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  • The Purpose of Life

    by Mark Kolodzeij
    We need to know how we relate to others, the purpose of various institutions including marriage, government, the justice system, education and work.
  • Absolute Truth

    by Joab Russo
    Is there any trauma or lack in your life? Recurring and undesired challenges you just can’t seem to be able to solve? Perhaps you lost someone close to you, and find it difficult to recover, accept and move on. Maybe you are trying so hard to find that special someone, or that coveted job or career, or even just some genuine meaning in your daily routine, yet achieve little to no success or fulfillment in doing so? Does everyone else around you seem to have some or all of it figured out, while y... more
  • The Little Book of Big Knowing

    by Michele Sammons
    If this little book has made its way into your life, you can trust that it wasn't by accident. This happy coincidence is a nudge from the Universe to remind you that you are awesome. Each chapter is filled with tiny bursts of insight to nourish your heart, warm your Soul, and help you to remember your true-self. If you find yourself asking big, deep life questions like, "What's my purpose?" and "Why am I here?" then you'll want to curl up with The Little Book of Big Knowing. Inside you'... more
  • Peak Mindset

    by Said Hasyim

    Harness your subconsciousness to improve all aspects of your life, from financial security to satisfying living.

    Do you feel unhappy despite all your achievements? Does stress consume your life? Are you struggling for happiness while living a meaningless life?

    Discover the fundamental lessons of self-mastery that will enable you to shape your destiny:

    • Quick ways to exploit the power of your subconscious mind that makes world's greatest achievers... more
  • The Testament of Truth and the Last Prophecy

    by Terence
    Bless you O Lord for your infinite wisdom and Divine Mercy -Salvation- only through non-retaliation
  • Dialogues with Yeshua and Mary Magdalene

    by Mercedes Kirkel

    In this true story, a former priest asks Yeshua and Mary Magdalene his unresolved questions about the Bible, the Church, and New Age spirituality. Yeshua and Mary’s profound answers—channeled by Mercedes Kirkel—lead the former priest on a transformational journey to love. Experience Yeshua and Mary Magdalene showing the way, just as they did 2000 years ago!

  • Animal Teachings 2

    by Joanne Lefebvre Connolly
    What is your and your pets’ life mission? What foods should you and your pets eat? Which animal were you in your past life and how is it shaping who you are today? Did your pet live as a human before? Do you have a twin soul or a soulmate in your life? What are the four most difficult skills to master as a human being? How can you clean up your life for maximum health benefits for you and your pets? What are the best ways to strengthen your and your loved ones’ immune system? How can you follow ... more
  • Animal Teachings: From Hayley's Angels Methods

    by Joanne Lefebvre Connolly
    Why do we (animals and people) get sick? Is there a relationship between emotions, our mind set and our physical body? Does everything happen for a reason? How can we learn from an illness or a difficulty in our life? Do you listen to the signs of guidance in your life to make better decisions? What are Animal Communication and Intuitive Medicine, and how much can they help you and your pet live better, with maximum health and happiness, as well as facilitate the transition into the Afterlife, w... more
  • The Black UU Survival Guide: How to Survive as a Black Unitarian Universalist and How Allies Can Keep It 100

    by Xolani Kacela

    Have you decided to become a Unitarian Universalist and can help feeling a little lost? Or maybe you have been a member for a while but don’t know how to navigate sensitive issues when interacting with those who have racial or cultural differences? Do you want to discover not only how to survive, but how to thrive in your faith? If the answer to any of these questions is “yes,” then you absolutely must get a copy of The Black UU Survival Guide: Ten Steps for Survi... more

  • The Bible is not for Children

    by Chaim Bezalel
    The year of the pandemic was the strangest and most productive year ever. I belong to a group that discusses the weekly portion of the Torah. When in Israel, I also belong to a ceramics workshop held in the community center. Inspired by these two activities, I wrote a book which combines poems and images of sculptures called "The Bible is not for Children." It deals with the difficult parts, which most people pass over. For example, the poem on the book of Numbers begins: "Numbers is a diminishi... more
  • The Unfolding: A Journey of Involution

    by J.S. Wolfe
    After meeting my first psychopath, I had to know where his humanity went. But after meeting many more over 20 years, while working as an acting and meditation coach, the worlds of Buddhism and Psychopathy converged. Another pattern emerged, and that was the fast decline in empathy in general. Whether we wanted to be detached or callously indifferent, the end result was the same. Our emotional illiteracy had blocked our understanding, and without understanding, there is no empathy. Take a journey... more
  • Beautiful Souls

    by Christopher Adam Rice
    This is only the beginning for “BEAUTIFUL SOULS”. We are focused on creating positive directions in our lives and the lives of others around us. All photos in this book were taken by “BEAUTIFUL SOULS” members. Come join us and be part of something beautiful!!!
  • HOLDING ON LOOSELY: Opening My Hands, Lightening My Load, and Seeing Something Else

    by Dana Knox Wright
    Helicopter parents. Control freaks. Perfectionists. Intolerants. Over-consumers. Social media junkies. We all fit in there somewhere. Read one woman’s stories of clinging, turning loose and becoming free We are overly busy helicopter parents, control freaks, perfectionists, intolerants, over-consumers and social media junkies--who worry, fear, laugh less and always want more. In the midst of it, we wonder what it would feel like to open our hands and turn loose of all of it. In HOLDING ON ... more
  • I Never Knew You

    by Patrick Higgins
  • Westfalia

    by Blake Hill
    The seed of this book started with a hug. But at the time of that hug. I didn't realize my life would change forever. She gently pulled me in and whispered these two words, "I'm done." I was completely thrown off guard. I ask her what she meant. What do you mean you're done, done with what? She quietly whispered in my ear, I'm done with us. My heart sank and a numbness of emotions consumed every cell in my body. I couldn't grasp how we could be married for twenty years and now it was over. What ... more
  • Inner Alchemy: The Path of Mastery, Updated and Revised Edition

    by Zulma Reyo
    For those who want to deepen their understanding of the world we live in, for those who want to see change happen and know that this begins with themselves, Inner Alchemy offers a path to inner peace, meaning, purpose, joy and wisdom. In this practical guide to consciousness, you will discover key concepts relating to energetic work, such as chakras and the seven rays, as well as dimensional and astral realms, and karma, gratitude and dreams. Over 45 visualisations, meditations and exercises,... more
