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Self-Help, Sex & Relationships, Psychology, Philosophy, Fashion

  • Advice of an Old Man

    by Winfred Henson
    Your life is a fast moving, complex series of important choices and decisions. Wouldn’t it be great if you could just cut through the noise and get straight to the answers? “Advice of an Old Man,” attempts to tease out your heart’s true stance by asking a lot of sensible questions on over fifty of life’s pertinent topics, then pointing out a proven way. Always ready with a question, a hypothetical scenario, or an historical example, this book takes the reader across most sides of the is... more
  • The New Face of Grief

    by Katie Rössler
    It’s time to change how we understand grief. Grief is not only a reaction to death and loss, but also a natural part of life. Once embraced, it can help you transform into a more powerful version of yourself. By leaning in to the transformative process of grief, Katie Rössler normalizes a topic society doesn’t discuss enough. One that when ignored, can lead to addiction, disconnection from loved ones, and increased stress. Within these pages, Katie provides indispensable tools of suppor... more
  • Heart Value

    by Mary Tess Rooney

    Have you ever felt undervalued, overlooked or unappreciated? Are you successful by societies standards, but feel deflated inside? Are you settling for less than you deserve? Do you desire success, happiness and recognition?

    If your heart longs for more but you don’t know how to achieve it, Heart Value is the path for you. This book empowers you to honor your truth as you make choices and take actions to elevate your value, relationships, fulfillment and joy. Thro... more

  • Resilient Women: Reclaimed Power: Trading Our Pain For Purpose

    by Nina Stewart
    Resilient Women: Reclaimed Power is filled with stories of triumph, resilience, and empowerment. 12 women from different walks of life share their stories and speak their truth. Each woman’s story is different but speaks about how they bounced back from adversity reclaiming Power by sharing their stories in hopes of helping other women move forward and heal so they can also become the polished, poised, and powerful women they were created to be. The courageous women of this anthology series unde... more
  • Slaying the Onion

    by Eric Ballestero
    In Slaying the Onion, April dares readers to decide they are worth the investment, time, and challenge of removing layers so they can discover their unique recipe for reaching their ideal destination. And she encourages them to pursue community as a means of removing isolation as they begin the process of aligning themselves with others who also need and want support to discover their highest potential.
  • Run to the Pain

    by Dr Robert Lewis Evans III
    In Run towards the Pain, Dr. Evans shows you how you prolong your healing by running away from your pain. For those of you who have “conditioned” yourself to manage pain by ignoring it with the hopes that time will heal it, please don’t be shocked to learn that you have only given that pain permission to operate in your life using unanticipated methods. Dr. E. exposes the tricks pain will use to control you! Learn how to “recondition” your maladaptive approach to pain management and begin to ... more
  • Lady and the Tribe, How to Create Empowering Friendship Circles

    by Brenda Billings Ridgley
    Wives, mothers, and career women have all fallen victim to the silent epidemic that is, literally . . . letting ourselves go. Little by little, we have allowed our preferences, interests, and individuality to slip away until we no longer recognize ourselves outside of our role as wives, mothers, or professionals. Who we are has become what we do. Our friendships have become the casualty of a “busy life” and lack consistency and depth. How do we fill this empty space? The answer lies in our Tri... more
  • Screenwriting for Storytellers How to Take Your Story From Idea to Script

    by SherLann D. Moore

    Are you a writer who wants to learn screenwriting?

    Author and Screenwriter S.D. Moore developed a simple process to show storytellers how to turn a story into a script. The book delivers lessons in basic screenplay structure plus, bonus features like quizzes, writer's block removal and brain boosting exercises, writing drills, pitch deck training and more. You'll also get S.D. Moore's cash award winning autobiographic dramatic script, Stronger When She's Broken. Screenwr... more

  • Soldier On!

    by Sgt. Nate Griffin
    SOLDIER ON! I am a soldier. I was trained for this. I am a warrior. I am prepared for this. I am more than a conqueror. I will beat this. I am victorious. I will stand tall and strong. My shoulders are upright. My head is held high. My feet are grounded. My body is at the ready. I am a leader. I lead by example. I am attentive to detail. I have razor like focus. My emotions are in check. My mind is in check. My attitude is in check. My heart is in check. My support system is standing guard. My l... more
  • Fear Traps: Escape The Triggers That Keep You Stuck

    by Dr. Nancy Stella
    Are you afraid of loneliness or failure, confrontation or facing the unknown? Fear Traps equips readers to heal trauma and take on new challenges with confidence and resilience. Dr. Stella shows us that fear is normal, but fear does not need to control you. If you’re feeling trapped in a cycle of coping mechanisms that just keep making things worse, there is a way out. With over thirty years of experience as a clinical psychologist, Nancy Stella, PsyD, PhD, helps us get unstuck by teaching us ho... more
  • Your Power to Change

    by Kyle Charles Becker
    In this book you will learn: techniques to gain conscious and deliberate control over your fears, beliefs, thoughts, emotions, habits, behaviors, and responses to life. how to acknowledge your fears and limiting beliefs, and how to create a burning desire to overcome them. how to free yourself from spiritual, mental, emotional, or physical entanglements that are holding you in your past and preventing you from focusing all your power on achieving your dreams. who you want to be and how... more
  • The Road Back to Me: 9 Principles for Navigating Life's Unexpected Twists & Turns

    by Adena Sampson

    Only from the ashes of who we once were, can we rise up to become who we’re meant to be...

    There comes a time in each of our lives when everything seems like it’s falling apart—our relationships unravel, our health declines, our finances crumble—and it can be easy to allow these circumstances to define us. When these seemingly insurmountable obstacles arise, we have two choices: to use our circumstances as an excuse to stay stuck, or to face our fears an... more

  • Provoke Not Your Children

    by Dr. Carol E. Provo
    “Many people believe that what goes on behind closed doors is nobody’s business. However, family secrets can hide a multitude of evils that can affect the lives and relationships of those involved for generations to come. This book will expose a specific type of evil – parental abuse and manipulation, and its effects on the minor child and the adult child alike. While we know to beware of the dangers that lurk outside the home, what about the evils that reside among us inside our family dwelling... more
  • Discover Gold

    by D.L. Overly
    Discover Gold: achieve happiness and reach for dreams in your life’s next chapter is a guide that will give direction so that you can live your best life. The encouraging techniques offered will steer your transition, helping you to find passion and bravely reach for your dreams. This guide combines the wisdom of the greatest philosophers, and experts to empower you to answer serious questions. Who am I? What do I want in life? From life? Do I have what it takes to pursue my dream and capture i... more
  • Thanks for Letting Me Share

    by Steven McDonald
    This book contains 368 profound, funny, beneficial, quotes, quips, anecdotes and suggestions from and for recovering alcoholics and addicts. All proceeds from this book are used to purchase more books and are then shipped to drug and alcohol rehabs across the country.
  • Stigma: Breaking the Asian American Silence on Mental Health

    by Tanaya Kollipara

    Suicide is the leading cause of death among Asian Americans ages fifteen to twenty-four.

    But most would never guess this due to mainstream representations, which portray Asian American and Pacific Islander groups as “model minorities” in health, wealth, and mannerisms.

    Stigma: Breaking the Asian American Silence on Mental Health is both a narrative account and an informative look into the world of AAPI mental health. Exposing harmful narrative... more

