she explores the environment and her thoughts about the life around her, both in a positive and in a negative light. The sections o... more
  • How to Bloom

    by Tatyana White-Jenkins
    How to Bloom is a collection of poems about the enthralling, complex, grueling, and beautiful journey of growth.
  • The Curse of Prometheus 1994

    by Stephen W. Sweigart
    This book of poetry is based in the form of Medieval plays, and surrealist art. Sweigart has studied Middle English, Renaissance, Romantic, and Modern poetry and all are used in the poems.
  • The Restaurant Reviewer's Lament

    by Rick Sanford

    A book of lyric prose. Part love story, part dietary advice, part murder mystery.

    Rick Sanford is a singer/ songwriter with roots in the Seattle music scene before moving to London and then settling in New York City. Inspired by a rich mix of wordy folk-rock and psychedelia, he has written and performed a wide variety of musical styles on both coasts. Rick has written and recorded 12 studio records, some of which provide material for this collection


  • A Passing Bell

    by Paul Kane
    This collection by Paul Kane about the untimely passing of his wife performs the work of mourning by giving a shape to grief. Utilizing the poetic form of the classic Persian ghazal, A Passing Bell takes its place alongside other modern works on death and consolation, such as Joan Didion’s The Year of Magical Thinking and C.S. Lewis’s A Grief Observed. We are taken through the deep process of grieving, in all its ebb and flow of emotion, its agonizing sorrow and sense of despair, to further sta... more
  • Welcome To Hell

    by Liam Xavier
    Welcome to Hell is a collation of memories and experiences across what many see as the most unstable time in our life: our twenties. WTH attemps not to approach it from a linear perspective, but across the central evolutionary aspects of adulthood - Fear, Contradiction and Clarity. Life is not simple, nor emotionally chronological and WTH shows that through emotive poetry and prose, painting a picture of a tumultous, but ultimately positive time in a young mans life.

    by Charles Springer
    JUICE is a collection of poems magically real and really magical about American life. There are love poems, poems about family and place spoken with humor and pathos, poems about growing up and grown ups. Here are poems for those who traditionally don't read poetry. JUICE's poems will quench all thirsts.
  • Anthology of Faith

    by Sayantan Datta
    The Anthology of faith is a compilation of expressions that were written in a particularly tumultuous phase of our recent history where the author’s beliefs and values are continuously tested by events and philosophies that drove polarization across the society. Deeply disturbed and affected by the continuous running down of the common man by the machinery that uses the common man’s faith and vulnerabilities to drive an agenda of power and prosperity of the few, the author, through the verses in... more
  • Black Ice & Fire

    by James Ross Kelly
    February 28, 2021 by Henry Stanton ANNOUNCING THE PUBLICATION OF “BLACK ICE AND FIRE” BY JAMES ROSS KELLY A finely crafted James Kelly poem is born of knowing. When you read a poem from “Black Ice and Fire”, you will unequivocally NOT be reading about a thing. You will read a poem from within a thing; you will be imbibing presence from outside and all around a thing; you will be gathering all of it up in your arms and you will embrace a thing. You cannot be mild, indifferent, cavalier.... more
  • Poemas do Jardim / Poems from the Garden (Revised Edition): Bilingual Poems in Portuguese and English

    by Sonja N. Bohm

    Conceived of in English and crafted to be read in Portuguese, this collection of bilingual poems written side-by-side in Portuguese and English is the fruit of a journey into learning and loving the Portuguese language. The Garden represents an Ideal—a thing not to be fully realized or attained in this life, but no less real or conceivable. The Garden is Portugal.

