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  • Murder at an Exhibition

    by Lisa M. Lane
    In 1863 London, a photographer is murdered, his body found at the Royal Academy Exhibition shortly after his assistant, Bridget, is locked in the dark-room at the studio. Then art expert Giovanni Morelli is attacked. With the police unable to see the connection, illustrator Jo Harris must help Bridget uncover the clues among wealthy art collectors and purveyors of photographic pornography, with help from the likes of Dante Gabriel Rossetti and Sir Charles Eastlake
  • The Things We Keep

    by Janet Dawson
    TWO HUMAN SKULLS ON A PILE OF BONES. EMPTY EYE SOCKETS STARE UP AT JERI HOWARD. The Oakland PI is helping friends inventory the contents of an old house. Jeri finds a battered Navy footlocker hidden in the back of a dusty storeroom. When she pries open the lid, she’s shocked at what she finds. Human bones. Whose bones? How did they get there—and why? The elderly homeowner, now in a senior apartment, doesn’t want to talk. Does she have something to hide? Jeri investigates, determined... more
  • Never Met A Wolf

    by L. Silkebaekken
    Frankie Jameson has it all. The best friend. A crew. A flashy existence... And a staggering kill-count. Haunted by her childhood trauma, Frankie is set on avenging the death of her parents while fighting to maintain influence in the family business. But with a life that relies on societal blindness, is she about to discover that she herself has been blind?
  • Saltire Captured

    by Albert Marsolais
    The year is 1706, and the vote for union between Scotland and England is approaching. There are those supporting union and those opposed, and a secretive group set on stopping or destroying union at any cost. All are maneuvering for advantage, all are fighting for power, with considerable wealth at stake. Malcolm Forrester, physician, and adventurer has been called back to Edinburgh to help his wounded brother who supports union. Beset with inner demons, can he successfully overcome their foes ... more
  • The Plans They Made

    by Graciela Kenig

    Page Turner Awards 2022 Genre Winner. THE PLANS THEY MADE by Graciela Kenig —

    Her best friend is dead. A terrorist cell threatens to bomb London. Can an American journalist save hundreds of lives? Kate Brennan is devastated. After months of planning a reunion in London, the Chicago-based, award-winning investigative reporter turned novelist is shattered to learn that her dearest friend is dead. But when she realizes that the circumstances are suspicious-and t... more

  • UNDERCOVER AGAIN - Fighting Human Trafficking

    by Bob Ojala
    Young children are being lured into sex-for-hire “stables,” under the guise of offering money in exchange for modeling jobs. One victim has already committed suicide, and a thirteen-year-old girl’s life has been forever changed. Liz Trent, the young, Assistant District Attorney, is obsessed with finding the traffickers and making them pay for destroying the lives of these young girls and boys. She goes undercover against a ring of human traffickers. What she uncovers is a shocking glimpse in... more
  • Unbecoming a Lady

    by D. Z. Church
    A torn sleeve, a bruised arm, and a lie. A friend knocks on Cora Countryman’s front door seeking help with the torn sleeve of her work dress, claiming she ripped it on a bush. As the town’s seamstress, Cora has mended many a dress. So, when she sees a ragged tear in her friend’s forearm and a bruise left by a thumb, Cora questions her friend’s story. When Cora asks about the wounds, her friend is evasive. Worried by the lack of answers, Cora starts her own investigation. When murder is do... more
  • Lethal Connections: The Poison ID Unit

    by Karen Fuller
    In a sleepy little parish just outside of New Orleans, murder is no rare occurrence. Sergeant Lance Knight has a pile of unsolved homicide cases on his desk. On the surface, none seem to be connected. The victims are all men with money or power. An investment banker, a lawyer, and a local politician. They don’t socially run in the same circles. Lance can’t find a connection. Working closely with coroner Gina Goodwin, Lance and Gina discover a pattern. Three unrelated things the bodies all hav... more
  • Spiral

    by Khaled Talib
    Laurence Turner, a pharmacist from Sydney, is wracked with guilt after his fiancé dies on a sailing trip. The tragedy is followed by yet another fatal incident when he dispenses the wrong medication to a customer. Laurence moves to the Clare Valley in South Australia for a fresh start, but when he stumbles across the dead body of a visiting American reporter, things take a turn for the worst. The case explodes into far more than Laurence could ever expect with the arrival of a beautiful Am... more
  • Manifesto for a Serial Killer

    by Brian Parkin
    Wealth, thrill, the net closing in around a somewhat likable protagonist, and the gamification of murder come together in Brian Parkin’s Manifesto for a Serial Killer. Jessica Harper, a wealthy 23-year-old Australian socialite, has killing as her major hobby. A formidably intelligent and driven woman, self-taught in coding, hacking, and various other useful skills, Jessica designs an app, the Manifesto, to generate a series of random targets, murder weapons, locations, murderer characteristics, ... more
  • Lest We Forgive: Gripping and heartwrenching murder mystery (Detective Liz Moorland Book 1)

    by Phillipa Nefri Clark

    A late night. An icy road. A car wrapped around a tree.

    When Detective Liz Moorland stares at the lifeless faces of her ex-colleague’s daughter and son-in-law, she knows it is enough to push Vince Carter over the edge.

    Vince, a bitter and reclusive retired cop, was once a hero to many. But in his eyes, he has failed those he most loved. Estranged from his daughter before her death, the enormity of his loss is immeasurable.

    While Liz&rsqu... more

  • Vigilante Blood

    by Joshua Martin
    Welcome to the city of Greenville, where murder is never what it seems. Detective Lynn Pocker and her team are battling crime on several fronts: two serial murderers and a secret organization that has been pulling the strings of crime and justice for decades. Our heroine will have to fight this and her own personal struggles as she herself becomes ensnared in the game of foxes and hounds.
  • Rebels in Pisa

    by Kenneth Tentarelli
    Renaissance Italy 1465: Rumors of insurrection in Renaissance Pisa spur Florentine authorities to send young lawyer Nico Argenti and his team to stop the troublemakers before they resort to violence. In Pisa, the team uncovers more than expected: smuggling, abduction, and murder. But their search for the rebel leader also sets Nico as a target. The hunt turns urgent when the rebels show their resolve by abducting the provincial governor. Nico’s efforts to discover the source of the rebels... more
  • Murder Garden

    by Ron Fritsch
    Ted discovers his boyfriend Warren in their backyard garden—dead. Ted soon learns he’s a suspect in Warren’s murder.
  • The Vaccine

    by Hassan Riaz
    Five years into a deadly menglavirus pandemic, Dr. Harrison Boyd has accomplished what no one else has been able—he has developed a vaccine for history’s most lethal virus. But a powerful US senator—Scott Spaulding—is intent on keeping the vaccine from the public for his own nefarious purposes. Harrison must race against time to eradicate the virus before Senator Spaulding eradicates him instead. Hassan Riaz is a writer and physician whose fiction has appeared in Antioch Review, Slice Magazin... more
  • Outwitting the Enemy

    by Mike Walsham
    Andrew was recruited into the British Secret Intelligence Service (SIS) in 1939 for his linguistic talents and other qualities suitable for working in the Service. By early July 1940, he had already been sent on four missions including the sabotaging of a train carrying tank engines inside Germany, assisting in the evacuation of BEF soldiers from Dunkirk on one of the ‘small ships’ and surviving a number of life-threatening incidents when bringing King Haakon and the Norwegian cabinet from no... more
