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Self-Help, Sex & Relationships, Psychology, Philosophy, Fashion

  • The Journeyman Life

    by Tony C. Daloisio, PhD
    The Path to Being a Better Man Many modern men are consumed by anger, frustration, aggression, and fear. We are unable to connect effectively as a spouse, a father, a friend, and even a leader. We push people away, lash out at those we love the most, and keep our inner struggles to ourselves. This disjunction from the outside world poisons our relationships and threatens our ability to find true fulfillment. But there is a path to a better version of the modern man. By confronting the inn... more
  • Over 700 Ways to Live "Just for Today"

    by Tom Garz
    In this book, I give you my Personal Guidelines on Living that I try to have for myself - "Just for Today". My Guidelines give me perspective and guidance as my day and life go along. These Personal Living Guidelines were developed over many years, from various sources, and much introspection. Just writing my Guidelines has helped me - I hope my writing helps you too. Ebook and/or Paperback-
  • Living Through This Pandemic: "Just for Today"

    by Tom Garz
    The Coronavirus (CV) Pandemic has affected all of us, in some way or another. All of us have been impacted psychologically and emotionally, even if we never were affected physically. This book is probably not for those who are thriving at this time. This book is more for those who are slogging through each day, just like me - learning to live "Just for Today". Ebook and/or Paperback-
  • Undomesticated

    by Indy West

    To the outside world, Jade?s life seems like the typical American dream, but to her, there?s a haunting void. When she reaches midlife, she questions who she really is and discovers she?s no longer willing to sit on the sidelines. A chance encounter with a mysterious man opens the door to the yearnings she long denied, awakening her true essence.

    Undomesticated is a story inspired by actual events, fictionalizing author Indy West?s own midlife transformation. Like Jade, Indy found ... more

  • A Journey into Truth: Unveiling Life's Secrets for Truth-Seekers

    by Alexis Gonzalez
    In sharing her real-life hardships, adventures, and experiences, Alexis Gonzalez guides the reader through her emergence out of the darker aspects of human existence. Cancer, addiction, and a suicide attempt would become the beginning of a six-year journey that would propel her into a time of renewal and growth. Get the inside scoop on her first-hand adventures meeting and training with psychics, mediums, Reiki masters, "hippies," shamans, monks, and plant medicine explorers. Like a captain c... more
  • One Hit Wonder

    by Kevin R. Kehoe
    One Hit-Wonder is a remarkable memoir that delivers life lessons with page-turning humor and irreverence. As the grandson of Irish immigrants and the eldest of six, Kevin Kehoe survived Catholic school, two marriages, job terminations, motorcycle crashes, and entrepreneurial highs and lows. When he received a cancer diagnosis near the end of a successful business career, he found himself confronting his mortality and thinking about the meaning of success and the power of friendship and love. ... more

    by Leeanne R. Hay
    Finding out that the man you call ‘Dad’ is not your biological father from a consumer DNA test (a non-paternity event*) can have a devastating impact. This story guide is for every NPE*, their loved ones, and genealogists who uncover NPEs in their own family tree. Each chapter provides relatable insights, resources, and support to overcoming an identity loss.
  • Love Your Gifts

    by Angie McCourt
    Love Your Gifts: Permission to Revolutionize Authenticity in the Workplace introduces 16 elevated gifts and guidance on how to clear the way to authentically activate and use those gifts. Authored by Angie McCourt founder and Success + Mindset Coach of Authentic Me Revolution. Do you know you have more to offer yet fear how your ideas will be accepted or how your message will be received? Are you showing up to work and life in your authentic skin without fear? We create a world of perfect ... more
  • The Infinite Man

    by Terence Adu
    Are you a Man on your Quest of Self Discovery? Are you looking to put your Dating Troubles in the past? The Infinite Man: A Guide to Healing Masculinity and Modern Romance is your complete guide to learning how to overcome past hurts and achieve a sense of wholeness that will ensure you have a long, happy life. Learn how to improve your dating life and build deep lasting romances with that extra touch of masculinity and so much more. Based on the real-life experiences of Terence Adu, Th... more
  • Sex Talk: How Biological Sex Influences Gender Communication Differences Throughout Life's Stages

    by Stephen Furlich
    Sex Talk precisely tracks how gender communication differences change as one’s biology and physiology changes, and how these changes occur throughout different stages of life. This text provides easy-to-understand scientific information for better understanding of oneself and others. This book can benefit all readers from teens to senior citizens in their personal lives, as well as advancing their careers through strategic communication. Overwhelming scientific research evidence proves, with abs... more
  • Positivity @ The Work Place

    by Vistasp Bhagwagar
    "The Book is All About Better Work spaces for People in a Post Pandemic Period. It Provides easy reading to all those interested in the Design & Ideology of the new work space by taking a real time look at the issues of today and the relevance of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. It answers all the Questions: • What are the problems in Work spaces? • How do we Address these? • How do we revisit Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs in a Post Pandemic World? • How do we Design more meaningful Work spaces? ... more
  • Dear Little Ones (Book 1): Hope, Help, and Healing for Your Inner Children

    by Jade Miller
    In a world where the inner child has been overlooked, silenced, and disempowered, this nurturing illustrated book is a letter written to inner children everywhere. Whether you are a survivor of severe trauma or your inner child needs encouragement, you’ll find this an empowering and uplifting read.
  • Growing from Depression: A Gentle Self-Help Guide

    by Neel Burton
    This is a book about how depression can have benefits as well as costs, and how to reap those benefits while making yourself feel better—better, in fact, than ever before.
  • Uncensored: A Guide to Putting on Your Big Girl Panties

    by Theresa Tirk
    Uncensored is a self-help memoir about a recovering people-pleaser who finally learns some self-love. I was born into a world of alcoholism, drug addiction, chaos and dysfunction of a teenage mother. It never changed. I grew up in an atmosphere of learning how to survive through people-pleasing. In my late teen years, I started down the same destructive path that I learned from the adults in my life. I was searching for something that I could never seem to find. Early twenties, I met the love of... more
  • Ignite the Hunger in You: How to Develop Your Greatness and Ignite Humanity

    by JB Owen
    Do you have a passion burning within to go after your dreams and fulfill your greatest desires? Are you looking to live with purpose and define what is most important to you? If you are ready to step into the next chapter of your life with clarity, conviction, and the kind of hunger that will propel you forward, Ignite The Hunger In You is a book created to do just that! The number one motivational speaker on the planet, Les Brown, and the number one publisher in empowerment publishing, JB... more
  • Get A G.R.I.P.: Gratitude, Responsibility, Improvement, & Positivity

    by Richard Leo Hunt
    When something in your life seems to be slipping, then get a GRIP. Through Gratitude, Responsibility, Improvement, and Positivity, you can take back control and get back on track to being your best self.
