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  • CHASING CLOSURE: Life on the edge of Belonging

    by Anselm Ezemson
    This memoir chronicles my life as I am constantly searching for a place to belong. Born in Cote d'Ivoire and educated in both Ghana and the UK,I grapples with being an "outlier" in both worlds. In England, my immigrant status makes them invisible, contributing to the economy yet denied acceptance. Even in Nigeria, my mixed heritage and accented speech mark me as "other," neither fully Nigerian nor embraced by any of my ancestry. This feeling of displacement permeates every aspect of my ... more
  • Astride Both Political Parties Democratic and Republican Perspectives

    by Michael Boyajian

    Humorous (1990 to 2016) look at the Democratic and Republican Parties showing how more alike they were than different and where cordiality and consensus between the aisles were generally the norms disproving the delusional dark conspiracies of a threatening

  • Green Enchantments A Catskills Guide and Collected Essays Armenian Edition

    by Michael Boyajian

    The Armenian enclave of the Catskills as told both as a general guide and essays of the enchanted purple mountains that helped heal the survivors of the 1915 Armenian Genocide and their descendants like an elixir of Mother Nature.

  • Still Rambling Down Life's Road...

    by Kevin Pettit
    This book provides you with a view of what it is like to have a traumatic brain injury (TBI) which are quite common, affecting more than 1.5 million people in the USA each year! It contains unedited excerpts from the diary of someone who underwent a TBI, struggled significantly to regain abilities which might have been lost and ended up using his experiences with disability as an asset, rather than a detriment, for his new mission in life. This book is meant to give you a view from the inside... more
  • The Eternal EFFO: How to Avoid a Career in Aviation

    by Steve Gatley
    A light hearted look at the trials and tribulations of a career in civil aviation
  • A Single Desperate Prayer

    by Ludmila Ritz
    More than a memoir, A Single Desperate Prayer is a riveting account of one resilient girl’s life in a Crimean Ghetto, replete with equal amounts of tragedy and triumph. Told through the eyes of a child, the reader witnesses Ludmila’s growth and maturation as she starts from practically nothing, learns how to beg in the streets, loses all of what little she had, is left to the wolves, and then saved by grace - all before her fifteenth birthday. Witness the miracles that her single prayer brough... more
  • Those Boys on the Hill

    by Elliott Glover
    Those Boys on the Hill is a biographical coming-of-age story about three inner-city, African American brothers growing up in a group home in a farming community in Pennsylvania. Elliott Glover uses a mix of humor, sadness, and raw situational honesty to share the harrowing experiences that shaped the men he and his brothers Jacque and Iszel have become. His narrative shines a light on group homes, foster care, and the grim realities of those who live through them. It is the cathartic telling of ... more
  • Uncharted

    by Barbara A Busenbark

    Uncharted is the captivating story of a woman suddenly widowed after thirty years of marriage and her struggles to make sense of the unexpected loss. She takes on the of the challenge of renovating a run down building that will become her home and art gallery. The project becomes a parallel to rebuilding her life. Realizing living alone, with just a little dog, is not for her she begins online dating. The process yields mixed results, some humorous until she meets Tim. An avid sailor, th... more

  • Longing to Belong: An Orphan's Story

    by Hasina Knox

    Ebook, paperback, and hardcover are available on Amazon. All images are black and white except in the ebook.

    Embark on a deeply personal and emotional journey in "Longing to Belong: An Orphan's Story," a gripping autobiography of resilience and self-discovery. Follow Hasina Knox, an orphan from Bangladesh's fertile deltas adopted into Canada's snowy peaks, as she navigates the complexities of identity and belonging. Raised on a Canadian farm with ster... more

  • The Big Book of Bad Decisions

    by Scott Michael Nathan
    The Big Book of Bad Decisions is a collection of tragicomic vignettes from the hilarious true adventures of Scott Michael Nathan, as he sets out to devour everything Hollywood has to offer — bad dates, worse roommates, A-list celebrities and porn stars, models, moguls, and mushrooms. “Scott Nathan’s life reads like an east of Doheny Curb Your Enthusiasm. I’m not sure how he’s made so many bad decisions but I’m glad he did so we can be entertained!” — Zooey Deschanel “Scott Nathan has been... more
  • The Merchant of Venus: The Life of Walter Thornton

    by Nancy Thornton Navarro and Adriana Thornton-Cornejo with Philip Mershon
    The Merchant of Venus offers a fascinating exploration into the extraordinary life of Walter Thornton, a figure whose influence surpassed conventional boundaries. Delving into the unforeseen ramifications of an iconic image linked to the 1929 Stock Market Crash, the narrative unveils Thornton as a pioneer in modeling, beauty, and advertising. He established the first agency for photographic advertising models, originated the Pinup phenomenon during WWII, and shaped future stars of the Golden Age... more
  • IT WAS HER NEW YORK: true stories and snapshots

    by C.O. MOED
    Through a mosaic of intimate photo-illustrated true-story vignettes, IT WAS HER NEW YORK tells the story of Florence, a pissed-off hurricane of an unwealthy lesbian and Juilliard-trained pianist stumbling into dementia on the Lower East Side, fighting all the way, as her youngest daughter juggles chainsaws to hold off the inevitable. Weaving through an urban maze of ERs, office cubicles, car rides, battered old parks and another viewing of Singing in the Rain, their story and the stories of the... more
  • Marginal Man: Life of Emilio Goggio

    by Paul Redvers Brown
    With a grandson’s heart and the mind of a scholar, Paul Brown takes us on a literary journey well worth traveling. Marginal Man is the story of Emilio Goggio who, as a young boy, boarded a ship from Italy to America. In Boston, he lived and worked with his father, who he had never previously met. He achieves the American dream, graduating from Harvard and eventually settling in Toronto to teach the Italian studies that he loves. Pride in his mother country, and enthusiasm for 1920s Fascism, left... more
  • Now I See: How God's Amazing Grace Transforms the Deepest Pain to Shining Joy

    by Janet Perez Eckles
    Even when the headlines foretell gloom and doom and personal suffering threatens to break you, yet, God’s promises speak of hope and glorious victory! Now I See will strengthen your resolve! Tragedy cannot stop you. Janet’s transition from being a sighted mother to complete blindness at the pivotal age of 30 proves you can rise above pre-conceived limitations. Grief cannot defeat you. Janet’s path to healing after the murder of her son proves that even loss is no match for God’s healing... more
  • Seaward: Chasing Master Mariners in the Golden Age of Sail

    by Harold Bradley
    Seaward casts new light on Great Britain’s nineteenth-century mercantile marine—especially as two master mariners from one Irish family experienced this incomparable career. The rediscovered stories of Harold Bradley’s great-great granduncles offer intriguing glimpses into two representative seafaring lives in the golden age of sail. The Kelly brothers plunged before the wind from Belfast and Liverpool to Australia, British Guiana, Canada, China, India, Peru, and the United States. They left wak... more
  • The Journal

    by Paul G Allman
    Based on a True Story - Travel - Adventure - Personal Discovery - Historical Insights: The Journal begins in the caves of Matala on the Island of Crete, made famous by Joni Mitchell's song Carey from her Blue album. My cave was three caves down from hers. The story details my quest to visit the churches of Lalibela in the Gondor region of Northern Ethiopia. I embarked alone on a journey up the Nile River and across the Nubian Desert to Khartoum. I faced unexpected challenges entering Ethiopi... more
