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  • Salutations from Heaven: Dear Lord . . . My Child . . .

    by Evangelist Debra Harper
    Are you one who has difficulty in expressing yourself? Has past hurts caused you to build up a wall of defense to protect you from feeling any future hurt, pain, or emotional anguish? Are you numbed to any feeling at all? Do you desire to release those feelings and emotions that have been bottled up for so long and have held you captive, angry, confused, and in bondage? Then this is the book for you. Read how God has blessed me to communicate and release unto him my innermost thoughts and fears ... more
  • MEETING OF TWO SEAS: Where the heat leads the mind.

    by Saeed Malik

    A thorough examination of Chapter 18 of the Quran exemplifies allegorical interpretation and reconciles common dichotomies like heart and mind, science and religion.

  • You Were Made on Purpose

    by Regina E. Ross
    You Were Made on Purpose was written specifically for teens. It is a 3-book set with different subtitles, Made to Soar, Made to Give, and Made to Forgive. These books were designed for our teens to make better choices. Each book has different stories to allow our teens to think on their feet and make good choices. There is also a section where they can write how they feel about the stories they read and share with their friends what they learned on how to handle certain situations. You Were Made... more
  • My Daddy's Handbook: "Pathway to the Father"

    by Regina E. Ross
    My Daddy's Handbook (Pathway to the Father) is about my daddy-daughter relationship that encounters all kinds of situations that turn into teachable moments. Stories range from childhood to adulthood with different kinds of solutions to everyday problems. The comparison is between my earthly daddy compared to my heavenly Father and their roles that helped me develop into a kind, loving, smart, and ministry-minded individual. My earthly dad assisted in my growth to get to adulthood with knowledge... more
  • The Day of the Space Voyager

    by James Parker Walker
    Combining contemplative spirituality, mysticism, and cosmic wonder into an inspiring tale of self-discovery, The Day of the Space Voyager is both a fantastic adventure and a provocative parable for the 21st century. \tJames Parker Walker's novel shares the metaphysical wanderings of an old hermit who learns that everything he has ever known is false. His quest for the truth takes him to places he never imagined, experienced on all levels of awareness. The deeper his true identity is revealed, ... more
  • Give Your All to God: Be a Pleasing and Delightful Offering

    by Morris Williams
    God is pleased that you want to devote your entire life to Him? Do you know how to give every part of your life to God? Do you know what spiritual offerings to make that’s acceptable to God through Jesus Christ? Whether you are aware of some, you will not be truly satisfied until you enact all five with God’s help. Also, you engage your mind, legs, inwards, health, and strength with purpose. In this book, Morris Williams shares biblical teaching and amazing experiences to show that you can... more
  • The Power of Your Smile

    by Dr. William J. Kalanta
    In all the hustle and bustle, it’s easy to wear a perpetual frown. We often forget the immense power of one thing: the human smile. The Power of Your Smile is a wise yet playful reminder that smiling can improve not only your day but also the days of the people around you. In fact, smiling can improve your entire life. This book focuses on seemingly silly things—maybe even minor or mundane—that in truth are very important. We could focus on difficulties, or instead, wear a smile and brighten e... more
  • Who Is God? From A to Z

    by Kimberly J. Maxwell

    God wants us to know Him inside and out, beginning to end, from A to Z - just like He knows us. With each letter of the alphabet, readers discover what the Bible says about who God is. 

  • A Place of Love & Light: A Journey Back to Compassion, Authenticity, and Making a Positive Contribution to the World

    by Ellen Edmondson

    How can I bring my true self into a world that pushes conformity? A Place of Love & Light addresses this and much more. This book takes you on a journey to expand your awareness and connection with your spirituality and Divine Love, it inspires you to embrace your life’s purpose, and start a ripple effect of positive change, one person at a time. This collection of wisdom will resonate deeply and touch your soul. A Place of Love & Light is filled with thought-provoking scriptures, inspi... more

  • G.O.D.

    by Amy Nanette Glin
    You would think that the Lord of the Galactic Order of Demonstration (G.O.D.) would know everything. That’s why he's speechless when he finds out he doesn't. Turns out his son Chip, Jesus in a previous life, never distributed the Galactic Order of Demonstration's Book of Laws on Earth. Cretin, head of the Elite Global Order (E.G.O.), stole Earth's Law Book when Jesus got drunk at The Last Supper. Cretin's cabal rewrote and distributed it as The Bible, leaving out key points in how to operate... more
  • Letters to Evelyn

    by John Selman
    𝑨 𝑭𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒍𝒚 𝑷𝒊𝒍𝒐𝒕'𝒔 𝑳𝒐𝒈𝒃𝒐𝒐𝒌 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑱𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒏𝒂𝒍 In Letters to Evelyn, after visiting his parents’ home, an aspiring pilot’s life begins to spin out of control when he begins to have hallucinations that may reveal his connection to an alien life form, God, and a mysterious woman named Evelyn. 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒊𝒔 𝒊𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑻𝒊𝒕𝒍𝒆 Letters to Evelyn, a true love story, is a book which when read, gives a unique point of view of our earth and ourselves. We have so mu... more
  • The Gospel Of Fury: The World of Make Believe (Edition 2024 (Fury 3.1))

    by Ignatius Benjamin Fury

    Mankind exists today during the time when the first epoch passes into his second epoch; mankind passes from childhood to adulthood; youth and our simple existence gives way to accountability and responsibility; two-thousand years have passed since the son-of-God walked the Earth; God has now delivered His modern message through the powerful gospel. Angel Fury enables the progressive words necessary to embrace the past, and to mold the future as the shepherd intends. God did send what He promi... more

  • Journey of Awakening and Higher Consciousness

    by Jane Kim Yu
    Through a profoundly rare experience that left the author’s mind silent for nearly half a year, it awakened her own desire to find her fire. The very fire that lit the night sky. The very fire that lives in all our hearts nigh. The very fire, to come alive. It is about the journey of awakening in a new light never seen before. Read about our universal journey of discovery, of awakening to the greatest truth of the land, the truth that reverberates in our very hands, the hands of heart, the very ... more
  • Mary Had A Little SPAM

    by Dietrich Schindler
    There is no need to mope if you find yourself at the end of your rope looking for hope. Mary can help with a can on her shelf. Mary inspires you to take a risk, invest in helping others, and then step back and see the beauty unfold. Even with little you can bless others and also reap a blessing.
  • Meet God: An Introduction to the God of the Bible

    by Greg Carman
    The intent of this book is to provide a simple but accurate description of God, the Creator and sustainer of life, as revealed in the Bible. It is intended for those not previously acquainted or personally familiar with Father God, Jesus the Son, or the Holy Spirit, who are one in purpose but three in activity. The book gives examples of the power, love, compassion, and justice that God represents to a fallen world. Many of His attributes and traits are discussed. Some mysteries are exposed and ... more
  • Meet God: An Introduction to the God of the Bible

    by Greg Carman
    The intent of this book is to provide a simple but accurate description of God, the Creator and sustainer of life, as revealed in the Bible. It is intended for those not previously acquainted or personally familiar with Father God, Jesus the Son, or the Holy Spirit, who are one in purpose but three in activity. The book gives examples of the power, love, compassion, and justice that God represents to a fallen world. Many of His attributes and traits are discussed. Some mysteries are exposed and ... more
