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  • Solving The Spiritual Dilemma: Why is Discernment the Key to Receiving Eternal Life?

    by Michael Copple
    In today’s world of viruses, lawlessness, murders, and skyrocketing crime rates; overwhelming insecurity has overtaken peace and safety. We are seeing prophecies being fulfilled. The indoctrination, declining morality, and preparation for people to take the mark of the antichrist are predicted by God. He promises that things are soon going to get a lot worse for those who continue to reject Him. This will all occur right after the taking up of believers from earth. Optimism is dwindling, yet... more
  • Considering Wisdom: Gold or Wisdom-What Will It Be?

    by Michael Copple
    In his book, Considering Wisdom, author Michael Copple gently and lovingly reveals the beginning of wisdom and the Source of wisdom as he delves into controversial subjects with great anticipation of joining and reasoning together with those who’ve been exposed to so many different facets of indoctrination. He admits to also being “programmed”, but discerns he is indoctrinated with sound doctrine rather than false doctrine. Of course, everyone has free will to believe their own schooling. Howe... more
  • DIGGING DEEP into THE REVELATION of JESUS CHRIST: Study Guide EXAM BOOKLET Questions - Answers - References

    by Michael Copple
    The purpose of this exam booklet to the Study Guide "Digging Deep into The Revelation of Jesus Christ" is to promote the reader's confidence in their understanding and knowledge of God's Word and how the events in the Book of Revelation are woven throughout the Bible. There are seven separate exams for the Chapters and one Final Exam. The seven Chapter Exams each consist of ten multiple choice questions. The correct answers and biblical references are listed in the back of this exam booklet.
  • Is God Incompetent?: A Study of Meaning in Natural Calamity, Disaster and Disease

    by Geoffrey E L Bennett
    Is God to blame for natural disasters? Does He cause volcanic action, flooding, earthquakes, plague and genetic disease? Can He Prevent them? Why doesn?t He? Geoffrey E L Bennett uncovers deep Biblical insights linking them to twenty-first century cultural and scientific answers. Is God cruel or callous? Is He impotent or incompetent? How can I know if God even exists? Part one explores pain and shows how different cultural groups understand God to be vindictive and cruel, or else limited in pow... more
  • Digging Deep into The Revelation of Jesus Christ - Second Edition - A Study Guide

    by Michael Copple
    Digging Deep into The Revelation of Jesus Christ is a Study Guide on the Book of Revelation. This Study Guide was designed to promote learning, discussion, and blessing. The greatest benefit of the layout is that the reader has four columns side by side to enhance ease of understanding and use time more effectively. Following the design of a parallel Bible, with four columns side by side, the Revelation Chapter is the left-most column. In column #2 is the commentary on that Chapter with refe... more
  • Keep the Devil Out: 12 Strategies to Living Strong Without Feeling Broken or Defeated

    by Niti Krishnakumar
    It is a Christian Non-fiction book on spiritual warfare. It is 160 pages long and has three sections on the kingdom of darkness, God’s ways in us and how to overcome Satan. The USP is that applying the teachings in the book is an absolute must to living a safe foolproof life.
  • Living in Transit

    by Catherine and Caroline
    This book is about crossing over from one world to another, from one life to another and knowing more importantly why the need for such a change. We only live two lives, one before knowing Christ and one after. If they mean the same to you, you’re actually living in transit. This book takes a deep look at living a partial life of Christianity and what you can do to break human tradition.
  • A Walk with the Light in the Shadows

    by Paul Gaumer
    An intimate, personal journey of living with Bipolar Disorder and keeping God in your life through the darkness. Let's end the mental health stigma in the Christian community together.
  • You Do You

    by Daphne McDonagh
    Daphne McDonagh shares her life experiences with you and hopes you may find that one nugget in her story to assist you on your journey. For everyone that has struggled through life and felt they could not be themselves. Yes, tragic and horrible things happen, but you do not need to stay stuck in the lower vibrating energy. The choice is yours about what comes next. It is time for all of us to shift our energy to one of compassion vs. competition. May this inspire you to follow your heart and d... more
  • There's Always Water in the Wilderness

    by Kari Cope
    There’s Always Water in the Wilderness walks readers through a close textual analysis of the biblical motifs of wells and wilderness, prompting greater delight in the beauty of the written Word and expanded understanding of its truths and their application. Each of the chapters dealing specifically with the motifs includes suggested biblical readings, allowing readers to more readily engage in the close reading process. The events of the Bible are rooted in history and related to us as litera... more
  • The Gospels Unified: A Fresh Perspective of the Life of Jesus Christ

    by Daniel Stalker
    The life of Christ in a narrative of 164 distinct events, showing Jesus’ ministry easily fits into the one-year time frame prophesied by Isaiah and Daniel, and declared by Jesus Christ himself. With detailed appendices including calendars, notes, and an introduction to the chronology of the gospels.
  • How the Disciples Of Jesus Actually Acted Historically

    by Unsok Hur
    In February 2019, Unsok Hur wrote a paper titled “The Disciples' Lack of Comprehension in the Gospel of Mark” in the Journal of Biblical Theology Bulletin. The contents of this paper are about Jesus' disciples. Jesus' disciples would have acted differently from what was known. Based on this paper, Unsok Hur published a book titled How The Disciples Of Jesus Actually Acted Historically.
  • Sanctuaries of Childhood: Nurturing a Child's Spiritual Life

    by Shea Darian

    ForeWord Book of the Year Award Winner. A wise and creative approach to nurturing a child’s spiritual life that is effective and full of love. 158 pages. $15.95 USD

  • Cancer, Yet Cancer Again, But I Will Not Die, Before I'm Dead

    by Karen Rice
    This book chronicles my life's true experiences during my journey with not only one cancer diagnose, but two. With the words, phrases pf each statement and poems, I wish to make a positive impact on someone who's ill or otherwise, where they can proceed life in a whole new way.
  • The Greatest Story Never Told: Oral Tradition and the Development of Messages in the Book of Genesis

    by Vincent Krivda
    The Torah is the first five books of the Hebrew and Christian Bible. Torah means to teach. What does the Torah teach? How does the Torah teach? Scholars agree the Bible evolved from an oral tradition to its written form. This book examines the messages of the Book of Genesis, the first book of the Bible, based on what those messages would have sounded like to an audience in the original oral tradition. The episodes of Creation and the 21 separate stories of the iconic figure of Abraham are reca... more
  • Exploring Faith Hope & Love

    by Rene Lafaut, MSc.
    The journey to loving people more than concepts requires faith and hope. The connections between these three virtues are not immediately obvious, but to those on the journey these virtues are the spiritual rubber that meets the road of life that helps us grow in stability and peace; with flexibility, and humility, where we will love people genuinely out of caring. Coming from my own experience and using First Corinthians 13 as my spring board, I explore what love looks like and what it isn't. Th... more
