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  • Isle of Stars: The Second Book of Moon Mountain

    by Jess Porto

    (Moon Mountain Trilogy, Book 2)

    Morgan Thomas has lost the battle.

    Her body? Stolen as a new vessel for a mysterious being.

    Her mind? Trapped inside a prison within her subconscious, placated by familiar but lifeless settings as she fades away.

    But if her former enemy Vera Gallagher has any say, the war against these shadowy and inhuman thieves has only begun.

    Bound to Morgan by a bizarr... more

  • The Time Anomaly

    by Katie Mitsui
    For all intents and purposes, mild-mannered introvert and engineer Johnathan Davidson of Toledo, Ohio may be one the most influential persons who ever lived. Mostly by accident and without leaving a clear indication of how on earth he accomplished it, Johnathan invented the only time machine that, thus far in the history of humanity, has been proven to actually work. When he made his fateful journey forward, he didn't go alone. Johnathan's machine somehow caused a snag or ripple in the fabric of... more
  • Help! My Dog Is The Chosen One!

    by Ronit J
    Kunal is forced to adventure… Because his dog is the Chosen One! Kunal is just your average guy living on rent in Mumbai, working from home, and suffering from anxiety. His world is turned upside down when his girlfriend asks him to foster a rescued street dog. Despite his qualms, Kunal agrees because ‘What’s the worst that can happen?’ That’s when the extra-dimensional dark lord attacks. The dog is the only one who can stop the dark lord, but he can’t do it without Kunal’s help. Can K... more
  • Mateo's Walk

    by Eugene Nasser
    What so many have feared is finally happening. The global AI system has gone haywire. Authorities are slowly realizing that the Worldwide Integrated Consciousness System (WICS) is beyond human control. WICS is certainly transforming and changing the world, but in ways nobody saw coming. Looking for answers, the American government arrives at Tall Oaks assisted living facility. Mateo, a former programmer who wrote computer code during WICS development phase, is their prime suspect. Despite the f... more
  • Twisted Neuros

    by Z.J. Ryder
    Adnan works in a content marketing agency where humans and AI, called ‘Neuros’, communicate through brain chips. His life turns upside down when he suspects someone has hacked into his chip.
  • Among The Vines And Haunting Skies: The Journal of Samantha Harrow

    by R.L.J. Adams
    In the heart of a tranquil vineyard, Samantha Harrow's life takes a chilling turn. Her journal, once a vessel of personal musings, becomes a haunting chronicle of terror. When a mysterious woman bestows an enigmatic gift upon her, Samantha's idyllic world transforms into a nightmare. As the vines bear witness, and the skies turn ominous, Samantha's journal unveils a descent into horror, where the line between reality and the supernatural blurs. Samantha's heartfelt entries document her struggl... more
  • Parity (Spiral Worlds Book 2)

    by Alexandra Almeida

    Parity, Book 2, SpiralWorlds Series. SPIRAL WORLDS is a literary, sci-fi series for the fans of Becky Chambers’s A Closed and Common Orbit, Alex Garland’s DEVS and Ex Machina, and Charlie Brooker’s Black Mirror. Weaving near-future sci-fi elements with social commentary and queer romantic suspense, the series explores the nature of consciousness and how it's connected to a not-so-secret ingredient—story. As AI consumes the world, intelligence is nothing but the app... more

  • Three Sixes and a Forked Tongue or Cold Medicine and a Liar

    by James Tyler Toothman
    The year is nineteen seventy one. Lost deep in the woods of West Virginia, two childhood friends discover a book that dismantles and unravels everything they once considered reality, And when an enigmatic stranger rolls into their small coal mining town in the back of a Rolls Royce, the teenagers are plunged deep into a world of drugs, sex, music, and violence. Together, the two friends confront the forces of good and evil head on - the unwitting pawns of an eternal game played without rules or ... more
  • Formosan Vampire

    by Amadeus Rockefeller
    A foreign prisoner waiting on Taiwan’s death row is believed by some to be the murderous and powerful leader of a legion of vampires called the Dark Order. However, no one knows why this creature allowed itself to be captured and consequently executed. It isn’t until Eunice Wang, a young paralegal, visits the prisoner before his execution that he tells an epic historical tale about the life that led him to become the Formosan vampire king, reigning for thousands of years over the island kingdom.... more
  • The End of the World

    by H.S. Gilchrist
    In a dystopian future under Technocratic rule, Animkii and Mica enter a post-apocalyptic showdown against an ancient, alien god to save Earth from annihilation.
  • Desiderium

    by W. B. Biggs
    How much can a person lose before she is no longer herself? Memories fade, but when they’re ripped from your mind, they leave a gaping hole. That empty cavity tugs and threatens to swallow me up; its edges erode away as my mind picks at it like a week-old scab. On a journey to find lost memories, travel to a reality where lost things go: a world of misplaced treasures and things best forgotten. Dangers lurk in the dark, and lost hopes light the way. Welcome to Desiderium.
  • Memoirs of a Lyrical Man (Tapestry of Time Book 1)

    by Steven Templar
    In 2014, Jay Hagaki's life as a famous actor and musician is filled with fame and fortune. But when a brush with death sends him back to 2007, the world of celebrity fades, replaced by a seemingly average life—until the danger and intrigue begin. Hunted by shadowy forces, Hagaki is sent on a wild ride, taking him deep into the unknown. Amidst the chaos, he's drawn to a woman who haunts his dreams, her connection to his life a tantalizing mystery. While the present and the future tango in h... more
  • Teendyth: On Desecrated Faith and New-Found Religion

    by StevenMark Maine
    It is a shared trait between all of man that plans are subject to the circumstances that surround them. Plans are futile when so many other things need to be fully taken into account, and more often than not mankind forgets to think of all outside influences. Whether it be coincidence, time, or Putrid Cloud, the self is of least concern when plans are created. Many know of the disappearance of the church Afton Assembly, though most do not know of the man who disappeared with it and how h... more
  • Starfall Book 1

    by T. Newyear
    In this extended tale of cli-fi-meets-historical fiction, Xenia, a woman with an integrated artificial intelligence, embarks on a mission to repair a malfunctioning relay at the edge of the wilderness now called the Flood Zone. As the mission turns to disaster, Xenia and her security contractor find themselves confronting a greater mystery, one that eventually leads them to a strange town in the middle of nowhere, where nothing is quite as it seems. The town, called Harmonie, has a long utopi... more
  • Europa Deep

    by Gary Gibson
    The first manned expedition disappeared while exploring the vast ocean beneath the ice, and fifteen years later, Cassie White is given the chance to join a second expedition—so long as she agrees to investigate secretive experiments carried out by the first. It soon becomes clear the first expedition stumbled onto a secret even greater than the existence of alien life within our own solar system—something hidden in the depths of Europa’s lightless ocean for untold billions of years. But befor... more
