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  • DEAD DOG ROAD - A True Story Into The Dark World Of An Abused Child

    by Diane N. Black
    IN A SMALL TEXAS TOWN, THE DIRECTOR OF A CHILDREN’S HOME TRIES TO SAVE THREE ADOPTED RUSSIAN CHILDREN LIVING WITH A SADISTIC WOMAN IN THE BACKWOODS OF CANEY HEAD. A heart-stopping story that highlights the failure of the agencies we trust to protect the most vulnerable among us—and a truth more compelling and powerful than we could imagine. Abuse reports from neighbors draw attention to twelve-year-old Alexey who runs away to hide in the woods. The local child protection agency sends the direct... more
  • 31 Hours

    by Dr. Michelle Naguib
    When her fourteen-year-old son Jimmy goes missing, Michelle is frantic and distraught. As family, friends, an ever-widening search group, and the police look for him, Michelle grows more desperate and despondent, simultaneously searching, while also second-guessing her role in the events leading up to his disappearance. In this memoir, Michelle takes us through the emotional journey of losing her son, who was diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome as a young child, and reflects on the circumstanc... more
  • Thomas Fitzsimmons - The Extraordinary Life of an Ordinary Man

    by Thomas Fitzsimmons
    The Extraordinary Life of an Ordinary Man offers a full-throttle look at New York city’s fascinating cast of characters: the wiseguys, rogues’ gallery celebrities and settings that range from the mean streets of the South Bronx to Manhattan’s plushest penthouses. And when Fitzsimmons - a born-and-bred Gothamite, NYPD officer, model, actor, WNBC television personality, and celebrity bodyguard - plunges into the frenetic, fabled New York singles scene, his life takes a turn that he never anticipat... more
  • Break Glass: In Case of Genocide Break Glass - How We End Genocidal Indifference.

    by Richard OBrien
    Human Rights NGO Founder Richard O'Brien tells the stories of heroes who prevented or intervened in genocide, from the Holocaust to today. He retells the actions of the twenty-something year olds who staffed the Center for the Prevention of Genocide and the several times they saved lives.
  • Play Something Pretty That You Like to Play

    by Greg Allen Morgoglione
    Equality. Equal access. These are fundamental American principles. Yet today, tens of millions of Americans do not have equal access to music – the developmental and therapeutic benefits of music. Young people. Old people. People near you. People close to you. Why must our loved ones in assisted living, nursing, and rehab communities rely on volunteer music –– a supply model that has failed them for decades? Why is it so painfully quiet in the communities where our parents and grandpare... more
  • So, Is Retirement Supposed To Suck?: A Compilation of Life's little Disappointments

    by George M. Dean
    Could it be that your upbringing will somehow dictate your level of happiness as an adult? And if that’s the case, will it keep you from enjoying a well-deserved retirement? No, not rhetorical. The answer is an emphatic yes. It becomes apparent after reading this book, So, Is Retirement Supposed To Suck? This book explores how retirement is what you make of it. It doesn’t just happen, all on it’s own—you have to plan for it throughout most of your working life. Even then, things rarely work out... more
  • God's Gift To You Book I

    by Jonnie Belinda Hopkins
    A true story about young adults living in underdeveloped, low socioeconomic neighborhoods and the repercussions of continuing a cycle of abuse and poverty when children are brought into the world. I was born and raised in an environment that resulted in severe abuse and trauma. From physical, sexual, mental, and emotional abuse to facing a pregnancy as a young adult with no education, finances, and family support, I, like countless others in similar circumstances, was designed to become anothe... more
  • The Beginning and End of an Immigrant Family

    by Anatoly Bezkorovainy
    The author, Anatoly Bezkorovainy, at the age of 80, reflects on the fading of his memories and decides to write a story about his life and his wife, aiming to preserve their history for future generations. He laments the common fate of diaries being lost after his wife, Marilyn, passed away and believes that a written or printed record of his love affair and marriage will endure. He also shares a brief biography of a colleague, Dr. X, who had a promising career as a biochemist but derailed it d... more
  • So Far, So Good-Answers To Questions I Should Have Been Asked

    by Elliot Glicksman
    I answered questions no one asked me about religion, what happens after you die, my life, how to name your baby and how I wound up a lawyer and comedian despite the redundancy.
  • François

    by Kyle Thomas Smith
    Nearing fifty, author Kyle Thomas Smith looks back on the days when he was a struggling young writer and hapless office temp. At the end of yet another workday when all he wanted was to go back to his little apartment, turn into a cockroach, and expire in a puddle of Raid, Kyle instead went out on the town and met a highly accomplished, globetrotting filmmaker named François. A romance ensued, but François flew out the next morning, leaving Kyle with nothing but a napkin on which he’d written hi... more
  • Privilege Lost

    by Joshua Elyashiv
    Many nice young upper-middle class white boys have dreamed about being the ultimate bad-ass. Few have been forced to prove it. For straight-A student and suburban Jewish boy Joshua Elyashiv, the dream of being tough and invincible, like his heroes Jason Bourne and Bruce Lee to name just a few, was so overwhelming that he convinced his parents to put him through military school where he became a decorated martial arts pro. Then, through a fluke chain of events that Joshua never could hav... more
  • As the Rivers Merge: A Story of Love, War and Perseverance Across Continents

    by Daniel Mamah
    When the Nigerian Civil War crept to his quiet college town, Matthew Mamah's global journey began. His father, an Anglican priest who survived smallpox, had always urged him to "aim high and shoot high." Matthew knew that his quest for excellence could take him to the horizon's edge, but he never imagined himself in Budapest, Hungary. Yet, it was there he met the love of his life.   The grandniece of famed composer Béla Bartók, Judit Koós grew up in the shadow of Hungary's bloody Revolution, i... more
  • And Always One More Time: A Memoir

    by Margaret Mandell
    The loss of a life partner strikes over one million women every year—shattering the present, leaving the future in doubt. At 65 years old Margaret Mandell loses her husband of 45 years to a fast-moving disease, and she cannot conjure a future without him. The bed is half empty. Her body betrays her. Laughter is elusive. Filled with longing, chased by memory, Mandell begins to write letters to the man she loved, retracing their history together. But when a tenderhearted college professor steps... more
  • Tripping into Love: One Man's Life of Miracles with Jesus

    by Sally Hanan

    Dale Alter's extraordinary journey with Jesus—marked by faith, redemption, and divine love—leads him from a pivotal encounter with Christ (while on an acid trip) to leadership in the Jesus Movement, a fulfilling career in emergency medicine, missionary work in East Africa, and an unwavering pursuit of God's kingdom on earth, despite personal hardships.

  • The Story of My Soul

    by Helen P. Slater
    Channelling 6th December 2022 Great Mystery ‘You must know that all I say is true, that the End of the World is nigh, and all shall be saved, for to raise our consciousness is the goal, not only of Creator, but of all souls who see Yeshua as their Saviour, and Mary his Mother as their own. I commend this book to the destitute and to the wicked that they may know their Creator and their lives be washed clean with Creator’s Light, and they shall be as One, as others are as One that know God, and t... more
