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  • The Art Of Loving Myself

    by Antonio Liranzo
    Loving yourself is a concept which often misleads us into believing it is a simple task to conquer. This act is neither simple nor as beautiful as it sounds. As adults, we go through milestones and setbacks. Eventually, at some point, we are faced with the most difficult challenge of all; facing our intrusive thoughts, subconscious trauma, and worst of all, facing it alone. Here is where the inner work can feel heart-wrenching. The Art Of Loving Myself is a love letter to the inner child whose n... more
  • Poet's Heart, God's Gift

    by Pamela KC Hollrah-Asleson RN, PO
    This Poem was written by God through my life and trials. Having struggled with inadequacy and depression, my life hope and my lifeline was Christ. My verses - Hebrews 13:5-6. Let your life be without coveting, be content with what you have. He has said "I will never leave you, I will never forsake you" -saying with confidence "The Lord is my helper. I will not be afraid - what can man do to me. God often carries me, and the assurance he is my helper - he will not leave me. "He will not forsa... more
  • Modern American Haiku

    by Robb Hasencamp
    Modern American haiku is both elusive and enchanting. It is a beautiful art form that invites the reader into the mysteries of nature and poignant flashes of deeper everyday life. Borne of traditional Japanese haiku in the seventeenth century, modern Haiku is beguiling poetry that draws us into captivating, surprising insights. There is no room for predictability or easy assurance. Rather, when reading, we are urged to trust the lightness of the poem to lift our hearts into obscure realms of del... more
  • Simultaneously

    by Christina Trezevant McGriff
    A book of poems capturing 2 epic pandemics polarizing the United States simultaneously as year 2020 continued. An easy keepsake reading about Covid19, Racism, Black Lives Matter and #45 Presidential administration.
  • Tales of a Traveler in Poetry and Prose

    by Brion K Hanks
    Inspirational Thought-Provoking Poetry Regarding Love and Loss Thru Poetry & Prose & Love Poems & Poems Dealing with Death & Dying & 9-page Essay “God for An Interim Period of Time.”
  • Forward: A Compilation of Poems

    by Lyn Caldwell
    A life on a path that heads ever forward into eternity. Along the way moments, captured as poems, of joys and sorrows, peace and pain, failures and momentous changes. And throughout it all, a thread of faith weaves through. This book compiles the poems of Lyn Caldwell written and collected along the way Forward. The author takes the reader through the growing pains of life though memories of loss, love and faith. An exploration of identity in the face of longing, brokenness and passion. Come ... more
  • No Small Thing

    by Trevor Conway
    Trevor Conway is from Sligo, Ireland. He wites and edits poetry and fiction. He also occasionally writes songs and articles. His first collection, Evidence of Freewheeling, was published by Salmon Poetry in 2015. This was followed by Breeding Monsters in 2018. No Small Thing is a collection of poetry centred around the home, housework, family and parenthood. It tackles the physical and emotional endurance required to build and maintain a home, to raise a child. I... more
  • How to Navigate Our Universe

    by Mary Soon Lee
    How to Be a Star Gravitationally collapse a nebula. Fuse hydrogen into helium. If desired, explode. How-to astronomy poetry to answer vexing questions such as How to Surprise Saturn, How to Blush Like Betelgeuse, and How to Survive a Black Hole. How to Navigate Our Universe is a collection of 128 poems, ranging from whimsical to serious — poems about planets, stars, black holes, and astronomers, complete with essential advice such as How to End the Universe.
  • You're Dead After School

    by Andreas Gripp
    A collection of brand-new poems melding nostalgia with a zeitgeist firmly planted in 2023. Dark humor pirouettes with trigger warnings and the opaque divide between generations becomes translucent. This is the 29th book of verse by London, Ontario writer Andreas Gripp, whose poems have been praised for their accessibility, emotive narrative, and for being grounded within the human experience.
  • Fairy Slippers

    by Peter Waldor

    Waldor's captivating poems transport us into a realm where nature has majesty as well as solitude. Denizens of the mountains and forest, even fungi, take on a magical significance. Waldor reminds us that wonders await when we pause, observe, and immerse ourselves in nature.

    —Britt Bunyard, Publisher, Fungi Magazine

    In Peter Waldor's Fairy Slippers, we are taken into a magical world of nature where the tiniest forms of beauty loom large. De... more

  • Canvas by Richard Gilmore Loftus

    by Richard Gilmore Loftus
    Canvas promises to be a highly polished, sophisticated collection of poems that explore themes as diverse as love, sex, death, memory, and art. As reviewers and editors have said of three previous books by Richard Gilmore Loftus, expect the poems in Canvas to be weighty but nimble, full of beautiful language, keen observations, and fresh, surprising metaphors—a collection that rewards careful and repeated readings.
  • Turn Your Back on the Shore

    by Katharine Valentino
    This varied poetic collection touches on alienation, conservation, environmentalism, and the joyful psyche and practice of wave-riding. Scott Rosin presents a sensual wordscape that is accessible, thoughtful, and reflective of his half-century among the breakers. Sometimes classical, always biographical, his poetry employs the beat and rhythm of the ocean. Humorous and satirical with a tinge of the philosophical, Rosin's poems are about stepping away from our fast-paced civilization and paddl... more
  • Orange September

    by Jasmine Farrell
    Unafraid and bare, as the autumn leaves fall over Brooklyn, a young woman discovers a love that was, is, and will be. Orange September gives us a peek into her heart as she navigates a budding union. Through lines brimming with passion, romance, and a few giggles, each word paints a vivid portrait of their love. Orange September is a must-read for anyone who has ever loved outside the lines.
  • Love(ly) Child

    by Emanuel Xavier
  • The Wildebeest and a Bunch of Crock and Other Animal Story Poems

    by Jeffry Glover
    In this entertaining collection of rollicking tales by award-winning poet Jeffry Glover you will find playful land and sea animal stories in rhyming verse that amuse and delight. You'll meet a wildebeest that a crafty crocodile is trying to entice to take a swim, courageous cowsmoonauts making history rocketing to the moon, a tiny cricket in a thicket, a stylish cow deciding what to wear to the county fair, a joyful band of jazz-playing bears, a peliphant, a leopon, a zonkey, and scores of other... more
  • Secrets Make You Sick

    by Sarah Erin
    Secrets Make You Sick is a poetry collection that candidly explores the intricacies of severe mental illness and subsequent trauma. It delves into the sense of self, the highs and lows of Bipolar Disorder, the effects of Complex PTSD, and the many layers of grief. *The topics addressed in this collection are highly sensitive. please read at your own discretion and take care of your heart.
