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Self-Help, Sex & Relationships, Psychology, Philosophy, Fashion

  • Your Body Rocks!

    by Emily Lauren Dick
    Your Body Rocks! takes away the shame of kids being curious about bodies. It’s perfectly natural for children to want to ask questions about what’s underneath our clothes, so it’s important they develop an honest foundation for understanding body parts, safe vs. unsafe touch, consent, anatomy, reproduction, and gender. This book simplifies the tough stuff for kids (and parents, too) by providing the age-appropriate information that they need! A colorful, compassionate, and inclusive book created... more
  • A Mystical Approach to Spiritual Living: An Experiential Guide to The Mystical Ark

    by Eileen Patra
    When Elena and Zak, characters from Eileen Patra’s high-action, spiritually driven novel, The Mystical Ark discovered a portal to a higher realm of being, everything changed. They gained profound insight into the nature of the Divine. Spiritual principles, so simple yet so profound, transformed their lives. And as a result, the world around them began to change too. Now you can join this powerful duo in their quest for living the spiritual principles that change everything. This book, A Mysti... more
  • When the Soul Calls

    by Silvana Maria Pagani
    True Stories of Deep Healing and Transformation through the Wisdom of the Heart and Soul
  • The Semantics of i AM

    by Geoff Keall

    Sometimes the events of life can leave us resigned to feeling trapped within
    a seemingly inescapable maze of intolerable suffering. A constant struggle
    with challenges can be a sign of living from the ego. The good news is that
    there are ways to transform an attitude from ego limitation to one of infinite
    possibilities and abundance.
    In a guide to improving the whole self, Geoff Keall interweaves personal
    stories inspired by his family’s recovery from gener... more

  • Think In Color

    by Sofia Santiago
    Think in Color: ‘Cause Black & White Is Cool in Everything but Thinking by Sofia Santiago is a personal and professional development, thought-provoking book about expanding your thinking. Santiago sustains that most of us have been conditioned (directly or subliminally) to think in black & white (B&W) and she provides you with actionable steps to evaluate your B&W thinking patterns while empowering you to test and practice thinking in color. After reading Think in Color, you’ll feel better pr... more
  • Here to Make Friends

    by Hope Kelaher, LCSW
    It sometimes seems like everyone has a big, happy, fulfilling social life, full of lifelong friendships...except you. As we grow older and school friendships fade, it can be difficult to meet new people and cultivate meaningful friendships. How do you strike up a conversation with a stranger? How do you move from mutual acquaintances to real friends? Here to Make Friends has the answers to all of these questions and more. Written by a licensed therapist, this book is packed full of helpful advi... more
  • If It Didn't Hurt

    by Dr. Jay Uecker
    Pain is intelligent, bound up energy that really just wants to share its wisdom with you. This book shares the knowledge gained from Dr. Jay’s two decades of experience in private practice, actual client stories and exercises designed to help you experience what's possible when you're willing to turn your heart and your attention toward your pain: It becomes a portal that leads to a place in you where the illusion of separateness collapses and the parts of your body and soul that have been disco... more
  • Finding Your Way Through Therapy: A Navigation Tool for Therapists & Clients

    by Steve Bisson. LMHC
    Finding Your Way Through Therapy: A Navigation Tool for Therapists and Clients by Steve Bisson is designed to be an effective tool for both therapists and clients regarding the trials and tribulations of therapy. Therapy is much more complex than many make it out to be: it’s not all just laying on a couch and speaking to a Sigmund Freud look alike. As readers travel through all 12 chapters, they will gain a deeper knowledge, whether as client or therapist, on how to gain the most out of therapy.... more
  • Travel As Transformation: Conquer the Limits of Culture to Discover Your Own Identity

    by Gregory V. Diehl
    When you travel to a foreign land, do you experience this new place as your old self? Or do you become a new version of you? From living in a van in San Diego to growing chocolate with indigenous tribes in Central America, to teaching in the Middle East and volunteering in Africa, Gregory V. Diehl has spent his entire adult life discovering the world and himself. Leaving his California home shortly after his 18th birthday, he went on to live and work in 45 countries across the globe by age 28... more
  • Compassionate Recovery: Mindful Healing for Trauma and Addictions

    by Darren Littlejohn
    Compassionate Recovery is a principles based practice guide for healing addictions. Using neuroscience research on trauma and addiction, the reader is guided through a journey from problem to solution. Research on compassion and self-compassion practices reveals the healing that is possible. The book then guides you into individual and community practices to engage in common humanity in your community and beyond.
  • Unplug Your Robot: The Secret to Lasting Happiness

    by Karin Kiser
    Are you fired up in the morning, ready to jump out of bed and embrace the day with enthusiasm? Do you feel a sense of daily excitement? Of purpose? Or are you wondering right now if those things are even possible? They are. All that is required is to unplug your robot. The robot is the part of you that wakes up at the same time and eats the same breakfast day after day. It’s the part of you that considers busyness, competition, scarcity, anxiety and fear as a normal part of life. Life is about m... more
  • Higher and Friendly Powers

    by Peg O'Connor
    An expansive alternative for those who have struggled with the “higher power” of AA’s 12-step program, Higher and Friendly Powers (Wildhouse Publications / September 1, 2022) offers a sense of human decency, moral ideals, and even a better version of oneself. In Higher and Friendly Powers, Peg O’Connor, PhD, addresses an audience much like herself: those in recovery who have struggled with the Christian-centric God at the heart of Alcoholics Anonymous. She brings our attention to a little-... more
  • Significance

    by Tab Edwards

    I have always had pet peeves--certain behaviors by people that made me wonder, "What is motivating that reasonably rational person to behave in such a manner?" It was obvious to me that their behavior was exhibited for some reason other than that which the person wants us to believe. For example, I've always wondered: Why do athletes, entertainers, and others frequently and publicly proclaim, “I want to thank God”? I was certain that their reason was not to genuinely... more

  • There is Nothing to Fix: Becoming Whole Through Radical Self-Acceptance

    by Suzanne Jones
    Feel like something in you is broken beyond repair? Explore ways you have the radical power inside to heal yourself. Trying to work through long-term pain with little to no results? Do scars from your past keep you from being your best self? Sick of persistent feelings of unworthiness? Developer of the science-based Trauma Informed Mind Body Program and founder of the global TIMBo Collective, Suzanne Jones has helped thousands of women in their recovery journey. Now she’s here to share how to... more
  • Daily Gratitude Reflections Volume 2: 365 Inspirational Guides to Grateful Living

    by Deborah L Perdue
    Would you like to be a happier, more peaceful, and positive person? Practicing gratitude each day is well worth the effort. It is the power to transform negative thinking, limited perceptions, low vibration emotions (such as anger, depression, anxiety ), and how you experience life in general. Peace, joy, and a brighter outlook are natural consequences of flowing gratitude. Uncovering things to be grateful for, even in challenging moments, is a skill most of us need to be taught, and then ... more
  • New You! Who Knew?

    by David R. Edwards
    Life is messy. It flashes by as you wonder what your future will be and how to influence it. You struggle to take charge of your life and it’s frustrating. Trying new things never works as well as you hoped. Why isn’t your story as wonderful as those you read about? YOU are the focus in New You! Who Knew? Each chapter helps you build the core skills you need for everything else to fall into place. The surprising but enduring foundations encourage you to build a life to be proud of. Without t... more
