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  • The Masquerade

    by Aamina Hamid
    The masquerade of steadiness to beautify the unsteadiness is the aesthetic elixir of life. This book aims to unravel the mysteries of emotions that seem to make or break the very foundation of our happiness. This book contains the raw emotions of a wandering young heart set out to explore the possibilities of the impossible. Love for the divine and love for another human heart dips a colorless existence into the vibrant blood of life. This collection of poems is also a part of the endless conver... more
  • On a Tuesday in April

    by Grace M Wells
    In a span of 2 years, one can go through feelings of love, disappointment, anger, heartbreak, and acceptance. With her eloquent use of words, Grace expresses her personal experiences with each of these feelings in this 7-part sequential poetry collection.
  • She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not: 365 Poems to Lift You Up, Crush Your Soul, and Lift You Back Up Again

    by Autumn Siders
    Poetry reflects life, and life is full of ups and downs. Read a poem a day or devour the collection in one sitting; either way, Siders captures the range of emotions that make us human. Whether you are riding high or stuck in the pits of hell, She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not has the perfect poem to match your mood, bring you down, or save your soul.
  • Poems from a Gypsy Heart

    by Verle Jean
    The author Verle Jean was born and raised in the Slim Buttes region of the Black Hills in South Dakota and was touched by the beauty of the country she grew up in. I know this book "Poems From A Gypsy Heart" will find the Gypsy spirit in us all. The cover and illustrations are done by the author Ms. Verle Jean. She knew from the age of eight years old she would be a poet. This book is a lifetime collection of her works of insightful reflections of God's creations. Please share in a wondrous jour... more
  • Dead Birds & Sinking Ships (Happy Little Tales of Melancholy Madness)

    by John Bowie
    Dead Birds & Sinking Ships is a visceral relay of emotions and disfigured memories of childhood in the country and growing old in the city. It exposes love, loss, hurt and wanting. Knowing death waits to deny us the people, places and events that make us.

    by Michelle Marie Jacquot
    DETERIORATE is a poetry chapbook on disdain of the digital age. Dark but infused with humor, DETERIORATE contemplates and questions our modern world and its ramifications on humanity.
  • Dark and Light Verse

    by Allen Lee Ireland
    Dark and Light Verse is Allen Ireland's second collection of poems, aptly titled, since, in serious and not-so-serious verse, it captures the darkness and light both in the natural world and in the human spirit. The poet’s disillusionment is conveyed in various forms, but in nearly all of the poems the beauty of expression consoles, and art subsumes the anguish.
  • The Day America Cried: So Many Innocents Died, 9-11-01: We Will Survive!

    by Patricia B. Schoeler

    This is a collection of poems remembering and honoring those
    who lived and died on that terrible day in the history of our
    country 9-11-01. This book conveys the deep feelings of everyone
    who personally witnessed this tragedy and chronicles events as
    they happened. May these poems offer comfort and solace to all
    those who love and grieve for them.

  • Reflections on Life

    by Patricia B. Schoeler
    Situations happen to all of us in life that may be hard to deal with. Trying to express our reactions to these events can be very difficult indeed. This is a powerful but touching book, written in a style that is easy to read and easy to relate to! Those who have read this book, conclude that the author was able to put into words what the rest of us feel, but cannot quite express.
  • Written in Silence

    by A. M. Holas
    Written in Silence is a poetry collection that tells the story of a powerful mental health journey-a story of perseverance, survival, and growth. Beginning in a tunnel that was once so dark and seemingly endless, facing broken relationships and an inner world that felt like a burden. It was through the pain that the light at the end of the tunnel was finally found, transforming the meaning of silence, turning self-hate into self-love, and bringing life out of fear and into love.
  • God Gives you Goosebumps

    by Gwendolyn Davis
    This book of poems is inspired by my journey and by my Savior, Jesus Christ. It is through this that I send out my hope for the world and love for all people. Regardless of where they come from or what is going on in their lives. Their can be no greater love and no greater hope than how Christ died for our sins and I pray for all people. He saved us from ourselves and these poems reflect the will of God and bring greater understanding.
  • Harbingers of the Apocalypse

    by Sandra A. Haynes
    The book “Harbingers of the Apocalypse”, presented in rhymed and metered poetry, indicates the author’s view that the current events now transpiring in the world are not just random happenstances, which can be blamed on global warming, but are the result of fulfillment of Bible prophecy, which heralds the event of the second coming of Jesus Christ. Passages in the poetry reflect prophetic Bible truths, which are currently being observed by the calamities now occurring as warnings given to awaken... more
  • Poems of Love and Inspiration

    by Floyd Turner Kacey
    This book is a compilation of poems written for people that you love and cherish. The poems are composed for a variety of occasions and for the various people that come into our lives. There is something for everyone, especially if you are in love.
  • To all the people I loved before loving me

    by Janell Roberts
    I want to introduce you to Amazon's #1 book in Abuse Self-Help and its #1 new release in Poetry by Women, my first book, To all The people I loved before loving me, hoping for a notable review. To all the people I loved before loving me is a 117 page, 7,222 words Young Adult Nonfiction self-published on Amazon. With nearly 60 Reviews and five stars post publication date, May 11th, 2020. Readers have characterized it as a "powerful book about self-reflection and finding self-love." Young reader... more
  • If My Oak Tree Could Speak

    by Rachel Greening
    Have you ever wondered what an oak tree would say? Or imagined how a baseball would shout? These questions and many more are posed, pondered, and beautifully paraded across the page in this charming poetic story about childhood wonder. Read along in this world of whimsy as the seemingly ordinary objects around you turn into fascinating characters with just a little bit of curiosity and a whole lot of imagination.

    by Thomas Lake
    Here is a book as joyous and painful, as mysterious and memorable, as childhood itself. Thought-provoking poetry that will have you on the edge of your seat. Poetic and powerful, Your Inner Being will touch hearts and change minds for as long as people read.
