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Business & Personal Finance

  • Alignment: Overcoming internal sabotage and digital product failure

    by Jonathon Hensley
    Alignment is the one thing you’ll find at the heart of every successful relationship, team, and organization in the world. When developed and leveraged, alignment can create the foundation for unparalleled product success. As the internet continues to enable, encourage, and demand that leaders say yes to digital product transformation, now is the time for Alignment. This book provides industry insight into why alignment is so critical to the success of digital products and business transforma... more
  • How to End Poverty in the World in Just 15 Years

    by Jean-Pierre Twagirayezu
    In this book, a new economic model that can put an end to poverty in developing countries in a few years is presented. For some developed countries that are struggling with high unemployment and economic stagnation, it is shown how the same economic model can be adapted to their economies, and create millions of high paying jobs while generating vigorous economic growth year after year. Some breakthrough technologies that will help this new economic model succeed are also discussed, like ... more
  • Profit First For Minority Business Enterprises

    by Susanne Mariga
    It’s time to level the playing field! You are accustomed to being the first—the first to go to college, the first to start a business. You often enter rooms where no one else looks like you. You’re a trailblazer on a mission to create a new legacy for your family. And yet, despite your success, you still work too hard for too little cash. In Profit First for Minority Business Enterprises, Susanne Mariga, CPA, shows you how to implement the proven Profit First cash management system that... more
  • Business Basics for Authors

    by Hank Quense
    Do you have a published book? Do you know you now own a business? "Business Basics for Authors" describes the operations required to run your book business The book is written in plain English, not business techni-babble Once you have a book published, you own a business.The purpose of the business is to market and sell your book. The implication is that you, the author, can't make ego-driven decisions: the decisions must be business-driven. While you'd rather be writing another book, still,... more
  • Adaptive Selling: How to Succeed During Times of Disruption

    by David Collins & John R Myers
    The most common questions we have been asked by senior executives are; “What makes a top sales performer?” What makes certain people in a wide range of industries so successful at consistently winning big deals while others fail or only achieve sub-par outcomes? Is their success due to random chance, genetics, or do they simply do things differently from less successful salespeople? We have researched those questions with sales leaders and top performers at our customers all over the world to u... more
  • Leading for Justice: Supervision, HR, and Culture

    by Rita Sever
    Leading in organizations working for justice is not the same as leading anywhere else. Staff expect to be treated as partners and demand internal practices that center equity. Justice leaders must meet these expectations, as well as recognize and address the ways that individuals and organizations inadvertently replicate oppression. Created specifically for social justice leaders, Leading for Justice addresses specific concerns and issues that beset organizations working for social justice and o... more
  • Fix This Next for Healthcare Providers

    by Kasey Compton
    The biggest barrier entrepreneurs face is the insurmountable number of obstacles to overcome, coupled with the lack of time to find solutions to them all. They are trapped in the mindset that in order to be successful they must do everything, but they don't know where to start. How do you determine what needs to be fixed first? How do you accurately prioritize your To-Do list? If only you had a compass and a roadmap, you could navigate your business's problems with confidence. Fix This Next f... more
  • Devastations in the Garden of Eden

    by Abisai Temba

    Devastation in the Garden of Eden is a book in which the author aims to paint a picture of what actually has been happening on Kilimanjaro Mountain area. He almost emotionally endeavors to enlighten mankind and especially people who know Mount Kilimanjaro and the area around it about how attractive the mountain and the area around has been since the time immemorial. It was such a masterpiece of God, giving the example of the Biblical Garden of Eden in which God put the first man and woman, bu... more

  • The Entrepreneurial Parent: Run Your Business, Raise Your Family, Keep Your Sanity!

    by Chandra Clarke, Terence Johnson

    Starting a business and making it a success is one of the most challenging things you can do, career-wise. Meanwhile, having children and raising a family is one of the most difficult things you can do personally. So it would be absolutely insane to try to both at once, right?

    But thousands of us do, every single day.

    Some of us even do this as single parents, or with special-needs kids, or with ailing parents. Or all of the above! It’s tough; no, wait … it&r... more

  • Bring Inner Greatness Out: Personal Brand

    by Dr. Mansur Hasib
    We are born unique and exceptional. Yet too many of us spend a lifetime blending in and staying average. In pursuit of such mediocrity, we diminish our value and suppress the full monetary potential of our uniqueness and its accompanying greatness. Significance is not determined by the amount of time on stage, but by what you do with the time you get. You do not need to be perfect; you need to perfect your uniqueness. Your #PersonalBrand will provide powerful benefits. This book will help st... more
  • What is Money? Personal Finance for Kids

    by Kelly Lee

    Charlie the bunny likes to bake cookies. He sells cookies for money. What does he do with his money? Find out in this fun, educational personal finance book for children.

    In this book the reader will learn: What is money? Where does money come from?  What should kids do with it? Why should we save?

    Target age 2-5. The purpose of this book is to increase financial literacy in our future generation.

  • Artificial Intelligence for Managers: Leverage the Power of AI to Transform Organizations & Reshape Your Career (English Edition

    by Malay A. Upadhyay
    Understand how to adopt and implement AI in your organization Key Features: 7 Principles of an AI Journey The TUSCANE Approach to Become Data Ready The FAB-4 Model to Choose the Right AI Solution Major AI Techniques & their Applications: - CART & Ensemble Learning - Clustering, Association Rules & Search - Reinforcement Learning - Natural Language Processing - Image Recognition Description: Most AI initiatives in organizations fail today not because of a lack of good AI solutions... more
  • The 1st Page Sage - Unlocking The SEO

    by Abhay Rai

    One eBook to Learn All the Basic SEO Techniques, Tricks and Hacks in 2021 + Get a FREE 'Digital Marketing Tool Box'.
    'The 1st Page Sage’ is an interesting value-based SEO Handbook for people who aspire to Rank on the 1st Page of Google. It is a two-part series that takes you through an exciting journey to explore Winning Strategies for Search Engine Optimization.
    In the first part of this series, you gradually start ‘Unlocking the SEO’ basic elements as... more

  • Not Today: The 9 Habits of Extreme Productivity

    by Mike Schultz
    When their five-year-old son fought for his life, business leaders Erica and Mike Schultz learned a new way to live, work, and succeed—discovering how to achieve extreme productivity with heart and purpose. Ari Schultz was an extraordinary baby, beginning life in a pitched battle against heart disease. The same year, his parents launched their business, and they had to keep it going strong, even while living full-time at the hospital for months on end. For the next five years, Erica and Mike ... more
  • Lobster on a Cheese Plate

    by Mark Harari
    What makes you stand out? In a world filled-with good choices, why should your prospective clients choose you over the competition? In short, it comes down to answering one question: "why should I choose you?" The best answer wins. But there's a catch: prospects start answering that question on your behalf from the moment they become aware of your existence. This book will show you how to establish yourself as that "best choice" from the onset, dramatically shortening your sales cycle and vir... more
  • Reimagining Collaboration: Slack, Microsoft Teams, Zoom, and the Post-COVID World of Work

    by Phil Simon

    𝗕𝗼𝗼𝗸 𝗜: 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗙𝘂𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗸

    "Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by ignorance."
    —Hanlon's Razor

    Over the past five years, organizations adopted Slack, Zoom, and Microsoft Teams in droves. Think of COVID-19 as pouring gasoline on the fire. The pandemic didn't start a trend as much as it accelerated an existing one. 

    Unfortunately, far too many of us mistakenly view these applications as Email 2.... more

