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  • Love(ly) Child

    by Emanuel Xavier
  • Blood & Nectar

    by Hrichita Paul
    Written through times of Burnout and contrastingly, through times when exaltation encapsulated the air, leaving a taste of 'Melancholy Euphoria,' this very book is the amalgamation of blood and nectar, suggesting the co-existence of strength with weakness, telling on the agonizing truths while maintaining solidarity. Reflecting on themes such as Pessimism, Nihilism and on many more ideas that outright questions, containing an underlying attack on the reality we live in while delving into concept... more
  • The Wildebeest and a Bunch of Crock and Other Animal Story Poems

    by Jeffry Glover
    In this entertaining collection of rollicking tales by award-winning poet Jeffry Glover you will find playful land and sea animal stories in rhyming verse that amuse and delight. You'll meet a wildebeest that a crafty crocodile is trying to entice to take a swim, courageous cowsmoonauts making history rocketing to the moon, a tiny cricket in a thicket, a stylish cow deciding what to wear to the county fair, a joyful band of jazz-playing bears, a peliphant, a leopon, a zonkey, and scores of other... more
  • Secrets Make You Sick

    by Sarah Erin
    Secrets Make You Sick is a poetry collection that candidly explores the intricacies of severe mental illness and subsequent trauma. It delves into the sense of self, the highs and lows of Bipolar Disorder, the effects of Complex PTSD, and the many layers of grief. *The topics addressed in this collection are highly sensitive. please read at your own discretion and take care of your heart.
  • Pieces of Me

    by Dreama Cooley
    Pieces of Me is a collection of poetry detailing all the many pieces that make me who I am. From family trauma, heartache, loss, love, motherhood, and depression, it is split into three chapters, each focusing on a different purpose and scar. Pieces of me give readers a direct look into the window of my soul, where they will see both sweetness and bitterness galore. Because with pain always comes beauty. And if you aren't careful, you’ll let the pain take it all away.
  • Tough Skins, Tender Hearts: Poems about men... for everyone who loves them. (Heart-break, Happiness & Healing Poetry-verse)

    by Sameer Kochure
    The mind tells us beautiful stories, But a man’s heart lays bare the truth. - Sameer Kochure. Welcome to an unveiling, an understanding, an unravelling of the man’s heart. As painlessly as possible, we will rip open a man’s ribcage and put the soft, quietly beating muscle under our microscope, in an effort to unlock its mysteries. What will we find? Perhaps some hope, some desires, some fears. A few battle hardened scars, way too personal dreams, wounds yet to heal, maybe a tender ... more
  • 13 Poets from Long Island

    by Valenti, Kandel (Anthology Editors)

    There’s a centenarian and a soon-to-be centenarian, a Pulitzer Prize-nominated reporter who was an applicant for the NASA Journalist in Space Project, a former NFL running back for the New York Jets on teams with Joe Namath, a world traveler who’s been to the Arctic and Antarctica, a Hungarian refugee whose family escaped the Holocaust and, later, Soviet rule, a former female U.S. Marine who’s a Poet Laureate, a philosopher who had talk show host Dick Cavett’s father as a teacher and got a ve... more

  • Schoolyard Crushes & Prozac Prescriptions

    by Tori Lutz
    This debut book by Tori Lutz explores the impact and rawness of first experiences, be it love or navigating mental health and trauma. Schoolyard Crushes & Prozac Prescriptions takes the reader through honest accounts of darkest hours and the beauty of innocence, even as it is lost.

    by Ricky Mato Paisip Narewec
    The Poetic Pacific contains a collection of 124 poems I have written whilst I was experiencing a mental elevation and transition from the current world where we live to another newfound world. I consider the current world where we live as the Real Physical World [RPW], where we survive by doing things according to our feelings, emotions, and sensory experiences. And I consider the newfound world that I have transited into as the World of the Minds [WOM] because it is a world that exists only in... more
  • Devotions and Desecrations on the Downtown Bus

    by JD Rage
    Downtown poet, New Wave band leader, singer-songwriter, curator and publisher, JD Rage set about writing at least one poem each workday as the M-15 bus shuttled her between her counterculture life on the Lower East Side, and her straight day job in Lower Manhattan, in the last couple years of the 1990's. She preferred walking but when declining health forced her to ride the bus, she decided to put the time to good use by writing. Struggles with work and bosses, struggles with love and sex, ... more
  • Melancholia: A raw and honest exploration of depression, grief, and loneliness

    by Liam Vandermeer
    "Melancholia" takes the reader on an intimate, unfiltered journey through the labyrinth of human emotions. This collection of poems delves into the most sensitive corners of our minds and hearts, shining light on topics that are often left hidden in the dark. It explores the depth and breadth of depression, loneliness, and anguish. The poems don't shy away from the uncomfortable truths of depersonalisation, self-harm, regret, and guilt, and bravely lay bare the underbelly of suffering, expres... more
  • One Moon: The Legend of Snow White & Black Spot

    by S.D. Henke
    In the heart of the formidable Arctic Tundra, One Moon shares her sky's view of an uncommon bond between two she-wolves that proved to be essential for one Arctic wolf pack’s future. An exquisite fusion of poetry and prose in a story inspired by the true story of the legendary Eureka pack in a documentary filmed by PBS on Nature’s Arctic Wolf Pack and the legacy of Snow White and Black Spot.
  • Frayed Edges

    by Tor Rose
    Frayed Edges is an evocative and thought-provoking collection that pays homage to the unfiltered human experience. Embodying the delicate balance between strength and vulnerability, these poems showcase both the serrated and fragile aspects of life. Within these pages, readers will explore the psychological burdens that accompany personal growth, the yearning for a meaningful existence, and a sardonic perspective that occasionally offers respite from life's bleakness. In a world that emphasizes ... more
  • The Phoenix Tapes

    by Nelle J
    In this book, Nelle J gives you two sides. Side A, Inferno, is a collection that dives deep into fiery, heartfelt moments that can be too much to bear or extremely exhilarating that cause spark. With her tell-it-like-it-is personality, you will feel the heat. Side B, Ash, mellows out the mood with a touch of charisma and a sense of renewal. Being authentically yourself even in heated moments is Nelle J's passion and purpose while navigating unnecessary baggage.
  • The Valley of Sorrows

    by lief ericson

    The unknown inheritance of a war. The cause and effect of combat.

  • Complexion of a Rose

    by Auteanna Bay
    Auteanna Bay, brings to you a collection of short stories and poems. written in an unorthodox type of way. Stories and poems range from romance, fantasy, spiritual thoughts and more. A simple way to introduce her writing into the world before coming out with more work.
