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  • Ride or Die: Loving Through Tragedy, A Husband’s Memoir

    by Jarie Bolander
    Modern society has a warped sense of the partner-caregiver role, especially for men. Too often, men are ill equipped to handle switching from provider to caregiver, and the “just suck it up” advice so many offer up falls as flat as the Kansas prairie in the face of the reality of life and death. Ride or Die takes its audience through the intimate conversations and thoughts of a Gen-X latchkey-generation husband—a man who has always had to fend for himself and believed that it’s up to him to sol... more
  • Not MeToo MeinCharge

    by Aphrodite Phoenix
    When “God’s people” choose a bragging woman molester and lawmakers pretend he belongs…when journalism trying to tell the plain truth gets called fake by the fakest lout alive…where lies are adored by many millions, and every day the crucial truth is trashed…where respect and admiration from the rest of the world has been dying since 2016… CAN A PROSTITUTE BE A MORAL COMPASS? You bet your life she can. “Absorbing…striking…passionate…informative. Takes a range of institutions and groups to task... more
  • SIPPING FROM THE NILE, My Exodus From Egypt

    by Jean Naggar
    To read SIPPING FROM THE NILE, Jean Naggar's lavish memoir of her Cairo childhood, is to be transported to another world, another time. This book is a document of the gorgeous, elaborate rituals of Naggar's Sephardic upbringing. It is series of exquisitely-remembered portraits of the people whose have lives braided into hers-- among them her father, whom she movingly memorializes for imparting to her a novelistic sense of the human world: "I listened, spellbound, to my father's rich store of ... more
  • Eros and Thanatos; a Hollywood Story

    by Max Denken
    It’s 3 am. A dejected Hollywood studio employee and filmmaker who had just been fired goes to a coffee shop and meets a woman who will upend his life and bring misfortune to his beloved mother. So begins the true story that took the author from Los Angeles to Munich and from there, via his mother’s wartime memoir, to the bloodlands of Galicia under Soviet, then German, then Soviet again occupations in 1939‒1945. A story of love between a mother and her son and of lust between the son and a woman... more
  • The Humorist: Adventures in Adulting & Horror Movies

    by Mike Cavaliere

    Horror movies meet the horrors of growing up in this unique and hilarious collection of personal essays, which examines the culture shock of aging as seen through the prism of pop culture addiction.

    Why grow up when you can watch TV, instead?

    That’s the question at the heart of this story, in which multi-award-winning humor columnist Mike Cavaliere captures the funny and surprisingly poignant moments that define our journeys to and through adulthoo... more

  • Young Man, Muddled

    by Robert Kanigel
    Embark on a serendipitous journey with celebrated author Robert Kanigel, from a Brooklyn childhood through an unexpected career shift from engineering war weaponry to crafting tales of geniuses and grand ideas. A story of a '60s youth in America's throes of change, a transformative love, and a muddled path that led to an unexpected destination: the life of a storyteller. A memoir of love, work, and the muddling through that shapes a life.
  • The Aerospace Professor: The Man and The Brand

    by Jeffery Battle
    Who am I, Forrest Gump? The Aerospace Professor’s autobiography is provocative and a compilation of dramatic, emotional, and riveting journeys from the author's early childhood through maturity. With a small amount of imagination, the autobiography resembles the life of a Tom Hanks movie character like Forrest Gump. Find out more. The Aerospace Professor's autobiography is about the life of Adjunct Professor Jeffery Battle and his profile of courage. Read more... Despite the severity of any par... more
  • SNAP JUDGMENT: Overcoming Racial Bias to Buy My First Home

    by Roger L. Edwards, Jr.
    Roger, an African-American, shares a memorable moment during his “homeownership” journey when he encountered racial bias. Not only does he reveal six important lessons he learned about racial bias along the way, he also shares how his faith—and the “still, small voice” — helped him overcome unconscious bias when buying his first home. This journey interweaves such a wide range of topics like "The Talk" (and its importance in the Black community), housing discrimination, child sponsorship, and th... more
  • Maktub- Based on a True Story

    by Marwa Schoch
    Maktub is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. This book focuses on a young girl's quest to uncover the lessons hidden in her challenging circumstances. She navigates through emotional and physical abuse and trauma to determine her purpose in life, facing several trials and tribulations along the way. This is not just a story of survival, it's a story that focuses on growth, understanding, and courage. It's the story of a woman who refused to be the person she was told to be and wh... more
  • Move Over, Viola

    by Christopher Dainton
    “Bell is committed to engaging Canadians in a conversation about racism and social injustice. It’s uncomfortable conversations that lead to action.” -\tRandy Lennox, President, Bell Media Trendy words today, but when a Black woman took maternity leave from the corporation that she spent eleven years working for, they refused to take her back. Discrimination, or employer discretion? Move over, Viola is a sardonic look back at her nine-year fight for justice against Bell Canada, culminating ... more
  • My Song, Unleashed

    by Marnie Dachis Marmet
    As a child, Marnie’s unique voice earned her the nickname “The Rasp” from her dad. When other adults told her she’d never be a singer or that she talked too much, not only did Marnie start silencing herself, but she also began questioning her internal voice. She knew when she shared her truth—the way she’d done during a schoolwide presentation as a teen—it was life- changing. But more often, like many young women trying to make their way in the world, she muted and molded herself to accommodate ... more
  • You Ruined My Life and You Stole My Bra: a Mother/Daughter Love Story

    by Anita Finlay
    YOU RUINED MY LIFE AND YOU STOLE MY BRA is the moving and hilarious story of a woman who found a most unlikely way to heal her relationship with her mercurial mother. A riveting, insightful touchstone not only for dealing with—and honoring—an elderly parent, but for digging deep to find forgiveness, empowerment and closure.
  • It Was a Privilege to Care for Her

    by Keith Khlafehn
    Some persons who get breast cancer do not survive. Muriel Klafehn is one of those people. This book chronicles her life from the time of diagnosis of cancer in her right breast until her death. Every day was lived to be as normal as it could be. And so it began, removing a breast on Friday, eating dinner out and attending a concert on Saturday, and directing the Chorale in church on Sunday. In this forthright manner, she became an inspiration to me and to all those who were touched by her life. ... more
  • Offshore Riches, A Guide to Recession-proofing Your Business

    by Raymond Hopkins
    Genre: Non-fiction Word Count: approximately 27.500 Published on Amazon at: Synopsis: Encourages business owners and aspiring global entrepreneurs to expand their business offshore
  • Unemployable

    by Alysia Silberg
    It all started with a pair of pretty pink roller skates. I was just a little girl, living in Johannesburg, South Africa, my heart set on them. But I knew my parents couldn’t afford them. So I formulated a plan. I started my first “small business,” selling old suits on the street until I’d made enough dough for the purchase. The start of my life as an entrepreneur. A life that would rescue me from years of childhood trauma—from abuse, and turmoil, and even a gunshot wound—and eventually bring ... more
  • The Man Behind the Curtain

    by Jessica Renee with Valerie Dimino
    Jessica Renee survived years of sexual abuse at the hands of her stepfather only to then face years of another kind of abuse in the wake of reporting it, when her mother, brother, and church community chose to believe her rapist and attempted to shame her into continued silence. She has now chosen to use her voice to speak these difficult truths and provide a guiding light to other survivors who are still searching for hope.
