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    by Jacqueline C.N. McDonald
    HUMMING BRIDGE is the sequel to THE PAPER ROUTE “Odd is unique’s ugly cousin,” protagonist Jackie explains to her mentor, Detective Dennis Dahm. Humming Bridge is the story of the extraordinary role sight and sound play in the lives of protagonist Jackie and her “unique” Uncle Vic. Exploiting the special insights their combined extraordinary sensory abilities provide, Detective Dahm solves crimes from New York City to their hometown, Lowell, MA. Now a high-schooler, Jackie works part-t... more
  • The Scaevola Conspiracy

    by Timo Bozsolik-Torres
    Get ready for a high-octane thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat! Luke, an intellectually brilliant but socially awkward data scientist, lands a dream job at a prestigious Silicon Valley tech company. Teaming up with the sharp-tongued ex-hacker Ada and Clark, scion of a famous venture capitalist, their journey takes them into the heart of California's tech hub where artificial intelligence is about to change the world. But their lives take an unexpected turn when a string of myst... more
  • The Color of Sky and Stone

    by Sara Davison
    Black ops undercover agent Tane Temauri has spent his life hiding in the shadows. Then a mysterious letter falls into his hands that changes everything. Although the letter was not meant for him, somehow, on a greater, cosmic scale, it feels as though it is. But answering it will make Tane vulnerable. Can he emerge from the shadows to risk everything for a woman he has never met? If he does, more than his heart could be on the line. So could his life. And hers.
  • The Great Gimmelmans

    by Lee Matthew Goldberg
    Middle child Aaron Gimmelman watches as his family goes from a mild-mannered reform Jewish clan to having over a million dollars of stolen money stuffed in their RV's cabinets while being pursued by the FBI and loan sharks. But it wasn't always like that. His father Barry made a killing as a stockbroker, his mother Judith loved her collection of expensive hats, his older sister Steph was obsessed with pop stars, and little sister Jenny loved her stuffed possum, Seymour. After losing all their... more
  • Buried Secrets: A Psychological Suspense Novella (Mirror Estates Series)

    by S.F. Baumgartner
    Dylan Roche is shocked. The twenty-five-year-old management trainee is astonished by the visit of an attorney. After years of blissful ignorance of his heritage, he is leery of the invitation to visit his wealthy maternal grandmother. Wishing his mother was alive to advise him, Dylan sets off to investigate the family’s history, despite his feeling of foreboding. But with the sinister maniac creeping at each turn, he fears his mother’s faith in him was grossly misplaced. Will Dylan find the ... more
  • Living Secrets: A Thriller (Mirror Estates Series Book 1)

    by S.F. Baumgartner
    Lily Tso is bored and unfulfilled. Orphaned at birth, the twenty-two-year-old Hotel Guest Service Officer is overwhelmed to discover her parents are alive. But the young woman fears she’s woefully unprepared for a treacherous operation to save America and to meet her parents. Teaming up with an FBI Special Agent and a young tycoon, Lily sets out on a dangerous mission to prevent a heinous biological attack. But as unknown forces bent on thwarting her attempt, she fears time is running out for... more
  • The Sellout

    by Andrew Diamond

    Years of writing thoughtful, heartfelt literary fiction have brought Joe McElwee nothing but poverty and obscurity. Now his blockbuster formulaic thriller, full of mindless action and tired but proven tropes, has him on the verge of wealth and fame.

    Not everyone is happy though. Joe’s friend Veronica, a staunch supporter of his honest early work, criticizes him for selling out. Frustrated at his refusal to hear her concerns, she puts a curse on him, forcing him to live as a charac... more

  • The Woman of the Year

    by Elena Shalneva
    ‘The Woman of the Year’ is a psychological thriller about failed ambition, jealousy, and revenge. Gilded life of top London banker Claudia Moreau is rocked to its foundations when two people unexpectedly cross her path: a scruffy middle-aged au pair in her local park, and a teenage boy of ravishing beauty. When Claudia discovers the au pair’s real identity, she makes an impulsive decision that costs her career and wealth. As her world falls apart, Claudia sets in motion a chain of events that... more
  • The Woman of the Year

    by Elena Shalneva
    ‘The Woman of the Year’ is a psychological thriller about failed ambition, jealousy, and revenge. Gilded life of top London banker Claudia Moreau is rocked to its foundations when two people unexpectedly cross her path: a scruffy middle-aged au pair in her local park, and a teenage boy of ravishing beauty. When Claudia discovers the au pair’s real identity, she makes an impulsive decision that costs her career and wealth. As her world falls apart, Claudia sets in motion a chain of events that... more
  • The Silk Road Affair: A Novel

    by Larry Witham
    More than thirty years after a famed Boston art collection is stolen, Washington learns that it has turned up in the People’s Republic of China—just as Sino-American relations are at a tipping point. To retrieve the artifacts, a covert mission is handed to retired military sleuths Julian Peale and Chinese-American Grace Ho, both art specialists. From Washington to China’s great western desert, and from Boston’s lofty art museums to modernist Shanghai, the search is on. \tBeijing has meanwhile... more
  • The Curse of Antonia Arco

    by Maxima Runo
    IN A REMOTE CASTLE, COUNTESS ANTONIA ARCO, AN IMMORTAL CREATURE, SEEKS A WAY TO BREAK A CURSE. The ancient family Arco has moved in the shadows for ages, away from the eyes of the general public. Each member of the family more depraved than the next; they live an alien existence of brutality and sinister quests. The Curse of Antonia Arco focuses on the beginning of the epic love story between Clara Gentile and Antonia Arco. The story starts with Clara arriving at the Northern Arco castle and... more
  • The Pike Boys

    by Danny Cherry Jr.

    It’s 1920 and Jesse Pike is slowly ascending the New Orleans upper-class social scene. He owns the most popular brothel in the city, and rubs shoulders with businessmen, corrupt politicians, and stage stars alike. He’s also the leader of a violent street gang that pulls off the biggest liquor heist since the beginning of prohibition. Jesse sets up a scheme to sell the booze, and use the profits to start a legitimate business. However, when things go sour, Jesse is forced to make a... more

  • Murder in Blue

    by Mike Avery
    Susan Sorella is a tough criminal defense lawyer in Boston. She doesn’t always play by the rules. The FBI agents and cops pitted against her don’t either. When danger threatens, she calls on her friend Boston mob boss Frank Romano for reinforcements. Susan’s client is facing first degree murder charges for the death of a major league baseball umpire. Witnesses say the defendant objected to calls against the Red Sox and screamed “Kill the Ump!” Not uncommon in Boston bars, but nasty evidence w... more
  • The Shadow King

    by Bryant Jordan
    Jimmy Lyons of Charlestown’s tough Irish neighborhood swore he’d never get involved in gangster life. He wouldn’t be like his father, who was murdered on a run-down industrial road near a polluted shipping channel called the Oilies when Jimmy was only a kid. But when Chinatown restaurant owner Zhang Wei offers him two grand just to put him in touch with the local gangster who stole some old movies of questionable origin and even more questionable content, he takes the deal. For Lyons, a wanna... more
  • Some Dance, Some Die

    by Clifford Huffman
    The famous ballerina Lynne Haskell is retiring from the stage. She has accepted Eastern Ballet’s offer to become its Artistic Director, and she has an up-and-coming future star in Tricia Young, except the girl has some performance limitations which may spoil the company’s big fund-raiser the following week, an occasion further endangered by the sudden departure of the star dancer. Hoping to overcome Tricia’s problem, she takes Tricia to an esoteric group led by a mysterious man known only as “... more
  • Dark Protection

    by Willie Mae Jackson
    Donovan Montgomery is a badass forensic psychiatrist with a versatile arsenal of weapons, both mental and physical. She’s going to need all of them, because her testimony in the trial has put a target on her back.
