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  • God Now

    by Runa Prinsloo
    Come walk with Runa Prinsloo on a path leading to God’s heart where you will see his love for all people, what he expects from his people—and specifically what he has for you: him. Read with your bible by your side as GOD NOW frequently gives scriptures to look up. The book is, however, not a Bible study or ‘how to’ manual. It is a goad to prompt you to reach out to God’s heart, find the door open and see he is already waiting for you.
  • The Twelve Steps for Agnostics

    by Andy F
    A recovery resource for Agnostics, atheists and freethinkers in twelve-step recovery. A book that offers a simple, practical and highly effective method of going through the steps without the need to become concerned about the use of God as a Higher Power.
  • I Am You...And You Are Me

    by F Nathan
    As a child, Evelyn always felt a need to identify her greater purpose in this world. Growing up she excelled in everything she layed her hands on, obtaining even a higher degree in the scientific field. She was married and thought that her life was complete although she felt there were missing pieces to the puzzle. It wasn't until the day before her 33rd birthday, everything she once knew as her life crumbled in front of her. Enclosed with a dash of humour and incorporated with deeper spir... more
  • Under the Gaze of God

    by G David Williams CP
    The way I understand the gaze of God to have a defining influence on spiritual growth and development has, as its overarching image, the way a mother gazes at her infant at the breast: It is a gaze that is tender; all-absorbing; exclusive; filled with wonder and love; tranquil; and protective. Just as the mother’s gaze engages the infant in a dialogue without words and provokes a response, so too the gaze of God evokes a response from the human heart. Just as the mutual gaze of mother and infant... more
  • The Evolution Inside of Deaths

    by Shawn Twyne

    The most non-poetic intellectual book you will ever read in your life about the natural order and existence of MAN...

  • The True Meaning of Christmas

    by Dr. Willie B White
    This booklet asks the question, how do you spell Christmas, is it with Xmas or Christmas? Without Christ, there is no Christmas.
  • My Faith Journey With Jesus

    by Dr. Willie B White
    This is an in-depth look at the author’s life during her faith walk with Christ. This book looks at the author’s first exposure to what is now her faith and belief in Jesus Christ and talks about the importance of being raised in a godly Christian home. Being raised in a Christian home lays the foundation for our adult lives. This book answers the questions...What memories do I have as a child? As an adolescent? As a teenager? As an adult? It also reflects on those persons who had a positiv... more
  • A Prayer Study Guide

    by Dr. Willie B White
    This book looks at the history of prayer, its frequency, the position of prayer if there is a specific position for praying, the ACTS of prayer, specialty prayers, and situations where God has answered the prayer's prayer.
  • Words That Make the Heart Sing

    by Sandra Matheson
    There is no other book that can lift up, encourage, and give invaluable advice and direction for today's life and living, then the Holy Bible, God's inspired Word to us. It is a marvelous thing to hold the scriptures in your hands and begin to learn all that God has for you to be victorious in this life and not to be stressed out and overwhelmed. This book will give the reader a solid ground and great hope to live a life with promise through spiritual instruction. As the reader reads through eac... more
  • Living in a Time of Dying: Cries of Grief, Rage, Love, and Hope

    by Meghan Elizabeth Tauck
    Living in a Time of Dying is a spiritual manifesto for our times. It undertakes the sobering task of inviting us to feel the full weight of not only the inevitability of death, but the impending collapse of our human civilization, as evidenced through the social, psychospiritual, and ecological crises that we face in the 21st century on this planet Earth. Written for all those struggling with grief and fear about the future of our world, it offers a deeply poignant and compassionate vision for... more
  • Christian Based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

    by Lauren Roskilly
    Learn how to refocus your mind from negative mindsets and limiting beliefs to becoming mindful of Christ. CBCBT is a course of 8 sessions, combining Cognitive Behavioural Therapy questions & techniques with scripture, prayer and biblical meditation. This book also includes, how to's, go- to scriptures for different emotions and struggles and testimonies which will encourage, up- lift and help you in your own journey.
  • Living a Parable

    by Silvia Davis
    Using entertaining true stories from throughout the author's life, Living a Parable demonstrates in a relatable way how God uses life to teach us lessons. Each chapter is followed with thought-provoking takeaways as well as a call to action for the reader and scripture references.
  • Messiah, Jesus Christ, Gives Us the New Hope

    by Andrew Woo Young Choi

    There is a saying in Asian classical battle principle by Sun Tzu (c. 6th century BC) who was a Chinese General, military strategist, and author of The Art of War, an immensely influential ancient Chinese book on military strategy; said, . "Know your enemy and know yourself, find naught in fear for 100 battles. Know yourself but not your enemy, find level of loss and victory. Know thy enemy but not yourself, wallow in defeat every time." (知彼知己,百戰不殆)

    From the moment of human bei... more

  • The Atheist and The Afterlife: An Autobiography

    by Ray Catania
    What would happen if an atheist visited the afterlife? Once an atheist, now a clairvoyant medium. Follow one man’s extreme transformation in this multifaceted memoir, which brings you through a life filled with trauma, death, denial, personal development, paranormal experiences, mediumship, spiritual gifts, true love, and triumph in his ultimate search for enlightenment. Based on real-life accounts of the author.
  • Children of the Stars

    by Ka-sekhem Asar-lockwood
    There's a timeless legacy about Man's Divinity echoing from the ruins of Ancient temples and monuments around the globe. The Great Pyramids of Africa (Egypt and Nubia) speak of this legacy as an Arabic Proverb utters, "Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids." Who build these monuments of Eternity that express a Supreme Intelligence of Man that outshines our present day Genius? Who is the Father of Ancient civilization? Written in stone are divine scripts (Medu Netcher commonly called Hierog... more
  • Yoga and Self-Enquiry

    by Lucy E Johnson
    This practical guidebook is suitable for both beginners as well as more advanced practitioners of Yoga. PART 1 focuses on the teachings of Self-enquiry as presented by Śri Ramana Maharshi and other luminaries in the field of Advaita Vedānta. PART 2 summarizes the teachings of Yoga and details how a keen seeker can put into daily practice Patañjali’s eight limbs of yoga to achieve their ultimate aim: Kaivalya or final liberation. Providing much more than an introduction to Yoga and Vedānt... more
