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  • Troubled Traveler: A Young Man's Odyssey Through Mexico

    by John Gernandt
    For anyone who has ever imagined escaping their past and taking charge of their own future, Troubled Traveler is an honest and moving testament to determination and dedication. Filled with stories both humorous and heart breaking, Troubled Traveler tells the story, from the moment sixteen year old John is dropped at an airport by his parents to what brought them all to this decision, this is a memoir that is captivating, funny and inspirational as it follows his odyssey through Mexico as a young... more
  • #MS - We'll get rid of it

    by Jasminka Vuković
    What if your life changed forever in a single, shocking moment? Mother and daughter, friends and allies for life. Mia and her mother face an unimaginable challenge when Mia, at nineteen and studying veterinary medicine, suddenly finds herself unable to hold a scalpel. The initial diagnosis? Just normal stress symptoms. But three years later, frightening symptoms reappear, and an examination in the emergency room reveals shocking results. The final diagnosis: incurable Multiple Sclerosis. At fi... more
  • We Can Change the World: An Intimate Journey Through the Early 1970s

    by Lee Boutell
    In the 1970s groups of idealistic boomers collaborated to change the world through creativity, by taking risks and establishing new ways to organize and live outside of the “establishment.” Loving personal freedom above almost all else, these young people saw the “establishment” as too oppressive and unhealthy, with little inclination to improve. But change is what these young people brought about and the world has not looked the same since. The story focuses on the creation and development of ... more
  • 9798218216344

    by Susan Slonim Servais
    On a rainy night in December 1938, former Third Reich government official Max Immanuel climbed into his car in Berlin and set out on a harrowing mission. Over the course of a single night, he planned to travel to the gates of Dachau — Nazi Germany’s first concentration camp — to rescue a Jewish prisoner. Max’s mission was profoundly dangerous, and unusual, because this former Third Reich official was a Jew himself. Born Imanuel Rosenfeld, Max had changed his name and his religion, living in fear... more
  • Running From Tragedy

    by Michael Salsbury

    In his emotionally gripping and intensely personal memoir – Running From Tragedy, Michael Salsbury, a lifelong runner takes readers on a marathon run of a lifetime with his poignant journey of tragedy, loss, and triumph that defies every definition of unfathomable odds – that balances on the edge of believability.

    Michael and Gabriella Salsbury seemingly had it all. It was a picture-perfect love story worthy of a Hollywood movie. Two childhoods haunted with mem... more

  • The Long Return: Should the Military Be Used as a Political Tool?

    by David O. Scheiding
    Upon returning to the United States after serving in Vietnam, Col. David O. Scheiding, USAF (RET), and other Vietnam vets were met with a significant amount of antiwar, anti-military sentiments by the American Society toward them. David reveals his reaction to the significant change in the general American attitude toward the Vietnam War. The Long Return shows us his experiences as an Air Force pilot and his efforts to understand the change in the American attitude by looking at history and how... more
  • Finding New Life After the Death of My Son

    by Mark Bodnarczuk
    This is every parent’s worst nightmare. You go to wake up your 18-year-old son on Sunday morning for church and you find him dead in his bed. Only later do you learn that he bought a single Xanax pill on Snapchat for fifteen dollars to calm his anxiety about the COVID pandemic. He took the pill then ordered food from Door Dash, but he never lived to eat it. It was a counterfeit pill that contained over three times the lethal dose of fentanyl – that one pill killed him. Mark Bodnarczuk’s heart wr... more
  • Rainy River Girl

    by James N. Gershfield
    What will happen when a little Jewish girl heads off with her parents to a small rural town in 1930's Ontario Canada, while being the only Jewish family in town? This entertaining memoir provides the answers. Follow Toby Gershfield in her adventures as she is challenged by scary sights and sounds, frightening dreams, prickly situations, and friends who keep disappearing. She also devises unique strategies to only do the things that she wants in ways that only a little girl can. In the midst of ... more
  • Army Brat

    by Laura Gutman
    The lives of Army brats have always been a core component of the US military. Scarcely described until now, Army Brat: World War II is an essential account that fills a major gap in history. Author Laura Thurston Gutman lived deeply embedded within the US Armed Forces from before the United States’ earliest entry into World War II through the Vietnam era. Chronicling pivotal events during those years, this historical autobiography describes a life inextricably intertwined with the military. F... more
  • The Camel in the Forest

    by A. E. Hayoun
    In her spirited memoir, A. E. Hayoun paints an eye-opening portrait of immigrating to Israel and building a new life in Israel’s beautiful, controversial, and sometimes hostile Negev desert. At once a vulnerable narrative of personal experience, The Camel in the Forest is also a remarkable, brief history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The Camel in the Forest is A. E. Hayoun’s first-hand account of life in Israel that takes place a few years before and during Operation Guardian of the Wall... more
  • The Love My Mother Never Gave

    by Brandi Clark
    This is the story of a 40-something year old daughter and mother who struggles to put the pieces of her life back together after suffering from neglect and abuse from her hateful mother as a child. She has no boundaries, any respect for herself and doesn’t think she deserves love or kindness. Her life is filled with chaos and confusion as she tries to win her mother over. But is that mother-daughter relationship even worth it?
  • Ex-Gay Christian: Men and Women are Crowned with God's Glory and Honor

    by Robert Williams
    This author embarked upon life's journey from the town of Kinston, North Carolina and, at age ten, accepted the LORD JESUS CHRIST as Savior and joined the Christian community at age twelve and began hearing the Holy Spirit's still voice encouraging and guiding me into all truth. Over the years, he has faithfully kept all pledges. Sharing this testimony has undoubtedly placed me on a thrilling journey. I have attempted to be a faithful witness. To complete this affirmation, I've often put ... more
  • Ex-Gay Christian: Souls at the Crossroads

    by Robert Williams
    This author embarked upon life's journey from the town of Kinston, North Carolina and, at age ten, accepted the LORD JESUS CHRIST as Savior and joined the Christian community at age twelve and began hearing the Holy Spirit's still voice encouraging and guiding me into all truth. Over the years, he has faithfully kept all pledges. Sharing this testimony has undoubtedly placed me on a thrilling journey. I have attempted to be a faithful witness. To complete this affirmation, I've often put down... more
  • God's Child: Memoirs and Philosophy of Life

    by Terrence Steve Lake
    Terrence Steven Lake grew up black in Hamtramck, Michigan, with friends of all different colors. While he could get along with everyone, he also spoke his mind. For instance, there was a white man at work from a totally different environment. The author told his co-worker that the white race as a whole had been the most violent race of people in the history of the world, explaining how the pharaohs came to Africa to enslave people to build pyramids pointing at certain planets at a certain tim... more
  • Conflagration

    by Terri-Anne
    Guam is and idyllic Pacific Island paradise with friendly natives. We felt fortunate to be stationed there, despite the typhoons, the wild life, the cliffs and the mountains. After my divorce, my family left, I was faced with a few surprises, among them was an earthquake and an accident from which I had to run for my life, in company with my friend and the driver of the other vehicle, before it exploded. The road was isolated, far from help. It seemed a hopeless situation. Why had I decided to s... more
  • Not My Circus

    by Delicia Niami
    When life throws you under the bus, how do you find the strength to stand back up? In Not My Circus, the author shares her extraordinary story of resilience amidst unimaginable adversity. From drug abuse and sexual trauma to homicide, she recounts her harrowing coming-of-age experiences in gritty detail. This powerful memoir will take you on a rollercoaster ride through the author's traumatic teenage and young adult years. You'll venture into the vibrant nightlife of West Hollywood, with all... more
