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  • Balancing

    by Kathleen Ernst
    The poems in Kathleen Ernst’s Balancing were inspired by the experiences of women who, in the 19th and early 20th centuries, sought new homes in the Upper Midwest. The first waves of pioneers, predominantly Yankees from northeastern states, were soon followed by European immigrants. Few women recorded their struggles and satisfactions, but by juxtaposing research and imagination, Kathleen breathes new life into their forgotten stories.
  • Bed of Roses

    by Dionna Carter
    The pages of a journal detail the cries of one woman's heart in the midst of a tumultuous marriage. Her experience is shared to bring affirmation and encouragement to other women experiencing similar lows, yet hopeful they will escape their own valleys of despair.
  • Old State Road

    by Jason Gerrish
    In this suite of 25 interconnected poems, Jason Gerrish through his speaker Hal Lavoie, takes up a solitary residence in a Fleetwood trailer on a farm off Old State Road in Ohio to teach himself to write. Old State Road represents Hal's struggle to make sense of his previously squandered life and his attempt to chisel it into Art. Brad Dalton's accompanying 25 ambrotype and tintype photographs of dilapidated rural scenes reinforce Gerrish's idea of time having slipped away and is captured in h... more
  • Clandestine

    by Amy Ritchie
    Clandestine—“hidden, concealed, secret.” Life is a journey, and so often, we go inward with the painful and difficult. And so it was for author Amy Ritchie. “She was inconsolable.” After her father’s death, among others, she went inward and searched herself and her life for answers and healing from depression. “She was restored.” Amy began to find peace and happiness as she processed and released the sadness that had initially consumed her. “She is stardust.” Amy realized that life is short and ... more
  • May

    by Herman Gorter

    When Herman Gorter published May (Dutch: Mei) in 1889, this spontaneous and vibrant epic poem was immediately recognized by his peers as a landmark of Dutch literature. 

    May describes the magical journey of adolescence against the background of Holland’s flowery dunescapes. In brush strokes of wonder-filled impressions a stunningly unspoiled girl, May, explores the promise of springtime and the intense spiritual life of youth. In... more

  • WAIT

    by Kemuel Edmond
    “Don’t sleep, peeps. The dream is incomplete. But when it is, you soon will see. The time played a part in what came to be.” In this poetic memoir, the author reveals poems written throughout his life. Kemuel’s debut poetry book wanders his thoughts and perception of his world while residing in Los Angeles, CA. Navigate through grief, self-encouragement, insecurities, depression, and his relationship with love in this prose and free verse collection. Take a deep dive into a patient mind. What ar... more
  • The Fire Within

    by Jamal Roberson
    Ambition, Success, Passion are all metaphors for how we channel fire within us for something outside of ourselves. However, the fire never goes out when channeled correctly. The fire within keeps you the warmest when it's the fire within that sustains you when your faith is tested, your patience challenged, and your life direction intercepted by forces bigger than you. The Fire Within keeps you going in times of happiness and despair as long as you remember its The Fire Within.
  • Fallen Leaves

    by Shirani Rajapakse
    She tried to recall the day he walked out, the day she last saw him and the exact moment she heard his voice on the phone assuring her all was well. And then no more. What happened? What went wrong? She would never know. There was no one left to respond, and those that were there didn’t dare speak up as the reasons for what took place didn’t make sense so they kept quiet and hoped in time she would understand. Conflict raged in the tiny island nation of Sri Lanka for close to ... more
  • Nameless: Poems & Prose

    by Brian Oldham

    Debut author Brian Oldham's collection of rumbling poems and prose dives deep into the queer chaos of finding yourself through love and loss. On a journey of self-acceptance and rebirth punctuated by shifting states of identity and perspective, "NAMELESS" is an introspective chronicle about finding your place in yourself. 

  • Mom... Let's Talk

    by Jeanne Schaeberle
    What does a son do when he hears voices? Withdraw? Or use his sword, Poetry, to defend himself? How does a mother handle family life and death and work through grief? Mom...Let's Talk offers insight to the power of healing through writing and the sense of chaos revealed in poetry.
  • Mario Writes a Poem a Day for a Year and So Can You

    by Mario Milosevic
    Mario Writes a Poem a Day for a Year and So Can You is a simple how-to, a collection of quickly-written, pleasing daily poems, and a trove of inviting prompts. Reading through Mario’s poems, notes of encouragement, and writing ideas recaptures the excitement I felt when I first discovered poetry and started thinking about each day through the lens of my next poem. Mario proves in this delightful and inspiring book that writing a poem a day is not only doable, it offers a daily dose of joy. —Kat... more
  • 52 Pips

    by Rekha Bhagtani
    Have you felt that kiss of cozy warm sunshine whilst still enjoying the first rains? We might revel in those mesmerizing new showers albeit those comforting rays of sun shining radiantly beside them cast renewed beacons of hope, promise, and light, nevertheless. Rekha’s poems here are exactly that and much much more. A hot cup of coffee with baskets full of comfort, a small little tote of thoughtful emotions, a nook hidden In time casting life lessons of inspirational life morals and value... more
  • The Interrupted Sky

    by David H Lawrence
    Poetic exploration of the horrors of nine eleven
  • sour cream and vinegar

    by the deplorable poet
    An Imagist/Confessional style that presents a view that life is not always "milk and honey". Sometimes it is more like "sour cream and vinegar".
  • Deafening Silence

    by Reverend Carl Yount
    The author takes readers on a journey transitioning from darker tales and ascending into lighter spirituality epic poems. Reverend Carl Yount transitioned from a period of earlier darkness to a lighter spirituality as his professional life evolved to work as a certified nursing assistant in nursing home dementia units. He also immersed himself in a continual journey of training on various theologies to appease his growing desire to embrace a life beholding to faith. This is seen in the transi... more
  • Silent Echoes

    by Reverend Carl Yount
    The author takes readers on a journey and descent into a darker tale in epic poems Reverend Carl Yount started upon a life on the road when working the carnival circuit starting at age fifteen. He traveled with a small outfit around western New York in the summer seasons, then taking off to other parts of the country working various unskilled and skilled jobs ranging from dishwashing to construction. He spent much time with poets and artists in New York City/New Jersey, wandering from cof... more
