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  • 979-8987554876

    by PS Conway
    “Echoes Lost in Stars” by PS Conway is not just another poetry book; it is a fabulous experience that transports the readers to realms where words transcend their mere definitions. It is an exploration of the universe, a celebration of love, an immersion into nature’s wonders where philosophical, mystical and biblical concepts, and our eternal connection to them take new forms. This exceptional collection of poems weaves together all these elements to create a stunning journey to self-discovery.
  • I Spent 30 Consecutive Days in the Library and Wrote this Little Poetry Book about It

    by Walter the Educator
    The Library is a sacred place; it is a place to learn, discover, question, and relax. The Library brings me peace. Using poetry to discuss the Library may help someone else find peace in a place that is so serene and educationally beneficial. Poetry can give a fresh perspective on the revered place.
  • A Thousand Thousand Petty Phrases

    by James Lewis Huss
    Perhaps there is no other poetic form in the English language that carries with it the mystique and allure of the sonnet. Revived in the 14th century by the Italian poet Petrarch, the sonnet was popularized in English by Renaissance writers like William Shakespeare and Edmund Spenser. The sonnet, with its strict meter, rhyme scheme, and thematic structure, is a challenging but rewarding form, which is probably why it continues to appeal to poets centuries after its revival.
  • bliss is a fitter muse than misery

    by James Lewis Huss
    Robert Frost famously quipped that writing free verse poetry is like playing tennis "without a net." And yet free verse poetry can be just as challenging as the classical forms. bliss is a fitter muse than misery is not just poetry without form, but a free expression of the elements of sound that make words and phrases into poetry.
  • Stars over Antioch Birthmarks and Buttoned Lips

    by April May Burnside
    This book of poetry is a eulogy of what used to be.. this eulogy is for the old me. Eulogy for the memories.. Eulogy for the one that cries. Eulogy for the one who hides. Eulogy of the elder lies. Eulogy for the conditioned ties. And as she looked on down the road. The weight of it was quite the load. And the helping hand has gone ahead. And the thoughts and prayers had been given and said. And the footprints trailing her do press. And the wind does ... more
  • Bosphorus Dreams and Trappist Despair

    by J.P. Canalias
    Embarking on a quest for identity and belonging, this narrative traverses the globe, from the shadowy echoes of the Beat Generation in New York’s backstreets to the poetic haunts of Arthur Rimbaud in Charleville. It captures the essence of cultural icons and historical landmarks, weaving through the storied landscapes of London, the serene monasteries of Belgium, the artistic fervor of Amsterdam, and the peaceful protest of Saint Petersburg and Moscow. Along the Danube’s flow, into the cultura... more
  • Nile: Poems and Photographs

    by John Delaney
    Nile, A chapbook of poems inspired by ancient Egyptian monuments and modern Egyptian tradesmen, documented in color photographs—all enabled by side trips taken near, and days spent drifting down, the Nile River. Included subjects are the Pyramids, Abu Simbel, Tutankhamun, Karnak, and the Valley of the Kings, as well as modern workers like camel traders, box makers, and galabeya tailors. The Nile is the living thread. 13 poems, 18 color photographs.
  • Seasons of the Soul - 38 Lyric Poems

    by Beverley Manley
    Named Moonflower, "one who blooms in the darkness," by an Acoma Pueblo tribal elder in the 1960s, Manley's 38 poems burst forth with love, resiliency, and sheer joy. Playful, yet poignant, the author's skill with the written word pulls you in and holds you until the very end.
  • Even the Dog Was Quiet

    by Margaret R. Sáraco
    Even the Dog was Quiet is a book of poetry, delivered in hushed overtones when life catches you looking. The collection tells stories through poetry in memoir fashion. “Risk” and “Rue” serve as a call and response to the perils of youth and pain of aging. “A Collage of Misery” about the Gettysburg battlefield and “Early Spring” written about a land trust in present day Baltimore, share an important honey locust tree. Family, friends and strangers, journey with the author in ordinary places but ... more
  • Brisk Verse

    by Garrison Keillor
    Garrison Keillor has just published his thirty-first book, Brisk Verse, a delightful collection of almost 200 poems that offer the reader whimsy and tomfoolery, solemn thought-provoking lines, mischievous observations, and tons of fun. Topics run the gamut. To name a few — brevity, thongs, Minnesota, manners, Mozart, Marilyn Monroe, failure, fatherhood, Episcopalians, plumbing, spaghetti, spring, online love, being eighty, and the National Anthem as it might’ve been written by Whitman, Dicki... more
  • Bare Feet, Blue Words: The Poetic Collection

    by Amaali .
    These words reflect the journey of memories and experiences, spanning decades. Inclusive of heart matters and soul songs. A revelation of inside!
  • The Sun Became Shy

    by Molly McCreight
    Embark on a soul-stirring odyssey through the depths of the human spirit in "The Sun Became Shy." This collection of poems delves into the realms of the dark night of the soul and deconstruction of faith, where the rays of the sun, symbolizing the Divine, seem obscured by the enveloping cloak of Night. Within these pages, readers will traverse the landscapes of doubt, loneliness, anger, and disillusionment, as each narrative intricately weaves the tapestry of human experience. Yet, amidst the... more
  • I Now Pronounce You

    by Caroline Earleywine

    What does it mean to love someone well?  In her debut full-length collection, I Now Pronounce You, Caroline Earleywine explores this questions and more as she takes us on the journey of a daughter processing the emotional landscape of her parents’ divorce, an Arkansas public school teacher coming to terms with her queerness, and a wife navigating the vulnerable work it takes to love your partner along with yourself as you both grow and change. An interrogation of traditions relatin... more

  • Reflections on Mountaineering: A Journey Through Life as Experienced in the Mountains (FIFTH EDITION, Revised and Expanded) with

    by Alan V. Goldman
    Presented as one hundred fifteen narrative-style poems, some of which are rhyming and others are in prose or blank verse, Reflections on Mountaineering, A Journey Through Life as Experienced in the Mountains, a FOURTH EDITION, summarizes much of what the author, Alan V. Goldman, learned in his more than 30 years of climbing, either from personal experience, or from his mountaineering peers. Mr. Goldman came to realize that many of the same moral issues that confront us in everyday life are likew... more
  • A River in My Heart


    "A River in My Heart" is a captivating collection of poetry that flows through the tributaries of human experience, offering glimpses into the ever-changing currents of emotion, memory, and reflection. Each poem serves as a tributary, contributing to the rich tapestry of themes that run through the collection.

    The journey begins with "To the Beauty of Creativity," an ode to the transformative power of artistic expression, setting the stage for a profound explora... more

  • Fragment

    by David M Boyer

    an ad for this book might say something like it’s a haiku or travel diary dream drama or a gentle rustling that may produce unnameable flowers in late early spring recently de-earthed and partially passed into englishish paragraphs for a novel-related poem-adjacent self-portrait of shards of mirror fused together with gold insomnia of course you may choose to refuse parts and alcoves of you should at least once just don’t say that I didn’t though I didn’t well well war... more

