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  • Poemas do Jardim / Poems from the Garden (Revised Edition): Bilingual Poems in Portuguese and English

    by Sonja N. Bohm

    Conceived of in English and crafted to be read in Portuguese, this collection of bilingual poems written side-by-side in Portuguese and English is the fruit of a journey into learning and loving the Portuguese language. The Garden represents an Ideal—a thing not to be fully realized or attained in this life, but no less real or conceivable. The Garden is Portugal.

  • Pushing a rock up a hill

    by Amy Ryan
    In this chapbook of poetry and prose, Amy explores life after birth taking us from the rage she experienced in new motherhood through the ugly parts of her struggling (and, at times, hostile) marriage, continuing on to a second pregnancy. While starting a company, she raised her first child and found herself in the midst of an identity crisis that highlights the negative aspects of modern parenting. After bearing the burden of an exhaustive mental lode, she found refuge in writing this book and ... more
  • Not Your Happy Dance

    by Ryan Scariano

    The poems in Not Your Happy Dance seek out the sublime in the heartbreak and desolation of everyday life.

  • How the Wind Calls the Restless

    by Emily DeYoung
    'How the Wind Calls the Restless' is a collection of poems written by Emily DeYoung, starting in her teenage years and continuing throughout the transition from adolescence into adulthood. The collection takes on a relatable, internal struggle as a young woman grows restless and resistant to conventionality and conformity. She turns down college offers and chooses instead to backpack around the world. The pieces all contain a certain level of honesty, sometimes taking on darker tones and sometim... more
  • Moonglow on Mercy Street

    by John Biscello
    These fifty poems, most of them written in 2020, comprise a kaleidoscopic palette of tones, moods and styles, in crafting living mythology from the world at large and within. Metamorphic bop, scat-alchemy, bare bones blues and gospel, love songs and odes, pagan pop, and cinematic remixes, make of Moonglow on Mercy Street a free-range concert aimed at the imagination and the senses. And, as a lyrical pilgrimage fueled by hope and wonder, it stands as a shining testament to Henry Miller's claim th... more
  • An Animal's Day Off

    by Jacqueline Vollat
    """An Animal's Day Off"" is an adorable story of a little girl with a wild imagination. Get lost in the magic as she tries to figure out what animals do on their day off. Do swans go snow skiing? Would kangaroos eat candy? Would frogs go fishing? Her curiosity takes off and sends her down many magical paths, inspiring the young reader to use their vivid imaginations. The poetic pattern is great for early readers and fun for parents and children to read out loud. Do you want to know what ... more
  • When Wolves Become Birds

    by Alise Versella
    When Wolves Become Birds is poetry about women becoming powerful and, "making their own heavens from the pearly gates of their teeth / a smile that bites back / like a dog in the junkyard…" When Wolves Become Birds asks, "so what if we scratch a little, if we sting a little, if the blood reminds the spineless we are still here?" This is Olivia Gatwood’s New American Best Friend meets Silver RavenWolf’s To Stir a Magick Cauldron, casting and conjuring female empowerment with the talons of... more
  • Anything That Happens

    by Cheryl Wilder

    At the age of twenty, Cheryl Wilder got behind the wheel when she was too drunk to drive. She emerged from the car physically whole. Her passenger, a close friend, woke up from a coma four months later with a life-changing brain injury. Anything That Happens follows her journey from a young adult consumed by shame and self-hatred to a woman she can live with... and even respect. Along the way, Wilder marries, has a son, divorces, and cares for her dying mother. Anything That Happ... more

  • The Way The World Is

    by Saachi Arya
    This book is an anthology of poems - a window into the imaginative mind of the 9-year old author. Whether you're a child or an adult, there is something for you to enjoy. It peels back the film of your experience and allows you to see the world as it really is - with a child's eyes and wonder. With a uniquely flourishing style, Saachi manages to make the words jump off the page and make emotions come alive. She snatches the smallest of the small and turns it into the biggest of the big.
  • Paint the World for Me

    by Jamie Bullus

    "Paint the world for me, paint what I don't see."

    From sunrise to the night sky, from rest to mess, this book inspires readers to evaluate the colors all around -- and within themselves.

    Written in lyrical verse, Paint the world for me invites children to discuss the true colors of their worlds, while also reminding us that there is a different world to see through each pair of eyes.

    If you were to paint the world, what colors would you choose? ... more

  • An Enquiry into the Delight of Existence and the Sublime

    by H.K.G Lowery
    In his debut collection of poetry, H. K. G. Lowery explores a journey incorporating all the natural anxieties and pains of living, leading to an understanding of real forgiveness and redemption. From the first poem of the collection, An Ode to Father John Misty, he sets the scene touching on societal issues such as racism, homophobia, religion, addiction and consumerism. The darkness of such issues, as well as other emotional issues, are given light gradually when he journeys into the positive a... more
  • There's a Pooker on My Pillow

    by Harry Higinbotham
    What happens when an abandoned Yorkie finds her forever home? And just what is a “Pooker” anyway? Find out in this engaging tale (tail?) of a little Yorkie who went from being left out in a forest to being rescued and then adopted by a loving couple who helps her overcome her fear of everything to become a happy, well-adjusted dog. Click the BUY button now to get this heart-warming story and help teach children the importance of adopting rescued animals!
  • Paint the world for me

    by Jamie Bullus
    "Paint the world for me, paint what I don't see." From sunrise to the night sky, from rest to mess, this book inspires readers to evaluate the colors all around - and within themselves. Written in lyrical verse, "Paint the world for me" invites children to discuss the true colors of their worlds, while also reminding us that there is a different world to see through each pair of eyes. If you were to paint the world, what colors would you choose? The colors you see, or the colors you f... more
  • the ruptured man

    by Winston Ritson
    Without much to say and the calendar ravenously consuming the days of my life, I know I have to pen a piece. The following words are an obligatory contribution to the digital clutter, a few more bytes piled high on the trash heap of talent mistaken for talent. I think I have what it takes, but, the acrid smell of fingertips leave stains across the digital world, leading me to one conclusion. Maybe two conclusions, or even more. The conclusions seemingly self-dividing, digital cells of my cont... more
  • To Hear His Voice: Poem and Devotional Book

    by Catherine Posey
    Life is full of challenges, troubles, heartaches, and fears—but there is no reason for us to endure bearing these burdens on our own. Not only did Jesus Christ die for our sins—so we may have everlasting life with Him—but He desires that we follow Him, so that we can hear His voice. When life gets hard, we have a Shepherd, our Saviour Jesus Christ, who gives us comfort. When we don't know which direction to turn, He guides us down the right path. When we feel weak and overwhelmed, He strengthens... more
  • Rage, Recovery, and Calm: A Year in Poetry

    by Amanda JS Kaufmann
    It's midlife and you're burned out. In the ashes, you're trying to chart a new course in life that is true to your spirit. What does that look like? In this collection of experimental haiku and photographs, artist Amanda JS Kaufmann shares a turning-point year in her life of working through midlife crisis, recovery, and being herself.
