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  • Mom... Let's Talk

    by Jeanne Schaeberle
    What does a son do when he hears voices? Withdraw? Or use his sword, Poetry, to defend himself? How does a mother handle family life and death and work through grief? Mom...Let's Talk offers insight to the power of healing through writing and the sense of chaos revealed in poetry.
  • Can you see the leader you will be?

    by Melany Rabideau
    Can you see the leader you will be? This is a question every child should be asked and encouraged to explore from an early age. Follow along as a child learns to see their leadership potential in Rwanda's Nyungwe National Forest with encouragement from a tree. Using rhymes and repetition, this whimsical leadership development journey offers instant child appeal with vibrant images and characters.
  • Mario Writes a Poem a Day for a Year and So Can You

    by Mario Milosevic
    Mario Writes a Poem a Day for a Year and So Can You is a simple how-to, a collection of quickly-written, pleasing daily poems, and a trove of inviting prompts. Reading through Mario’s poems, notes of encouragement, and writing ideas recaptures the excitement I felt when I first discovered poetry and started thinking about each day through the lens of my next poem. Mario proves in this delightful and inspiring book that writing a poem a day is not only doable, it offers a daily dose of joy. —Kat... more
  • 52 Pips

    by Rekha Bhagtani
    Have you felt that kiss of cozy warm sunshine whilst still enjoying the first rains? We might revel in those mesmerizing new showers albeit those comforting rays of sun shining radiantly beside them cast renewed beacons of hope, promise, and light, nevertheless. Rekha’s poems here are exactly that and much much more. A hot cup of coffee with baskets full of comfort, a small little tote of thoughtful emotions, a nook hidden In time casting life lessons of inspirational life morals and value... more
  • The Interrupted Sky

    by David H Lawrence
    Poetic exploration of the horrors of nine eleven
  • sour cream and vinegar

    by the deplorable poet
    An Imagist/Confessional style that presents a view that life is not always "milk and honey". Sometimes it is more like "sour cream and vinegar".
  • Deafening Silence

    by Reverend Carl Yount
    The author takes readers on a journey transitioning from darker tales and ascending into lighter spirituality epic poems. Reverend Carl Yount transitioned from a period of earlier darkness to a lighter spirituality as his professional life evolved to work as a certified nursing assistant in nursing home dementia units. He also immersed himself in a continual journey of training on various theologies to appease his growing desire to embrace a life beholding to faith. This is seen in the transi... more
  • Silent Echoes

    by Reverend Carl Yount
    The author takes readers on a journey and descent into a darker tale in epic poems Reverend Carl Yount started upon a life on the road when working the carnival circuit starting at age fifteen. He traveled with a small outfit around western New York in the summer seasons, then taking off to other parts of the country working various unskilled and skilled jobs ranging from dishwashing to construction. He spent much time with poets and artists in New York City/New Jersey, wandering from cof... more
  • Around the World in Five Lines

    by James B. Anstead
    Around the World in Five Lines is a fun and whimsical collection of limericks inspired by countries all over the world! An avid traveler and dreamer, author James B. Anstead brings to us this fun and silly collection of fascination with the limerick and its special wordplay. Enjoy!
  • A Necessary Explosion: Collected Poems

    by Dan Burns
    A Necessary Explosion is an act Dan Burns performs daily to expel the stories pressing on his mind. Only by getting words down onto the page can he make room for all that comes next. Exploring the themes of life, love, family, writing, music, travel, history, and humanity’s future, this collection artfully conveys the words of a craftsman in relatable, accessible poems. Each of the seventy-five poems in this collection offers a glimpse into the mind of a hopeful poet and storyteller. They will m... more
  • The Face of Expression

    by Aaron Woodson
    Non-Fiction poetry book that uses expression as a creative art form to discuss love, life, pain, struggle, faith, relationships, and more.
  • That Feeling of Yours: Hoping for Happy Endings

    by Mannat Preet
    All our feelings do not always give us happiness. Some of them make us feel sad but at the end, you pray for happy endings. It’s not easy to release a pain identity, Particularly, if you’ve carried it around for a long time. It may help to remember who you were before? That experience or to consider who you might have become? if it hadn’t happened. You can still be that person, Someone, who doesn’t feel bitter or angry so frequently. If you want to feel peaceful and happy, Start by... more
  • Forever My Always

    by Eevi Jones
    USA Today best-selling writer and award-winning children’s author Eevi Jones publishes a sweet new take on Dr. Seuss’ Oh The Places You’ll Go, that is meant to be gifted to graduating sons and daughters who are about to venture out of the proverbial nest. Written in verse, Forever My Always provides adolescent boys and girls with the wisdom with which we wish we would have been sent out into the world. The beautifully illustrated pages are a sweet tribute to our sons and daughters who are ab... more
  • Widow's Tears of Sorrow

    by Paula Morhardt
    This companion book to "Widow’s Walk" contains all the poems I wrote from the first day–when I found my husband of 42 years dead in his chair–to almost three years later. There are 45 poems in total–42 to equal one for each year we were married and 3 poems for my mother, who died the day after my husband. These are not happy poems; they are not poems about light and flowers and little kittens. These poems are hard, they are gritty, and they are real. My hope is that these poems touch your heart,... more
  • The Masquerade

    by Aamina Hamid
    The masquerade of steadiness to beautify the unsteadiness is the aesthetic elixir of life. This book aims to unravel the mysteries of emotions that seem to make or break the very foundation of our happiness. This book contains the raw emotions of a wandering young heart set out to explore the possibilities of the impossible. Love for the divine and love for another human heart dips a colorless existence into the vibrant blood of life. This collection of poems is also a part of the endless conver... more
  • On a Tuesday in April

    by Grace M Wells
    In a span of 2 years, one can go through feelings of love, disappointment, anger, heartbreak, and acceptance. With her eloquent use of words, Grace expresses her personal experiences with each of these feelings in this 7-part sequential poetry collection.
